Are Antifa the good guys? Seriously asking. They are fighting nazis...

Are Antifa the good guys? Seriously asking. They are fighting nazis. I'm not trolling what does antifa do that's bad if they only defend decent people from nazis?
If they are bad please tell me why and how they are bad.
If they are good tell me why and how they are good.
Again not trolling seriously asking

Other urls found in this thread:


> They are fighting Nazi's so the must be the good guys
> Long as I ignore them destroying public and private property during their tantrums everywhere they go

yes we are the good guys, we can't let the nazis stop us

I've been looking for this artist forever. Anyone got a link to the artist?

They just destroyed historic landmarks in the south dude. How is that a good thing? Those who erase history will repeat it.

They rarely really attack "nazis". More often, they attack people who are not left wing and people who stand up for free speech. They're useful idiots used by the establishment to bully opposition.
Also, the "nazis" they do attack only stand for the preservation of their people. When you protest against becoming an ethnic minority in your own country, you aren't automatically a Nazi. In non-white countries, anti-immigration attitudes are the norm, whereas whites aren't allowed to have an in-group preference.

>Antifa are fighting Nazis

>Every Right of Stalin is a Nazi


>I disagree with you, therefor you're a Nazi.
>I attack Nazi's because Nazi's words are violence.
>I also attack private property because I'm a commie faggot who doesn't respect anything
Pretty much sums it up. If antifa were the "good guys" or even decent people, they wouldn't behave like spoiled little brats, thugs and vandals.

That's not antifa that's some homosexual parade

>defending people
>burning people's cars
>obstructing traffic
>robbing businesses

Select the statement that doesn't match.

Go on YouTube and search Antifa Attacks or Violence.That is all you need

shut up you're an embarrassment

That's a good point! I'm not here to argue I'm trying to learn so I can decide for myself.
Some say those historic artifacts and statues are by bad Americans from the past. What is your response to that argument?

So you're saying white people who are marching for white civil rights are all called nazis in an attempt to shame and intimidate them into silence?

Not an argument or discussion

They blindly fight fascists, but clearly have no idea who is a fascist and end up beating a lot of innocent people in a cowardly way.

They're mostly thugs, masked thugs who also hate law enforcement and attack cops doing their job just the same.

Also they tend to be communists and support islamofascist regimes so I don't even know what to make of it.

PS: If you think they're fighting for you, talk to some. They don't give a fuck about you.

They full syringes with HIV positive blood and inject it into people

The problem there is that 'antifa' deems whatever they disagree with as Nazi's

Similar soviet accusing citizens of being treasonists

Many of them, yes. Libertarians, who follow an ideology that is about as far from national socialism as possible, who oppose whites becoming minorities are accused of being Nazis.
Even the "Nazis" like Richard Spencer aren't calling for genocide or racial imperialism, only the preservation of white nations. That isn't a radical, hate-filled idea. It is common sense. Replace white with black or Chinese in this context, and it makes sense to everybody, but when whites start caring about their own people, they're "Nazis".
The word "Nazi" also de-legitimises them. The average Joe Bloggs watching the news seeing "neo-Nazi rally" isn't going to have much sympathy with the protesters.

I say the statue of that communist from Washington is dedicated to the evil regime, an ideology of boshivism that genocided 20 million Christians in Russia, but for some reason Antifa isn't for tearing down

*in, I mean
Not from

Do good guys wear balaclavas?

>not trolling
When you post that under the EU flag, it is obvious you're trolling. Antifa uses violence and threats to silence everyone they don't agree with. They have no rational arguments or a constructive plan for society. They are demons.

Yeah dude, I totally see all those people clamoring for slavery to be brought back.

Confederate statues should be in a museum, not on public land.

The Antifa is the paramilitary wing of Leftists. They are not good people. They are in it for power, chaos and sexual perversions. They get a kick out of it, that's why they do it. They are destructive anarchists, they want to destruct everything but they never build anything.

