Is anyone else at the point where they just don't give a fuck about being labeled as racist or nazi

Is anyone else at the point where they just don't give a fuck about being labeled as racist or nazi
It used to bother me when I heard people calling every right wing person a bigot a nazi etc. because I thought the left were sane people who could be convinced
Seeing the aftermath of this Charlottesville shit in the media and social media its obvious people don't give a fuck about anything except for pushing their own agenda. Nonwhites can do anything and it will blow over in a week, whites plan a demonstration against their history being erased and everyone is foaming at the mouth the have them lynched. Its pretty fucking shocking honestly, crime rates, rape gangs, rape, dozens of terror attacks, antifa violence, BLM murders all get swept under the rug and now the whole world is focused on the problem of nationalism.

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Overton window is shifting thanks to trump

Big things happening! Bigly

>whites plan a demonstration against their history being erased and everyone is foaming at the mouth the have them lynched

one of them killed someone like 4 days ago idiot

nazi is a cheap shot. a loaded term. like uncle tom or house nigger.

Agreed. There's no talking to them - Nothing left to do but wait for the shooting to start.

I see it this way, The normal left, not antifa or BLM or hardliners are even calling for out deaths and to silence us. So fuck them, they wanted a boogey man they got it. I no lover care who i offend or run out of my life because they hate me so bad just for my veiws. Fuck them

I feel the same way. Its all so fucking exhausting. I don't even care about what happened in charlottesville, either.

I can feel this world going to shit before my very eyes and it will only get worse thanks to all of the corruption and incompetence taking place all over.

Anyone remember when BLM massacred 5 cops at one of their rallies a year ago?

What about the Bernie bro using a republican politicians at a baseball game as target practice?

>fuck off faggot

yes because "black slave" and "jew exterminator" are comparable

If you arent participating in the trans gay nigger dick sucking olympics you are labeled a nazi. So i dont fucking care anymore and it has pushed me further right and I have no compassion anymore for wacko lefties.

Nope. They thrive on you getting mad at those things or tripping yourself up defending yourself. The key is not to care.

>Is anyone else at the point where they just don't give a fuck about being labeled as racist or nazi
Yep I've been suspended from twitter twice in the last two days.

>What about the Bernie bro using a republican politicians at a baseball game as target practice?

What about Dylan roof? what about x?

What about you coming up with a an actual argument to defend racism in america?

Do not let them label you.

Declare your self as a traditionalist Orthodox Christian Serb.

You started it retard. People are sick of being called racist and nazis for no reason. Congrats, you are turning good people into the things you claim to hate.


>one of them killed someone like 4 days ago idiot
you mean this?

Theres no point even responding, they don't care when its whites getting killed, it doesn't mean anything to them

Now I understand why Serbs pretend Srebrenica never happened. To own it and show regret would create a massive weakness liberals and Jews would exploit to pacify you as they do with Germans and the Holocaust. My Croatian father is wrong you aren't cigani.

>Is anyone else at the point where they just don't give a fuck about being labeled as racist

whenever i hear "racist" i think to myself "realist"

>You started it retard. People are sick of being called racist and nazis for no reason. Congrats, you are turning good people into the things you claim to hate.
They really are retarded, they just can't see people aren't any of those things just because the hate freedom destroying assholes.

Imagine committing so much harassment and actual outright murder against innocent people because they're "nazis" until you start creating actual unironic nazis out of unhinged outcasts.


Cultural homogeneity leads to high trust , low crime societies.

Diversity breaks those societies down.

Western culture is founded on 800 years of British Common Law and property rights, along with Judaeo-Christian morals and values from Jerusalem and science and philosophy from Athens.

Anyone who is not with that program and willing to assimilate should be afraid to speak.

That's you.

We will make you afraid to speak.

This is what it feels like when you're about to be afraid to speak.

I stopped giving a fuck 4-5 years ago...and I've been calling it as I see it ever since...
Got a little survey emailed to me from my bank, asked me on a scale of 0-10, how likely I was to recommend the bank to friends or family...
Earlier that day, I had been in the bank to see about new cheques...they want $55 plus HST and delivery for 50 cheques...
On the survey, I marked '0'...would not recommend...comment box opened, asking for comment, and I said that they were probably too jewy for
Fuckers tried to phone me 4 days in a row...Ima guessing they didn't like my comment...

When everyone's a racist Nazi no one's a racist Nazi. The left has been crying wolf for so long those words no longer have any meaning.

Pure unadulterated premeditated murder. Open and shut case.

But seriously, this guy is going to burn because the pussies who run our "justice" system lack the testicular fortitude to do the right thing.


Acres of room for reasonable doubt.

He will walk.

The Left will chimp out.


Now post this on your Twitter that contains your linkedin and other info

You wouldn't post like this on Sup Forums if you really meant what you said. You're just trying to use this board as your personal hugbox

The fact that you had any respect for them when they labled you such an inflamatory title and tried to pass it as true, when its clearly false, is surprising, the moment I heard them call some random person a nazi and fight tooth an nail to keep up the narrative, I knew the times changed, lies became normal, deceit so blatantly in your face became mainstream. I'm not white, but seeing them make up BS excuses to try and make themselves look good and tear down monuments pisses me off. American history should not be removed.

