What is it with you guys in wearing polo shirts and crew cuts...

What is it with you guys in wearing polo shirts and crew cuts? Do you think that it makes you look like well groomed responsible adults with a sense of decency?

It's what Mommy picked out for them.

Patently true

>If we hold torches like the KKK, maybe that will make us look intimidating

What a bunch of limp-wristed little cucks. They would lose to the average black man in a fight.

Wow the roadkill are butthurt tonight. I was drinking to you being run out of town on Saturday,


>What is it with you guys in wearing polo shirts and crew cuts? Do you think that it makes you look like well groomed responsible adults with a sense of decency?


Will our Bier Hall riot be known as the White Man's Luau?


(See how we didn't spazz out that you said "you guys"? That's how you can tell we're not niggers.)


Let's show these fucking nazis how real men look.

Are you jealous that even literal hitlers know how to dress like grown men while you still wear your hot topic jeans to the antifa Majick the Gathering tourneys?

Funny enough you should say that

I was listening to legacy media today and this exactly how they described them

As well groomed and completely respectable looking young men

different from the usual felons that show up to these things

So yeah there's that

Yes I'm sure you look JUST like him

At least they have something to look up to.
Can't be a decent communist when pic related is the best you got.

Thanks for letting me set up my professional photo and lighting equipment nazis!

isn't this racist by assuming all black men are physically strong? can you let me know how to tell what type of racism is ok please?

It's the dress of the white frat boy. It's the "I'm a cheesing dork with bougie parents who saw a black couple on the teevee and now I think I'm being oppressed" look. The date rapist uniform.

Man, 3 fatasses dead and you commies get THIS mad?

They are literally mad about people being hurt and killed while mobbing cars like a bunch of lawless degenerates.