Should transgenders have more rights?

Should transgenders have more rights?

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>more rights

no, they have as many as they should

They should have less

Youre a sexless virgin faggot


They should have none.

The only thing trannies should get is a chance to repent and accept Christ before their execution.

>should the mentally ill
receive special treatment?

not at the expense of my rights

>are you lost? or young troll?

>accept Christ
what if he doesn't exist?

I may be a sexless faggot, but don't you dare call me a virgin

Absolutely none at all, and they should be put in insane asylums too.

We should give zero shits about what they do. I refuse to have my taxes raised so there can be potty police.

>than you are doomed...

the historical man, is undeniable
the divine part, you may or may not believe

>Should people have rights?

Hajah u a fag. Never seen tits before hub retard


""transgenders"" should not all be lumped into one big fucking group, have their mental illness validated and encouraged and then be railroaded into radical body mutilation. How many of these fucking people end up eating a gun or swinging from a rope? It's evil as fuck.


>Should transgenders have more rights?
Than what?



Ah, that's the trannies with their dicks cut off.

More rights for their inability to be normal?

How is this my fault again?

take solace in the fact that there is a 75% chance they both committed suicide

Should homosexuals have rights?
Should negros have rights?


> sexless
> virgin

Two negatives make a positive.

Translation: You're a faggot.

Which means you may or may not have had sex, but if you did it was with the same sex.

Thus is infact a faggot, but we're not sure about the virgin part.

>Should negros have rights?

The most disgusting trips i have ever seen.

Name one (1) reason why humans should have any rights and not have their lives ruled by Skynet.

Yes. Specifically they should have the right to seek treatment for their mental illness and there should be laws against hormone therapy and sexual reassignment surgery. Protect trannies from themselves, don't let the jews chop their dicks off.

I don't care whether they have more rights.
But I don't want everyone elses rights cut to accommodate them.


>posting this on Sup Forums


They should be euthanized by means of a baseball bat and it should be broadcast on national and international television with a laugh track played over it.

Cnn should try it. Might boost their shit ratings

The right to be treated like a human for starters. The right to use the bathroom without a bunch of stupid hicks making a scene. The right to transition without the fda putting up outdated, biased roadblocks. The right to fight for their country instead of being dismissed as "mentally ill". The right to not be discriminated against when looking for employment. The right to not receive stares and rude snickers from strangers. But most importantly the right to be happy.

>right to be happy

they deny this right to themselves by rejecting biological reality and substituting one of their own.

you're a cuck and you need to go back to you know where


Really edgy extremist views you have there, didn't you hear what Trump said during the press conference? Stop pretending to be a Nazi already, jeez.

Sooo... more rights than what?

wait, what?

Fags should be put to death

Those last two can't be legislated and aren't exactly rights.

I think you should be gassed you evil fascist nazi tyrant

What rights are they missing exactly?

Could you please cut it out? That's a very extremist and violent mentality that taints our public image, user.


They should have children taken away from them for indoctrinating them into being genderless/trans.

I bet you were adopted. Or redheaded step child?

Get fucked nazi

All mentally ill ''people'' should hang

redpill thread?





Lost so hard I woke my girlfriend up.


fucking mentally ill faggots, kek

Honestly, extremist behaviour such as yours is likely some form of anti-social mental disorder, that doesn't mean that you should be killed, does It? Personally, I don't think you deserve to die.


if you can't contribute to society and whine all the time, you don't deserve to live

Saw a bunch of autistic people at the mall today. They barely looked human. They were screaming and literally drilling all-over the place.
These kinds of "people" should be put out of their misery.

>goyim (not to scale)

I respectfully disagree and humbly ask you to review this video for a mature and detailed counter-response.
Please tell me what you think my gay friend.

They should have the same amount as everyone else.
They should be able to serve in the military. If they can make it through MEPS.
In the USA every person should have the same rights.

But that does NOT mean that anyone should have "more" rights than anyone else, and that's the part that gets lost on the left.


You are a dumbfuck

>"let's give degenerate faggots who are severely mentally fucked guns. Let's see them as legitimate, normal, and moral people."

Fags should be given NO rights except the right to die

So you want that they diletating for the rest of their life?

Finally some rationality on pol for once

>Breast ironing, also known as breast flattening, is the pounding and massaging of a pubescent girl's breasts, using hard or heated objects, to try to make them stop developing or disappear.

I assume it is to make the girls """""boys""""""

Mentally ill people should have very little rights besides the right to receive treatment for their disability.

They can buy guns now. They're obviously not killing other people with them, or at least nobody has reported on it. If they kill themselves, why do you care? You said in your post they deserve to die.

The point I was trying to make, was that if they adhere to other societal norms, have jobs, and pay taxes then why should I give two shits what they do with their genitals? That shit doesn't affect me, and it doesn't affect you so quit getting stressed about it.

Saved, pretty good user

dear nigger, learn what racism is or kys

As a fringe extremist minority, doesn't it make sense that you are contributing the least society as society is people and almost no people agree with your worldview?

You sound like a faggot yourself.

>it doesn't effect me, so why should I care? Fuck society, the family, morality, science, and truth? It's all about me!

Eat shit


I'm obviously not convincing you of anything. You have a lot of hatred inside of you, perhaps you should turn to God for answers. Go to the church and they will give you a Bible. Read it and learn from it.

I will pray for you, brother.

I have to work in the morning so I'm going to to bed. Stay strong.

>Right to fight for their country
Then they should stop slowing down the rest of the military with their self consciousness.


We should subsidize their suicides.

I have the right to be happy but I'm sitting her in this fucking room jacking off to cartoons and arguing with some fucking degenerate on the internet.
Where's my autist rights defense force?


PROOF: What really happened at Charlottsville.

breh the special snowflakes in the military get sexually confused near traps and they cant control themselves so they want trans people banned lol just say what this is really about. special snowflakes that thought they were straight want to eat trap ass and it makes them scared and confused


What the fuck is this

My favorite thing on pol in a long time.

fookin kek m8



>my argument: [not an argument]
classic riley j. dennis

"Women withot vaginas" are not women.If you have a penis YOU ARE A MAN.
>should trannies have more rights
What rights dont they have? Can they not vote,or do anything a normal person can't do?

The only extra right these degenerates should have is euthanasia! Maybe an extra tax to offset the costs of their treatment and detrimental effects on society.



>that was the real me before surgery
Strange how that thing realizes chopping off it's dick was a bad idea bt STILL THINKS it's a woman. How oblivious can you get?

If gender is a social construct than so is trans-genderism. Social constructs are mental abstractions of irrational humans with no objective existence in material reality. Gender does not exist. Trans genders do not exist.

Sexual dimorphism is the division of a species physical bodies into distinct sexes, in humans expressed as two sexes male and female. Apart from genetic malformations or birth defects, there are no other naturally occurring sexes in humans. Sex is an objective physical state that is empirically tied to material reality expressed as a genetic differentiation. It is not possible to change ones genetic disposition. Therefore there is no trans-sex. No individual can change the orientation of their genes.

There are no genders, trans genders or trans sexuals that exist in this physical universe we occupy. It is illogical to wish more rights for something that does not exist.

There are humans with genetic information that is either male or female, and physical bodies that were developed according to the sexual dimorphism encoded by thier genes who pretend that they can become something they are not, something that does not exist