>Are Antifa the good guys?
>They are fighting nazis.
Then they're obviously not the good guys, you dolt.

They are not. If they were JUST fighting nazis, then yes. but they also attack law abiding citizens for no other reason than be white, or support trump. they are fascists, their entire movement is a contradiction. If they were only to attack nazis, I would denounce it as silencing of free speech aka fascism, but i would lowkey be okay with it in my head because i fucking hate nazis.

Remove statues of Custer, since he fought against natives. Also, take down US flags, since natives were subject to genocide under that flag. All flags can be twisted into a hate symbol, the US flag more so.
Robert E Lee didn't stand for slavery or succession: all he was doing was defending his home, which is what most Confederate soldiers fought for as well, in their own eyes. No Confederate soldier marched into gunfire with the chance of getting killed to keep a nigger in chains.

Thank you very informative!

>are a collection of communists and anarchists good guys?


if I need to explain further you are simply braindead

>killing 60 million Europeans in a pointless war that they started is the good side goim


Some people don't want to see monuments honoring the memory of the traitorous men who owned their ancestors as chattel.

I'm not trolling but thank you very informative

Not really any different

Exactly, commie. Now you're getting it.

some people DO

Are you asking because you actually don't know anything about the civil war or are you just baiting?

Lee opposed slavery. If there was one Confederate statue that should never be removed, it would be Lee.
Ulysses S. Grant owned slaves, though. Tear his statue down, if it is TRULY about slavery.
The founding fathers were "traitors", no?
Lee fought to defend his home state. If his state remained in the Union, he would have been a Union general instead.

they pepperspray random girls and old people.

They are even lower form than chimps. At least they can be peaceful at times but those troglodytes destroy their cities for shits and giggles. And they hate trashcans.

you're young newfriend so well help out.

they are one and the same, same party, same funding, same leaders

different times and perspectives create different stories and legacies.
just because we are in a different climate now doesnt mean that we should condemn the past entirely if it doesnt align with our modern beliefs.

its the most powerful tactic that is being overplayed

leave this site now and never return, not a threat or a warning, but you will be much happier if you leave now pre redpilled

>fighting nazis

>They are fighting nazis
Which is what got us here in the first place

they pepperspray random chicks and old people.

Why is OP always a faggot? Serious Question. I am not trolling.

All republicans are nazis to them so fuck antifa

They fight everyone the mainstream media calls a "Nazi"

They don't debate or discuss ideas, they assault people who they disagree with. They are not good guys.

>everyone on the right is a nazi
>trumps a nazi
>bannons a nazi
>republicans are nazis
>libertarians that lean to the right are nazis
>the guys in black that have to cover their face while attacking people with homemade explosives and metal bats and spouting the same ideology responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths last century are the good guys

I don't say this ironically, kill yourself you AIDS-infested faggot.

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

antfa = nazis = niggers = uneducated jew pawns

>They are fighting nazis.

Trump is a nazi to these people. Everyone in the Republican party is a nazi. If you don't support transgenderism and spirit kin and fat rights, you're a nazi. If you don't sign up for the DSA, you're a nazi.

Do you see how this is becoming a problem?

They don't have discussions with people.



Nope, furthest from it for ANY group.

>Ban everything that offends me regardless how ridiculous.
>No expressing alternate viewpoints.
>No thinking for yourself.
>Fuck the police, unless we need them(which is anytime theirs any oppression, or we don't outnumber a pacifist 3 to 1 LOL).
>It's OK For us to be racist but NOT you.
>It's OK for us to be violent but NOT you.
>Terrorist actions are OK along as its us committing them.

Does this sound like good people?
Pic related.


They're just a bunch of dumbasses that chimp out under the pretense of being morally virtuous. It'd be one thing if they actually fought against legit hate groups but they just attack people for disagreeing and vandalize stuff that may possibly be raysis. Ironically, they exhibit more characteristics of being fascists than your average Boomer, typical redneck, innocent churchgoer, etc.

