Should I tick the organ donor box on my license application? I was wondering what Sup Forums thought about it. Bad...

Should I tick the organ donor box on my license application? I was wondering what Sup Forums thought about it. Bad? Good?

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>giving away your organs for FREE!
doesnt get more cucked than that

they're gonna let you die so they can steal your organs

>caring about meat sacks after death

that said I don't check the box

Unironically this, do not believe anything they say about "doing everything they can to say someone regardless of whether or not they're an organ donor".

I didn't.

I would be an organ donor if I could specify whom could receive my organs, I think that's reasonable, after all, they're my motherfucking organs.

Who knows what kind of shitbag could get my organ if I die? Probably some little fucktard I'd hope would die.

So, I'm not a fucking organ donor.

Bet you were rubbing those hands good after you posted that didn't you?

>would you donate a car?

Since your organs will only go to people who are close genetic matches, yes.

I pity the poor fuck who gets my shitbox organs. They might as well squeeze one last drink out of my liver before they expire.

If you're not an organ donor you're a piece of shit. I would unironically support a law that took away the option not to be a donor.

>get in car accident
>paramedics come
>check your lisence
>organ donor
>Hey look Dave, here's that heart we need!
>Nothing we could do, dispatch.

>giving blood

used to do it very regularly
...was shocked by 40-some percent of blood goes to googles
nignogs only donate 1% to blood bank

Haha I dont drink or smoke so my organs must be more valuable.

Yeah I saw a tweet from a Black Lives Matter guy saying that if youre black dont tick the yes box or police will kill you.

Bad, in the US they steal your organs of organseven if you don't say you will donate them.
(((They))) profitter from the sale of organs and body parts

Nice digits

Is this true? I would rather give my organs to someone white than some fucking indian or arab

The only reason you should tick the organ donor box is if you ride a motorcycle.

EMT here we don't have a choice. If someone dies under our care, lawyers will be filling all kinds of litigation. In fact saying that you are an organ donor is actually a better way to stay alive because EMTs will try extra hard to make sure you don't die and get sued. In addition, an organ donor is treated extra carefully in order not to damage their organs in the case that they do die. You get better service and ironically are less likely to die if you volunteer to donate your organs. Can't say much about the cunts at the hospital though.

KEK! All those stabbings and gunshot wound cases require a lot of blood!!
Fortunately my blood is too poisoned to be of any use to anybody.

>Dying because you don't understand or value your own meat sacks.

No, that is reserved for the (((surgeons))) who make 180 grand each putting your free organs into some highly insured person's body.

considering I just watched a doctor try to kill my mother through incorrect diabetes treatments, because he admittedly didnt like her, I wouldnt give them a reason to even think about chopping me up for parts. when I renew my licence i am removing my donor status.

There was a thread a month or two ago with anons posting personal horror stories about how family members literally got harvested.
>went in to emergency room for some freak thing
>put into comas with bogus brain death diagnosis
>eventually harvested

Don't check the box.

Yes, the closer genetically the donor and recipient are the more likely it is that the transplant will be successful. The upshot of this is that mutts will fucking DIE, and that's a beautiful thing.

The argument against being an organ donor is that the hospital crew will not work as hard to keep you alive. But there's something far more worse. I'll sum it up. No bullshit, you can easily verify with a google search.

>The organ donor must be alive (usually kept alive by machines) when organs are removed
>The organ donor must be diagnosed as brain dead for organ transplantation to take place
>Most of the time doctors don't make this diagnosis, but nurses do
>A fucking ton of cases where patients whom are diagnosed as brain dead have woken up. Some of them woke up only minutes before the transplant was about to take place
>During the actual transplant, the donor is given intravenous medication which paralyzes him, but no anesthesia
>Doctors argue that this is to keep the body from having reflex responses to being cut, and that brain dead patients feel no pain

Now imagine you're wrongfully diagnosed as braindead by some nigger nurse. The doctor comes in, gives you some meds to paralyze you, and then starts removing organs while you feel it.

Read up on it. It's fucking real.

>be you
>some rich superkike like Soros wants your heart
>you are involved in a horrible "accident" out of nowhere
No thanks.
Plus it's against free market principles. You literally give something away and they sell it for ten- if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. You should get preferable insurance policies or a refund for being an organ donor, then we can talk.

Is it possible to uncheck the box?

You should donate your dick, so somebody could get some use out of it.

>not taking your organs with you into the underworld


Thanks for the judgement Dr. Dipshit, too bad all those non donors are cutting into your profit margins, good luck getting that law passed that forces them to give you their literal flesh to maximize your profits.

