We need to take back the Narrative

Charlottseville was a major screwup but we can fix it. We need someone here to go commit a false flag against the right. It's the only way to force the media to report the truth. The fact that as Trump stated, both sides are the problem. This would save Trump's bad PR right now and it would help save the movement.

Someone needs to take one for the team. I'd do it myself, but I'm studying abroad right now. You need to make sure you erase any evidence of your support for Trump. Make sure you establish some anti-Trump presence on the internet. Then just go for it. Crash into a group of alt righters. They expect to see one of us in the wreckage brother.

You say you support this movement, well now is the time to prove it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Seriously. No takers?

That's fucking stupid.

The right did nothing wrong, don't listen to the fake news.

That's not the point.

You're a dumbass mate.

>we should somehow feel responsible for a schizophrenic's actions.

Lol nope, he's more welcome with the people he drove into.

Straight to the camps in my world.

How so?
If you have a better solution, I'm all ears

FBI thread

That's your opinion. The general public sees a neo Nazi running over a bunch of peaceful protesters. The narrative's been set

>the narrative has been set

Ohhh im shaking, just like the Russia narrative has been set?

Face it, not a single opinion has changed in the past week. Not one.

And you know this how?
Open your fucking eyes. We're being hammered left and right. We need to do something.

No we don't.
Don't do anything, it will solve itself.

>We're being hammered left and right.
What else is new?

Nothing has changed other than the volume of the autistic screeching. You newfag

True zen-pill

>commit false flag

As if actual leftists and niggers aren't going to get revenge this weekend

watch the google protests go down

Pathetic, now you faggots don't have the guts to do what it takes to keep this thing going.
We're fucked

just antagonize a leftist to do it.

fwiw, you'll never be able to successfully take back the narrative.

I hope you're right but I doubt it.


That's not how any of this works

But he's in jail because he screwed up. I didn't screw up. OP is posting from the faggot dimension.

nigger the alt-left is literally on the verge of chimping out, we don't have to anything right now

I know you're larping but Charlottesville is a step in the right direction. Rabid leftist fuckers need to know they will be removed.

We can still salvage this situation but someone needs to answer this call to action

Nice try CIA

Make content memeing that the establishment is now openly communist friendly.

Make Trump comment on it. See they losing their shit.


Trump got elected because the left over stepped their shit. they are doing the same thing again. Just let this play out, they are removing historical monuments for Christ's sake. Even normies will think this is fucked in the long run. Don't interrupt your enemy...

hurry lads! we need nignogs, rastafarians, and other homeless people working on memes!

Nice try Antifa faggot.

Fuck off back to your containment website bitch

Yep but no one here is that stupid(i hope) so we need to make reddit and td do it

I'm suggesting that we frame Antifa. Why would I do that if I'm Antifa.
You know I'm right about what should be done. This is what needs to happen.

death to richard 'alt-trite' spencer!

Obviously FBI, no-one here is retarded. Unlike yourself. How about doing your actual job?

go to bed FBI

You know I'm right about this faggot.
I don't see any other way.

(((OP))) Sup Forums is a board of peace

>Soros uses colours and flags for revolution. Insists on monuments and historic references be removed from targeted country:
>The telltale signs of George Soros and CIA destabilization efforts can be found in the flags that appear in crowds of protesters.

"Soros and his acolytes saw the importance of symbology in the writings of Gene Sharp of the Albert Einstein Institution in Boston, Massachusetts.

"Using the Sharp template and financing from Soros and the CIA-linked National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Symbols were used in the themed Arab Spring revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Ukraine (among 30+ others).

Soros is now instigating a color revolution in the US against Trump.

"It is well-known that Soros finances the Black Lives Matter group and the flags "Black Lives Matter" flags appear throughout America, while historical flags like the 13-star «Betsy Ross» flag from the American Revolution; the Gadsden Flag bearing the motto "Don’t Tread on Me", a slogan popularized by Benjamin Franklin; and any flag bearing any symbols from the Confederate States of America were denounced by Soros-funded pressure groups as "racist"

"There were demands that these historical American flags be banned from cemeteries, parks, historical battlefield sites, and other locations.
"This was yet another "false flag" attack by Soros and those who wants to alter American history and impose a regime of extreme political correctness in violation of the free speech clause of the U.S. Constitution.

"As a result of Sharp’s roadmap to revolution, flags and symbols are potent weapons.

Source: strategic-culture.org/news/2016/09/26/george-soros-false-flag-factories.html

agreed. trump should never try to appease the media. theyre constantly on defense, they should be all out offensive from here on out

Someone literally shot the whip and the press barely covered it. Some fat cunt has a heart attack after a knucklehead plows some commie faggots and the cucks lose their minds. Its fucking over. I say we start making hitlists and quietly making these antifa faggots disappear.

Turned on CNN. They're saying Trunp called Neo Nazis 'very fine people' again for the 100th time.

Come on faggots. Someone needs to fucking do this. Swing the pendulum back.

Dude, Antifa has been given the green light to assault anyone they deem to be a "Nazi".
Bodies are going to be piling up on the right with or without your idiotic false flag.
Anyone who disagrees with them is a target, martyrs for the right will be created, but at great cost.

Well where are the martyrs on the right? So far we haven't had any. Waiting would take too long. Who knows if it will even happen.