They're not to be reasoned with as they are incapable of rational thought. They've been drawn into a false movement that encourages social disorder and chaos with none of the positive effects that real revolutionaries seek to achieve. You're talking about people who are so consumed with emotion and hivemind that they attack cars with bats and destroy public property and then act like there should be no punishment. They are agents of destruction that bring only that: destruction.

The average person is not at all impressed or enlightened by such behavior. It only alienates them.

>tl;dr they're a bunch of faggots that scream and chimp out a lot but accomplish absolutely nothing

that is a dull-ass machete

very interesting perspective on ww2

Actually- they're fine with oppression, as long as they're doing it.

Antifa are the good guys, if you ignore the last 2 years, like MSM did. They attacked anyone wearing a maga hat, far leap from nazis.

Antifa attacking the homeless in Olympia, Washington
Antifa "professors aide" attacking with bike lock
Antifa attacking random people in Berkeley
Antifa attacking a man in front of police
Antifa trying to lie after attacking man videotaping them
Antifa stabs a horse
Antifa attacking with knives

antifa want to dismantle free speech, westen society, meritorcratic structure, economics, national identity, and civilization as a whole. They are a destructive force bent on imposing Utopian communism upon the world with or without consent. They will not hesitate to kill those who stand in their way, because their Utopic idealism is more important than everything else. Imagine the executions of the french revolution, and now multiply it to every single western nation. Worse than that, they are all serving the purpose of a higher power bent on destroying the opposition to world domination. Every single LGBTQ person that advocates for this radical left revolution will find themselves beheaded and tortured by the fruits of their own labor. Their families they betrayed will be enslaved or slaughtered and they will see their homes turned upside down because they were too short sighted to see they were being played like a fiddle. Their intentions will mean nothing in the grand scheme of things and the blood will be on their hands, because they were too simple minded to think beyond bashing the fash

this is not debate club, mohammed

>Some say those historic artifacts and statues are by bad Americans from the past. What is your response to that argument?

They say this because the Confederacy's rule of law would have allowed slavery to continue existing. But that law encompassed much more than that. Antifa has a VERY hard time acknowledging that part of history - the Confederacy supported slavery because it was the State's RIGHT to do so, as it was the state's right to leave the country if they chose.
For a very long time in U.S. history, even confederate soldiers were treated respectably as veterans by Northern leaders (even Winston Churchill had nothing but nice things to say about Robert E. Lee).

It was not an easy decision to make for the people of the time. Much like people today voted for Trump even though they didn't like parts of his policy, but valued his political bravery.
To understand that, you must also understand the historical context of slavery - it is as if someone entered our society which is highly dependent on fossil fuels and outlawed them tomorrow, instead of gradually moving away from them. In fact, there were Northerners who still owned slaves or supported slavery, but fought to "preserve the union". That was why they were called Unionists. If it were about slavery, they would have been simply "Abolitionists". Similarly there were southerners who were getting rid of their slaves on their own time.
But the war forced an abrupt end to the system which ruined everything.

The south is still the poorest part of the country today as a result of the Civil War's intense costs.

Antifa doesn't understand any of this. They just say the people in those statues were bad because of some vague idea they have of the Confederacy that they learned from movies.

It should be noted that right now being an anti is very fashionable. That plays a huge role. Cos like, it's The Current Year, and your bigoted behavior is soooooooo not okay. Everyone is fighting "The Man."
Smartphone culture lets the trend transfer even easier.

The beautiful irony that is using modern world-lit class tactics from american colleges to write a treatise against liberals.
This is hilariously well-done, friend. Thank you.

They define anyone as Nazi. If you believe that men chopping their dicks off aren't women or that illegals should be sent back, you're a Nazi and will get punched in the face.

Pro tip - destroying private property and assaulting peaceful rally goers is NOT being the
good guys.

They are NOT fighting Nazis, they are violent thugs. Look at what happened at the G20 in Hamburg.

There might have been no more then one Nazi in that city and still they rioted violently, destroying innocent people's property.