>Not doing cryonics and living forever
It's like you want to be jipped out of life. This is the one time in history where it's possible, why not try?

>I would be an organ donor if I could specify whom could receive my organs

until they have the box that says, no niggers,
I wont do it.

In England and other countries with socialized health care, you can't even get on the list to have dozens of major surgeries and procedures if you aren't an organ donor.

I didn't because I heard they are more likely to let you die

Medfag: organs that are donated need to be matched to the donors own antibodies. Having a good tissue match often means having the same race of both donor and recipient.

This post sounds Jewish as fuck. Of course an EMT isn't going to admit he is a professional organ harvester

I did this once when I was buying weed all the time, figured if a cop pulled me over they would be more lenient, it did work a few times. When I went to renew my DL 4 years ago I decided not to bother with it again.

Not until the process is changed. An alcoholic on his second liver shouldn't top the list.


I ride a motorcycle, they practically force you to when you get your license.

I have it ticked, I also donate blood regularly
I do it for free chocolates, and in case of my organs, when I will be dead, I won't care anymore, this meat suit is only temporary ways of locomotion for my soul and conciousness anyway

thats because they know you guys die, a lot.

Apparently for them to harvest your organs you have to be considered "Brain Dead" but your body still functional.

I'm trying out when exactly they consider you that.

Honestly, the thought is horrifying that they might purposy let you die to harvest you.

This is just another Industry and the threat of greed is ever present

Any organ that is going go be implanted in the recipient has to match on nearly all the HLA antigens. HLA is your immune system 'Friend or Foe' checker.

fuck no don't do it

organ donation can only take place on LIVING people i.e. before respiration and circulation cease

the methods for determining "brain death" are not guaranteed to be accurate

people have woken up during their organ donation surgeries


>in case of my organs, when I will be dead, I won't care anymore
You might not be quite dead when they decide its the most profitable opportunity to give your organs to someone else, though.

Fellow EMS here

Be safe brother

It's literally the opposite of this, at least in the US. They can't harvest your vital organs if your heart isn't pumping so once they declare you brain-dead, they give you a paralytic so your body doesn't move while they carve you up without anesthesia. No big deal if you are actually brain dead but there's no agreed-upon criteria for being brain dead and people have woken up on the table after being declared brain-dead and right before being cut open.

Don't do it unless you want to risk your last few hours on earth being agonizing torture.

The important thing to know is that your organs are useless if you're dead. They have to take them while your heart is still beating and supplying the organs with oxygen. That's why they invented the meaningless term "brain death," so they can declare you dead while you're still alive, and harvest your organs, killing you in the process.

If that sounds good to you, go ahead.

That's horrifying. In Austria it doesn't affect your choices but healthcare isn't that socialized (pro forma it is, and you pay for Mouhammad and his 12 kids, but if you actually want to get an doctor's appointment or have luxuries like dental care you better pay up).

I don't like to give anyone incentive to take my organs before I'm done with them.

I do not really care, if I were paralyzed by brain damage or something it is not like I could prevent them from cutting me in 100 ways or so

>Honestly, the thought is horrifying that they might purposy let you die to harvest you.
This wouldn't surprise me at all. I imagine plenty of doctors have an "angel of death" mentality where if they let you die they can harvest your organs and save four other people, so in the end it's really a good thing in their mind

They just put people on high doses of immunosuppression and special diets for the rest of their lives.


As a motorcycle (donorcycle) rider I was pressured into signing up. My orthodox jewish friend who took the class with me did not, no joke.
I probably won't change my status until penis transplants become more feasible because I don't want mine going to some bulldyke on hormones.

>Agree to give away your organs when you die
>Jews then sell your organs for huge amounts of profit

Nope! not gonna give away a heart they are gonna sell for 100k+ away for free. Thats dumb as fuck.

know someone related to the family that's an alcoholic, was on his deathbed with liver disease, and received a new liver under the condition he wouldn't drink.

mother fucker got the liver, and still drinks to this day. i won't even look at him during family gatherings.

>getting absolutely NOTHING in return for donating your organs
>decreasing your chances of being kept alive
>risk being cut open ALIVE while paralyzed to live out your final moments in complete holocaust-style agony

if you check that box you are a complete MORON

Ok I have decided that I wont chose to be a donor cuck.

My mother was an ER nurse and took care of a liver recipient. First thing he asks out of anesthesia is when he can have a drink.

