I'll openly admit myself as a newfag, as in on this board for less than a year

I'll openly admit myself as a newfag, as in on this board for less than a year.

Why do we consider him /ourguy/? I know "redpill me on this" isn't really wanted but there's no way I can research this kind of topic except for here.

Other urls found in this thread:


He saved Norway

Because he killed a bunch of fucking traitor scum

Always kill a traitor first

Cuz the people he killed were literally communists openly trying to destroy his country. Also look at that pic, he's awesome even if he's a literal madman.

Norway is better than Sweden because of him

Because his scooba gear looked fucking based

He killed socdem scum and also tried blowing up parliament officials but he kind of botched the bombing
Pic related is a bit more controversial on here because apparently some people support killing nigger lovers but not niggers or something

We accuse lefties of indoctrinating kids with identity politics and Marxism
He shoots up a left wing children camp indoctrinating about 60% PoC with Marxism

I don't condone death, especially death of children, but the fact he did shows it exists. How could he shoot up an indoctrination camp if indoctrination camps are nonexistent?

He wrote about this in his manifesto.

I heard something along the lines that the teens he killed were from some sort of socialist elite.

Still, they were mostly kids, as in still learning about the world. Most of them could've been converted and saved. Most of them were ethic Norwegians, weren't they? That goes especially after a successful right-wing wave, which I feel has been delayed after his actions.


if u werent here for brevik you shouldn't be here at all
no spoonfeeding you're supposed to lurk moar
fuck off newfag

Close your heart to pity
Sure they could be converted if we were in power but we aren't
Breivik sent a message that reverberating on international news

Go research what he did and what he believed in. Also, lurk more newfag. I'm not spoon feeding you shit.

He cracked the code, newfags aren't thinking in portals yet.

Because the police thought they had been invaded by Russia but it was only one guy.

He was framed, just like OJ.

And anyone else talking about spoonfeeding for that matter

Fuck off. You should help our cause instead of being le edgy Sup Forums veteran. You wanted a change in society, now be prepared for people picking up your ideology. Inaction is a form of betrayal as well .

Christian zionists are not our guys.

It's because he chose a terrible target. Want to prove a point? Go into the ghetto and shoot drug dealers.

>Why do we consider him /ourguy/?
anyone who speaks their own truth should be studied, he is a step beyond Charles Manson, or perhaps a step before, I wonder what other motivating factors there could be in those murders, did they owe money or speak against powerful interests

id suggest your lurk more if you don't have any input

you should read threads and think about them and not get your answers 'given' to you

im not gonna feed some random reddit kid pol propagnda to create another cringey neo nazi that can embarrass us and bring more bad publicity like those yanks which leads to more annoying newfags SUCH AS YOURSELF coming here and shitting up the board

Yeah have a possibly autistic kid go into the ghetto and try and track down drug dealers
His target selection was perfect for the national outrage it generated
Point of terrorism is to garner a reaction and he sure got one

Aight faggots
Am reading the manifesto rn and will come back when done. Admins can delete this thread or whatever

Read this too

He is Odinist and was upset when media called him a christian.

Rip in pieces Sup Forums, it was fun while it lasted
>see ya later space cowboys

A white guy going on a rampage against niggers would have made the national news either way.

The fact he choose church-going negros instead of ghetto thugs was a missed opportunity because we could've shifted attention to the niggers he killed and their abhorrent behaviour.

Thanks, will read it through