""""""Nazis"""""" meaning all non conforming white people

>are black niggers superior totally serious goys
>are trannies kind of kind not joking listen to me here
>have you considered we're the bad guys only formal answers please

There are no good guys, only consensus.

I have trouble telling the difference.

There is no civil war just small groups fighting because police won't enforce local laws

Commies are worse than everything else in the world combines.

You have a Nazi flag! You are the Nazi why do you think you are any better than antifa then? The nazis caused misery for all of humanity

when they say "punch a Nazi" they are actually saying so much more.

>They are saying they get to decide who is or isn't a Nazi.
>They are saying that they have the right to punch someone because of their beliefs.
>They are saying that they are the ultimate authority on all thought crime.
>They are saying that only people who agree with them have the right to exist peacefully.
>they are saying they are going to do the thinking for you

They also throw around the word Nazi so much it is starting to lose its meaning. (Like they did with the word 'racist')

Like the last name in the bottom right corner you can easily google?

This is pol it's a world renound discussion board I am here to discuss ideas

>looter jews subverting proud and respectable protesters
>user falls for it
Your loss.

They're pretty much ISIS at this point. The antifa meme needs to perish in a Holocaust, as Marx himself stated.

If they are not willing to allow free speech or expression, or art in form of statue or whatever else, they must not be given the Right to Life.

>some vague idea they have of the Confederacy that they learned from movies.
Millennials can't read books. Their attention span is too weak. They learn about politics and economics through pop-culture. This is why they frame everything as a battle of good vs. evil.

Are White Supremacists the good guys? Seriously asking. They are fighting commies. I'm not trolling what do white supremacists do that's bad if they only defend decent people from commies?
If they are bad please tell me why and how they are bad.
If they are good tell me why and how they are good.
Again not trolling seriously asking

Not even horses like them.

Are KKK the good guys? Seriously asking. They are fighting commies. I'm not trolling what does KKK do that's bad if they only defend decent people from commies?
If they are bad please tell me why and how they are bad.
If they are good tell me why and how they are good.
Again not trolling seriously asking

>the alt right is a religion of peace
>he says as he is dragged to prison after killing countless people with his car

Are KKK the good guys? Seriously asking. They are fighting commies. I'm not trolling what does KKK do that's bad if they only defend decent people from commies?
If they are bad please tell me why and how they are bad.
If they are good tell me why and how they are good.
Again not trolling seriously asking

You just have my original statement in reverse but said commie instead of antifa

>killing hundreds of millions of Europeans and russians in gulags is the good side

Exactly. Fuck em.

>countless people
>1 death
are you even trying anymore?
I'm about to fucking sage this thread simply because of your rampant stupidity. for fuck sakes.

No they are actually more akin to the 1940's Nazis than current Neo-Nazis are.

They are radical ideologues so caught in the purity of their ideology they want to viciously kill the powerful group they think is to blame for everything through intimidation tactics and violence.

They are evil, full-stop.

Hold on, which Russians tortured and slaughtered millions? I thought the leading Bolsheviks were all purged by Stalin?

>Are Antifa the good guys? Seriously asking. They are fighting nazis

This event was the first time i've ever seen them fighting actual neo-Nazis. Every other time it's just Trump supporters and relatively normal right-wing people. No they are not the good guys.

Okay thank you all I believe that overall antifa has many bad elements and are themselves a terror group because of their violent tactics and brutality. Op here I'm leaving thank you again.
Antifa does not seem like the good people they claim to be

Killin' people is bad, mkay?
Commies are bad because they kill people. Nazis tried to match their score out of a lack of principle.

They are destroying public property like animals.
They talk about killing cops and whites.
They are doing the same thing our ancestors did to them: demonizing us when we have done nothing wrong.
They want to enforce Sharia Law, an oppressive Muslim practice into our court systems for the sake of "beating Nazis".
They are shameless hypocrites and that's mainly why they are evil.

The pic on the left is literally their most recent Twitter post.

This movie has some potential.