Alcoholism should be an automatic disqualifier.


I think these days it is. That's kind of fucked up though. You don't think they should be able to live as they please? I thought this board loved freedom.

They don't transfer organs from dead people, you have to be alive to do a transplant aka "brain dead" which has no real definition and is very vague.

I'll be god damned if I give my organs to some jew or nigger


Count me the fuck out.

Very rarely, and thats just for things like kidneys where we have a huge deficit.

We need to legalize selling organs in the US

Right. And how did these anons know the brain death was "bogus"? Years of NEET training?

The er doctors let my friend die because they thought he was poor. I absolutely would not be surprised if they would purposely let a person die to harvest their organs.

Emergency physicians are everyday people, just because they put their blue uniforms on it doesn't mean they automatically become a Saint. If they got pulled over in the morning or are in a bad mood and you happen to be the one needing to be rescued, consider yourself fucked.

Yeah I've heard shit like this, considering taking my name off the list...Don't do it.

It is. Any substance abuse is.

Aside from the very real issue of being harvested for your organs while you are alive and saveable, most people on transplant waiting lists are dumb shits who refused to take care of their health. Drinking, smoking, eating garbage, never leaving the couch except to make a snack plate of beer and twinkies. Fuck them. They made their choice.

Because there have been hundreds, if not thousands of cases in which people diagnosed as brain dead have woken up?

Some of them hours or minutes away from having their organs harvested.

Use your fucking brain, you dense cunt.

Nurses are not legally allowed to make a medical diagnosis, as this is the job of the doctor
t. nurse

Except EMS personnel can't actually remove organs and if your heart isn't pumping, then the organs can start to die.

I hope your mother or child dies a slow, painful death while on an organ waiting list.

citation needed

Imma need those organs after Jesus resurrects me

They have machines that pump your heart for you

See for just a couple of examples.

Use google to find more yourself. Or do you need a fucking brain transplant?

No, there was that nigger who got a new heart and then was killed by police for being a nigger.

they are the organ harvesting takes a team

Wow two sensationalized MSM articles. So if two people in the past 10 years out of tens of millions wake up that must mean the whole thing's a sham.

You're a special brand of retard.

Louis Theroux talks to several people fitting that description and the puzzled doctors who attended to them in this documentary.

I think that someone who has destroyed their body by their own poor choices ought to be held accountable for it.

Transplants are incredibly expensive and burdensome on the people and the healthcare system. To receive such a gift and abuse it is incredibly disrespectful and shows an extreme lack of care for your life, which other people saved.

So no, drug abusers (of any sort) shouldn't get organs. They should get hospice.

It took me 10 seconds and a shallow look to find 14 separate cases in the US alone in the last 7 years. Keep digging, and it'll be a lot more than just the google frontpage.

Perhaps you do need a brain transplant.

Havister defense force incoming

If they have made other good choices that allow them to pay for the services, they are still being held accountable.

This. If you're on an organ list you most likely deserve it or have weak inferior genes that deserve to die off.

In this case the user said by reducing the respirator setting his mother would come around and communicate, ask to be taken home, even tried to rip her own tube out. They turned the setting back up because "braindead" lol, she went back into a coma and "died" a few days after so they could harvest her.

This thread is making me have second thoughts about buying a motorcycle

>I have decisions to take. Better go ask some random idiots on a shitpost-galore pseudo-political image board on a degenerate website designed by weeaboos for weeaboos.

I did, because it won't matter to me - I'll be fucking dead. Pretty simple. What happens after I'm gone, whether it makes the world a better place, whatever, I don't care. My meat's there, do what you want with it - or don't. It won't affect me.

Mate do you forget how huge the organ waiting list is and how incredibly tiny the organ pool is in comparison? Organs don't grow on fucking trees mate, not to mention blood type has to be taken into account which narrows the list even further. Imagine that fucking alcoholic gets a new liver over a guy who actually takes care of himself, second guy dies. In short, you're dumb and should eat a dick

I'd rather just leave my organs to a family member.

Imagine that first guy is rich and single handedly pays off the college of the surgeon's and one of their kids while the other guy needs 100% tax payer money and insurance money to afford the transplant.

Im an organ donor. But just in the last 1-2 weeks someone died at a minr near where I work (the mine is called goonyella riverside). He sustained a massive head injury during welding and it was a death sentence, they kept him alive just so his organs would be fresh for donating. I'm not even memeing look up the accident.

>second guy dies

And now his heart is available for the next guy who doesn't deserve it. One organ down, another one up.