Why was it okay for Hitler to kill the Jews?

Why was it okay for Hitler to kill the Jews?

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It wasn't okay. It was genocide. Not okay.

Well see this is the problem, nobody lets the Nazis ever have a rally or ever interviews us, so they don't get it
We don't believe he killed any Jews

Look up weimer sex changes

He didn't. But they deserved it for what they did to the German people.

Cos whatever whatever he does what he wants.

I just watched a vice documentary interviewing people at that recent rally and they were literally insane. I've met radical Islamists and the mentality is much the same

It would have been, if he had.

They were political enemies and actively attempted to subvert the government. It was just coincidental that a lot of them were jews.

what about the images of many many starved dead bodies and mass graves.

because they wanted to kill Hitler

>Why was it okay for Hitler to kill the Jews?
he didnt kill jews



Self defense.


Hispanic = his panic. His panic when he attempts to cross the border. Jews did this.

*commie jews

it was necessary to use as leverage internationally, to justifiy the creation of the state of israel

Post-WWI Germany was frequently under threat of balkanization and civil war by communist groups, typically led by jews (whether coincidental or not). The Bolsheviks, for example, had a high concentration of jewish leaders and it didn't help their image when Lenin (another jew) waged a war against Poland with the stated goal of spreading communism into Germany by force.

During the German revolution of 1918, plenty of jewish-led communes sprung up and the result is pretty predictable. Hitler witnessed the Bavarian commune firsthand and you can read more about it here en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/People's_State_of_Bavaria

It was a pretty brutal sequence of events and a good number of future nazi leaders participated in the suppression of the communes via the Freikorps. It can be inferred that these events led to the general association of jews with communism as well as being the enemies of the German people. I'm not agreeing with it, but nazism wasn't a random or unprovoked act of aggression against a scapegoat as western public education would have you believe.

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