I used to care about being labeled as a rcist or nazi when i didn't understand Poe's Law, but now I just don't even comment on facebook because I don't want them looking up my parents in the phone book and doing harm which is a common theme among the left.

This is why i still pop in here

Always have three social media accounts.
One for friends and family, one for work or school, and one for shitposting. Use a fake name for the last one. Then you can type whatever the hell you want to.

That's why we're doxing you and informing employers. You don't care if you're a nazi. They do.

>whites plan a demonstration against their history being erased

I'm white, and that's not history that I want attributed to me.

It bothers me. Not because I'm personally offended or anything, but it bothers me just how utterly stupid that person is when they call me a nazi/racist.

If you remove the historical record of injustice, it will repeat you dumb faggot.

>republican politicians at a baseball game as target practice?
you don't here anything about this. down the memory hole it went.

last i heard that guy's pelvis was still all fucked up from the bullet and he can't piss and shit right.

Yeah I got accused of being a racist unfairly by a group of friends at university in 2014 and I thought it was the worst injustice to have happened to me, I was terrified at the loss of status and the impact that would have in my standing with women.
Now I could give two shits: I actually openly say I am pro white nationalist and I don't even care what others think. I will fight and die for the cause if I must. They awoke a lion.

Did someone say "Rape Gangs"?!

Every time a liberal brings this car nazi up it is your duty to bring up the Bernie shooter, emphasize that he shot a politician and did it first.

>Cultural homogeneity leads to high trust , low crime societies.



Yeah pretty much.

I just look at the (((news))) and social media and shit and see NAZI WHITE SUPREMACIST RACIST ETC and just roll my eyes, like yeah call them that again and maybe it'll work this time.

fuck off you nigger lovin kike, your days are numbered, we have had enough
gas for kikes
ropes for niggers
bullets for traitors

shut up you pedophile, nazi, faggot, bitch, cunt commie neocon fascist

Passed that point about three years ago.

you slimy worthless turd
YT has had enough, go back to africa or Israel while you still can

This is the next step,and I think we're just about at that point. The larping bull shit is over with.

I honestly don't want it to happen.....but it's going to whether we want it or not

Soon we will all see

Ive had enough
gas them all, i dont fucking care anymore, no more compassion, Im not interested in a "discussion" fuck them

its not like they listen to reason or logic, so whats the fucking point

lmao you were late in realizing that you newfag


I say whatever I want, whenever I see my liberal friends I always say "what's up my niggas" just to see how they react. They are starting to find it funny now. When a discussion comes up and you have to bring up the "n-word", like "x called y an n-word", I just say nigger instead. Hell over the weekend we were having a cookout and one of the girls called me a he in front of them and I said "did you just assume my gender, shitlord?" Silence for a few seconds, I thought they were pissed, then they busted up laughing. They were a bit upset when I told them I voted for trump but they haven't given me any shit.
But then again my liberal friends aren't progressives and aren't entirely politically correct either.

Europe vs Non- European countries (Most noteably latin America)

America doesn't count because it is still technically a white country and our burden of you invaders hasn't been paid yet (23 Trillion) but come hard times you will realize how much of a hostile shithole this place will be.

Truly our greatest ally. Sorry we got all jewed up and bombed you.

welcome into the club bro

the confederates lost get over it. history is written by winners.

Silly faggot, before long nobody will care anymore...

>Spend years calling white people Nazis

Have fun with the results

Thats why your a fucking coward.
Thats why are family business, that refuses to hire niggers or jews, has also stopped hiring slimy lefty faggots like yourself. We dont need you.

White people should not band together

Diversity is strength

>come hard times you will realize how much of a hostile shithole this place will be.

I love it when you talk dirty, user.

That's how you know we're CURRENTLY living under an authoritarian regime. Add to this affirmative action in school, diversity hires at work, the white/black tax payments versus benefits imbalances, all of it.

That is why I am no longer a libertarian. Our rights are already gone and it's time we retrieve them, since we can still do it democratically. 20 more years and we are at their mercy.

Then pack your fucking bags and go back to africa
you slimy nigger fucker

>That is why I am no longer a libertarian.
We can go back to being libertarians when everyone is white. It only works with white societies.

>Is anyone else at the point where they just don't give a fuck about being labeled as racist or nazi
Yes. I'm right and I know it, so their loaded labels don't bother me at all.

You guys are stupid. It's not a tit for tat, and that guy wasn't marching in a protest about white people n stuff. There was no real purpose for the unite the right, no policy point, no real action. Nothing about worker's rights, nothing about income disparity, or the disappearing middle class. Just some anti-American assholes waving Nazi flags and traitors.

Another Shoah!

Destroying all evidence it happened doesn't make it any less of history.

My family owned slaves back in the old times all affluent families did. This is how things were.

When the war was over and slavery was abolished do you know how many ex-slaves left?


