Were there any antifa in the USA before Trump...

Were there any antifa in the USA before Trump? It's funny how they have been around in Europe for ages and America had a sudden boom last november.
Even skinheads (sharpies and boneheads) are a thing here in Europe. Only American reference I have is the Aryan Brotherhood and American History X, but no sharpies afaik.

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there have always been losers, but they didn't have a rallying cry until she lost. it was hur turn.

Sharps are anti-racist

Antifa has been around for awhile
Thomas"fat slob"keenan the leader of philly antifa even though he lives in new jersey has been at it since 2006

The only thing why you did not notice them was, because you had a left marxist black president who loves gays and sexual perversion
So exactly what antifa wants
Now with trump, there is a stepback in terms of degeneration and the jewish globalization with all its aspects, which triggered many leftits to become radical and call themselves antifa
Also Soros and Friends increased their spending to these group to counter this uprising of a diffrent moral and cultural viewpoint on society and politics

I know, I was a sharpie larper in my early teenage years back in '05.

Also skinheads are everywhere.
The gangs are targetted by the feds so they tend to lay low

The klan use to kill bolshevik groups in america antifa/IWW has been in america forever

Rooney Mara

Pic related.
Me going to a concert in Chicago.

The klan use to lynch IWW/antifa/anarchist in the 1920's to 1930's
Look up frank little.
Montana klan lynched that commie resl good.

Fucking based KKK didn't get enough of em.

Yes Antifa dates back to Nazi Germany. The irony is they are both Marxist movements they disagree about what group should be protected.

If this is real, you should be an hero

Kkk use to allways kill commies,anarchist,antifa and IWW wobblies bolsheviks.
If you were christian back then it was your duty to kill IWW (industrial workers of the world) member's.

Pure coincidence

Why is this guy still loose

I meant that America has had a sudden "wtf I'm antifascist now" boom rather than a continous movement. Nazi-commie fighting (skinheads, mostly) has been a thing for years in Europe. Hunting, knifing, hooliganism, all that shit.

There were SHARP's in the late 80's mid 90's but it was a lame movement.

Its not new its just the mainstream is now aware what antifa/IWW is.
Antifa-anarchist killed the russian royal family to please the jews.
I believe in seatle a bunch of locals had to shoot antifa/IWW members to death to stop them from forcing negroes in the work force.

They've been around for a while, though they had to compete with other far left wing organizations such as the various anarcho-syndicalist blocs. Every time you see a black bloc riot you can figure that members of Antifa/anarchists are heavily involved (though black bloc officially has no policies but rather is meant to destroy everything they come across). They have also been committing violent acts for a while as well but most of this information is usually suppressed or spun into being about something else (If you remember any violence from literally any G7 summit its mainly because they are the ones starting the chaos, though the media tries to make them seem like they're not the bad guys).

These far left organizations have a tendency to cannibalize one another and Antifa was able to come out on top, though I'm not sure why. The "Alt-left" is basically a confederacy of these far left organizations such as the anarcho blocs, antifa, every anarcho-feminist group and the like. While they all fight the same "enemy" they don't seem to work together that often (possibly because larger left wing groups that are allied with worker's unions don't wont to get blood on their hands due to the bad PR).

Look up the everette massacre we had to shoot IWW commies back then.


Nah, its fun dressing the opposite one should to a concert. This was to a Murderdolls concert.
I danced Oi AF with all these goth introverts terrified of me.
Turned out opening band were OG hammers and I got to know them pretty well after the show.

It's not new... Burger never read books and they have a bad memory problem...



The far right was not as organized in North America as it was in Europe. Europe had actual political parties that had real power espousing Nazi view points; these parties were able to lay down the economic and social ground work to ensure their political ideologies would survive well after their downfall (though it wasn't because they thought they would be defeated, but rather as a way of giving the common man a closer connection to the party, the same way the communists did). The far right (with the exception of the KKK and they were limited into the American south) never truly rose up until very recently under the Clinton administration. Disaffected whites that felt they were being ignored slowly grew increasingly angry at the social policies directed towards the cities instead of towards them. As they were the ones most strongly hit by the various economic crises that happened during the 00's and the 10's they slowly became more radical. A few went far left while the rest went far right (racialist policies were easier to explain their misfortune than capitalistic ones. If the system was able to help a mixed race guy become the president how come it wasn't able to help them).

Left wing media sources love to make it seem as if the Nazi's were just waiting in the wings to quickly snatch up the poor like some sort of cartoon villain, but in reality it was the other way around. These racially homogeneous groups banded together in united suffering, realized there weren't any minorities around and came to the simple conclusion that the system was aiding the urban blacks then the ghettoized/rural whites. It's a bit like how extremist black organizations made the exact same realization that all the rich folk were white, so they banded together to try and take down a nation that appeared to them to care more about white people than them.

there's been a lot of talk about Antifa but what about Bamn? Do people know they exist too and they are just as bad or maybe even worse?

Most "Antifa" in the USA are just liberals LARPing as communists.

If Karl Marx were around today, liberals would consider him to be a "White Supremacist".


Why are red suspenders associated with White supremacy?

Look up the Seattle and Washington DC WTO and IMF protests around 2000/2001 or the RNC, DNC protests in the same time frame. Hey were around but not allied with the democrats yet.