What is it about politics that it attracts losers/ugly people? Libertarians, lefties, righties, doesn't matter

what is it about politics that it attracts losers/ugly people? Libertarians, lefties, righties, doesn't matter.

I'm 30+. I have yet to see a young person interested in politics who doesn't have huge issues, emotional or otherwise.

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What are you talking about
People who don't give a shit about politics are either really old or have no personality

ben shapiro and lauren southern are both model material tho

Bro you are an ugly neckbeard.

When I think about it, you are right. They do have problems, except the more centrist-types.

Kids shouldn't be into politics to be honest. I wasn't interested in politics at all until I hit 25 or so.

He looks incredibly average, and that shit was dope.


Centrist types are content, happy slaves who just want to survive and get by. Because of this, they are more prone to accept degeneracy and bad social conditions. They have incredibly low conscientiousness. They simple don't care as they're not intelligent enough to have an original thought.

just like any other hobby, it's the "it makes me feel like i'm better than the people i wish i could belong to"

>uses Sup Forums

I majored in a meme major (international relations) and looked around quite a bit. Over the years I've been to NOP (catholic nationalist) rallies, have been to Korwin gatherings (right/libertarian) and attended two far-left thingies promoted by Krytyka Polityczna. One thing in common? Ugly, awkward losers. Obviously there are exceptions, but these people are way worse looking than average Poles.

Is it different everywhere else in the world? Idk

>drives a dodge

Salty libcuck detected.

agreed. anyone with a large interest in politics is a loser or needs to get the fuck back to work/studying

do something actually useful with your life.

if that's average male looks in the USA I don't know what to say

At my University (Flinders University) the Marxists, the 'Socialist Alliance', specificly target ugly/overweight students during recruitment campaigns.

The theory is that these students will be disenchanted with the greater culture at uni, that they may be outcasts. It's these people that don't benefit from the status quo.

Fighting to 'bring down the system', to change the status quo, appeals to these kids, despite the fact that all that really matters after school is income (and they're at uni so that's not going to be an issue)

Because they are nerds, OP. Where did this meme come from that nerds were somehow cool, and liked? Nerds are never cool, and are never liked. They are fucking outcasts. Anybody that says nerds are cool should never be trusted. Also we live in incredibly shallow times. It is now considered effective strategy in defeating your opponent by saying "your ugly, and your friends are ugly", or "nobody likes you, you're a loser". This is coming from the loving, inclusive lefties. Remember they are lying sacks of shit.

>Centrist types are...

If you don't know what the radical centre is, or any of the other centrist positions, you shouldn't be posting here.

You spend way too much time on the internet. All he needs to do is lose some weight to get rid of the fat underneath his chin, ditch the glasses for contacts and he'd be pretty handsome, no homo. The way you grade men seems a bit skewed. Probably because of the red pill shit.

>radical centre
You mean things that will never happen due to porn, media brainwashing and social media?

welcome to page 10, nigger



most people are ugly in the first place.

why rock the boat when you wanna climb aboard.