Fox is turning on Trump. They brought a Fucking leftie on to give his opinion and agreed...

Fox is turning on Trump. They brought a Fucking leftie on to give his opinion and agreed. They keep letting blacks talk about how Trump is out of touch with race relations, Maria on Fox business who did defend the president the time of his conference has now done a 180 and they keep hammering the fact that "both sides called Trump out" and keep focusing on Mccain, Romeny, Rubio and more.

This is pathetic, I knew Fox was cucked but they literally did a 180 on Trump because he blamed both sides?!

This is depressing, I am worried that while the media is not trusted, seeing a republican based channel attacking trump like liberals is going to really and Fuck the GOP with more in house fighting. I can not believe the level of salt coming from the annoucement he made, corporations and late shows are virtue signaling like crazy on a level I have never seen.

>inb4 concern shill

I'm worried guys, Fox is NOT letting this go and continues to go full circle back to this story. If not even Fox news will defend him then it will continue to get worse. In the past they were cucked but they are using democratic talking points and grouping anyone who was there against the LEGAL protest is a hero while everyone else (regardless how centrist they were) continue to be grouped in the neo Nazis.

Sure it's easy to say the news is fake but Scott Adams already made it clear that the confirmation bias will overtake emtions and that is exactly what the MSM is doing.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fox is Alt-Left Fake News

>Fox is Alt-Left Fake News


>Fox is turning on Trump
Fox has fought Trump every step of the way since he announced his run for presidency, if you haven't noticed. Then Trump broke them.

>Fox has fought Trump every step of the way since he announced his run for presidency


I do not think the RUssian narrative is working, or they need other shit as ammo to throw at Trump with whatever they "find". Fox News was never our friend, but I know waht you mean OP it is like living in the twilight zone hearing this shit. It is fucking canned. The worst part of it is, I can tell that there are some who genuinely believe they feel these feelings, though I still get the sensation they are being hysterical and faking it. They are brainwashed. If shit goes down with Trump, it is going to make the Virginia rally look like childsplay.

Fox was the last MSM station that was somewhat objective to how they cover Trump. But after the recent press conference they are turning on him and keep hammering the "MUH CEOS LEAVING" and more. Its ridiculous that they are so cucked they can't admit that both sides were to blame, in fact only a couple people on the panels even admitting that there WAS peacefull people protesting who were not Nazis but the media has hammered it so hard that there is only 1 side to blame for all this.

I thank god for trump not backing down and respect him and it has made me even more of a supporter but if he loses his only MSM support then they will continue to hammer this shit down and turn even the Fox zombies against him.

good. fuck trump and fuck white people

Of course. Trump is centrist. A realist if you will, and what he said went against the Right-Left divide and conquer narrative.
Yes. Everything is fake news. All MSM is poisoned with opinion pieces. But hey, at least in the USA you guys have the CNN-Fox counterbalancing act. Here in Canada it's full on Left. We don't have a right wing televised opinion.

Maybe it's time to start writing letters to their advertisers.

That is about the size of it lad. If you cannot see the timing and methods of your own side, and how they are orchestrating against Trump, then you are a dupe.

>Fox is turning on Trump.

Fox didn't support Trump during the primaries and they don't particularly like him now. They're a neocon/cuckservative organization.

Morning/Afternoon Fox is about as bad as MSNBC, this has always been known

Fox was never on his side nigger, the 2016 election should've clued you in on that

So go live in a cave since everything is fake news

I know. It's depressing. But there is one way to fix it- open revolution. Overthrowing the corrupt media requires more than just capitalism to fix at this point, as they've grown to cronyistic to take down in such a way. We need to physically remove them from their positions of tyranny and power. The time for inaction is over.

>wahhh why dont you uncritically support trump like a bootlicking faggot?

the only cuck here is you, because only cucks worship at the feet of other men. i can only imagine the shame your parents must feel every day.

Do none of you remember that Fox was basically CNN around 10 years ago?

I am not a fan of Trump, but I am not a fool. I prefer wolves that are exposed as opposed to wolves in sheepskin. Trump is the least of your worries. There are things going on that you have no idea about. Read about the Dutroux affair. If you have a conscience, you will look it up.

Fuck you you Dumb Nazi Twat.

I do, it's called my basement.

Fuck you you filthy commie bum

>not watching no-commentary patrician OAN

Fuck Fox (except for Hannity and Tucker).

Watch One America News (OAN). They are based, always calling out Soros, Antifa, and reminding people about Seth Rich.

Fox is owned by Rupert Murdoch a globalist but he is not really the problem. When Bill Shine resigned and Roger allies bless his soul was ousted and later died; Rupert made his 2 sons both super globalists and liberals in charge so here comes the fun part. These assholes fired Bill'Oreiley based on bullshit claims by ex fox reporters then they tried going after Hannity and failed because Hanity brought out the lawyers. Fox is now bullshit except waters and Carlson that's it and Eric boiling is about to be ousted but he brought his lawyers out. I'd stop watching fox and start watching One America News or breitbart for news fuck fox.

Are you sure? Greg Gutfeld is still defending Trump.

You're kidding, but you are right.

I think we are getting there when the media can not even admit to both sides being in the wrong and only focuses on 1 side and then call the president a sympathizer for saying BOTH FUCKING SIDES ARE TO BLAME. Also it's just ridiculous the MSN has pushed the narrative that ALL protesters are Nazis.

No one is even talking about his amazing infrastructure plan and his EO he is passing. They all care more about this bullshit. And then they have the nerve to blame trump for not being in message when all they do is being this shit back up every few minutes.

Fox business is usually very based and cover his policies over drama (mostly). Regular Fox is shit unless Hannity or Tucker is on but Fox business is great minus that Faggot Cavuto. Fox business is the one I am referring to and it took a huge nose dive. For God's sake they brought the liberal Juan from the 5 as a guest and was agreeing with him when he is usually the token liberal getting fucked 3 ways it's just pathetic.

Die commie filth.