Care to comment, shitlibs?

Care to comment, shitlibs?

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there's nothing to explain. tearing down an important symbol was a mistake by them.

what about meeeeeeeeeeee

>lenin responsible for over 100 million deaths
fucking jej
not even stalin could be smeared like that. i cant imagine being this uninformed

Isn't it on private property?

Lenin did nothing wrong.

Black book of communism numbers, really?

I thought you guys were redpilled.

Lenin probly never killed anyone and Stalin might've killed, like, one guy, I don't know.
#blametheculprit #taketheordertaketheblame
But, nah, I understand the point. You're giving liberals a reason to bloviate tho...

>but hitler's holocaust actually had documentation
wow, good thing I didn't need to see it, thanks greatest ally!

Shut the fuck up pinko

Meme magic will bring this worm to the surface

Because Lenin was really good lol.

it does, moron. the 6 gorillion number is obviously inflated, but many more others were killed other than them (5+ million). there is MUCH more evidence than that of the USSR yet you faggots insist on using the same liberal talking points as morons when talking about gommunism

A Lenin statue erected years before the tear down of Confederate monuments is not the same as resisting their dismantlement in predominantly liberal and minority localities.

It's owned by the Carpenter family and they've been trying to sell it, but a lot of people here have asked for it to be removed, it's been vandalized and given red hands so many times that so none of us would really give a shit if someone toppled it.

> no blue checkmark

Literally who?

How many of those murders were racially motivated?

Removing it would be antisemitic. Can't allow that in JewSA.

Oh and people also fag up the statue during Gay pride (it pisses off the commies) so it's not like Freemont has deep respect for it.

this is the angle that needs to be pushed. put them on defense
how many other commie statues are out there?



Please show us evidence that suggests those kinds of numbers for the holocaust.

Because Lenin is the communist demigod. The liberals just want "fascist symbols" taken down.

Most of the Confederate statues were mass produced long after the fact around the Jim Crow era. Nothing to do with history, just glorifying white supremacy.

Not that any of you think thats a bad thing.

It's private property, and more of an ironic statement (privately-owned statue of a communist dictator in the courtyard of a shopping center). I still don't like it, and it would be kind of funny if it got torn down, but it's not worth getting butthurt over. And like this user said it's basically just there for people to mess with anyway.



What are you leftists?

Just because it's an art project for faggot seattleites doesnt mean it cant, or shouldn't, be torn down

Honestly this is an example of the stupidity of the right. Seattle been fucking with this statue for decades. It was put up on a lark in an neighbourhood full of artists and dope shops. It is called irony and sarcasm faggots. The neighbourhood dresses Lenin up, paints it, mocks it, mock worships it, gets loads and load of lulz with it because nobody really care about the politics. The statue is pretty much the physical embodiment of shitposting.

Meanwhile nazi, Albright and nu/pol/: muh statue! Muh white race!

Go ahead, scope out Freemont. No one there is laughing with you, they'll laugh at you.

This graphic shows how late most confederate monuments where put up.

It's pretty logical that they started to put up more monuments when the veterans start to die off.

I'm actually fine with statues of history if they are on privately owned property and are not being bought with tax payer money.

Not Lenin. Joseph Joestalin.


How many people do Antifa want to murder simply for being white?

Lenin was a fucking hero. Stalin is the one who betrayed the revolution. If Lenin hadn't died so young the whole world would be communist right now.