They all stayed and worked the same jobs they had before. History isn't always as it's portrayed in leftist Hollywood cuck movies making every slave owner out to be the devil incarnate.

>Or maybe that's how you want it after all, destroy all evidence of what really happened so you can tell the tale that fits your narrative


there was like, 1 nazi flag. who was probably FBI or some autist nobody even wants to be around.

There were several. It is known that there's always been white supremacists in law enforcement, so to say that maybe FBI, while may be true, doesn't negate the point.

What are you even talking about?

Humans are ego and self.
Self implies an animal, an animal that identifies to a group. Blue birds do not fly with the red birds.
Here is what I mean by self is an animal.
If you look at the statistics, people who didn't have parents around tend to have kids earlier in their lives, it's a survival reflex. It can be observed on a large scale in post war scenarios. It's above what you can comprehend but it partly dictates what you do beyond your thoughts.
Multiculturalism is a form of genocide and it will lead to conflict as soon as we enter what we call in psychology a conflict of realist group.

Most people under 21 don't know anyone who was alive during WW2. The word "Nazi" is becoming a general insult or a the "soup nazi". As for racist, well everything that some SJW does not like is "racist".

>Is anyone else at the point where they just don't give a fuck about being labeled as racist or nazi
I have been that way for years, and it is liberating. Eventually you will find other nazis just like you. You will begin to hunt and fish more often with others. Your kids will play sports together. Your lawn will have clover, but its ok because you will own it in a few short years. The markets are up, and you think about moving and making 40% profit. Hell, I even quit drinking.

It is delightful.

If that is a nazi, than count me in.

>There were several.
so what, like 5? it's bad optics, yes. but nobody is really truly a member of the NSDAP. it doesn't exist anymore. they died out in 1945.

I have a friend who is super lib, got a DUI and spent one night in jail with savages.

Gets out of there and refers to blacks as having "CNS" - crazy nigger syndrome.

Red pilled.

I mention this almost daily.
I'm sick of these fags that think they are right all the time.
If they want to call me a Nazi, so be it.

Lol, that's a good one.
I think I'll do the same.
I have one life to live on this planet, might as well say what I want.

Good god this, Shit has been shoved in my face so fucking hard that I dont fucking care anymore about any cause or movement and I'm just outright hateful now. Trans, blacks, faggots, liberal 20 something dipshits, feminists.

At this point I wish for Sharia law just to get the legal grounds to start killing motherfuckers.

Neo-Nazi's are real bro. Why bring that flag to "preserve white history?" I'm all for free speech, but that shit is straight stupid. These assholes waving the confederate flag and the swastika claiming to be patriotic. Fucking worthless pieces of shit with nothing to do but whine.

I'm black and yet I'm fully down for nazism at this point because ppl just cant seem to leave me the fuck alone. Whether they're on my side or against, all everyone talks about these days is socio-political horseshit. You can only force me to care so much. I knew I was right when I assumed letting this trans faggot lifestyle take root was gonna open the floodgates.

I've been there pal. I've had people call me nazi before I even met them because I'm Dutch. I don't really give s fuck what you call me, now when you start to threaten my personal safety that's when I get mad. My family moved here after WW2 so I don't have ties to the South like some Confederate boys but I've lived here my whole life so I know what side I'll be fighting for when the day comes.

yes i agree it doesn't help. but just because a few dorks are larping with nazi memorabilia doesn't mean everyone in the movement are dorks larping as nazis. also, i don't know where you're from (probably not the south), but the confederate flag is 100% patriotism. maybe you don't understand, but i do (i'm from texas).

You do realize it was a State Flag... Before fags got uppity.

the only people trump pissed off are the people who hate him anyway, nothing lost, nothing gained

I yam what I yam.

Hey Sup Forums can we make him the new symbol of the alt right?

I'm from the south. The secessionists are traitors by definition. It might be heritage, it's definitely part of the history, but I don't think IMHO that they're worth venerating in our public spaces. Put them in museums and whatnot, not Emancipation Park FFS.

>The secessionists are traitors by definition.
treason is betrayal or aiding an enemy. leaving a political union is neither.

I'm telling you this now...people are only going to be pushed so far before they snap. This crap has been going on for years and people are starting to get tired of being called Nazis because they don't bend over for big daddy government or capitulate to communist terrorists or black supremacists who are openly supported by the left. When the dam breaks liberals will be shot in the streets and the police will be overwhelmed. Don't think it can't happen because it will.

>Lives in Western Europe.

So naming yourself an enemy of the government isn't treasonous? I don't buy that. Anyway, there's a middle road to walk here, not centrist, but there's no need to flock with mob mentality destroying the monuments. Have them taken down safely as has been the plan in many states for months.

Of course rhis will happen. The natural conclusion to years of liberal identity politics against whites.
Decades. It is happening already. Dodge but. Antifa and blm would love to kill normal right wingers if can.
It is a soft civil war now.
Cold civil war.

OR not have them taken down unless voted by the majority.

Nobody listened...

T. I feel white guilt because of movies and Jewish fictional media.