If only whites knew true oppression


Shut up cuck

Maybe they should move to a place that will truly accept them for who they are rather than rely on a multibillion dolar industry to silence the people around them into a false sense of comunnity.

Pictured: Illegal immigrants who only have to travel to the 1+1/2 continents inhabited solely by their kind to be at home.

Not pictured: real Americans (i.e. poor white working class Americans) who actually founded and built this fucking country and pay for all the taxes that gets pissed away on gibs for leeching shitskin scum.

>We just feel like we don't belong here anymore

good, now get the fuck out

you never belonged spic


>We Just feel like we don't belong here anymore.
>Both are extremely overweight
>Both are brown.

The look quintessentially american.


It's strange - there was a time I would have cared. I no longer care.

How about you go to a land where you belong, and no slaves and guestworkers don't belong in the countries they worked at, nor do their children

No Bump

You didn't belong here in the first place. Get the fuck out.

>come into white country
>try and make whites a minority
>whites: "get out"
>"omfg oppression!!!!111 why can't i feel like i belong in a country where i hate its past present and hope of a non-white future? Don't make me go back and live with my own people! (who are better than you btw)"
the piost


I think being Mexican is synonymous with being obese now.

Bye! Don't let the druglords and human trafficking rings get you on the way out.

>persons of coulourrr
>look possibly illegal
>own their own business

yeah they got it hard

Yup this

>still a nation
>not just a government
you "belong" to a people, not to administrative bureaucracies

That's how white people feel in their countries, which they fought and died for

>refuse learn language
>demand that whites pay their food/housing
>commit large amounts of crime
>bring huge amounts of social ills with them

Yes, all of this is my fault why they don't belong. There's a country right next door that they can go to if they don't want to bother fitting in to this one.

argentina is now white

They're great people but they have to go back


do they have green cards?

>We just feel like we don't belong here anymore

You're right, and I'll personally buy your plane ticket.

Is that the girl Bioware modeled the main character from mass effect after?

Reading that it seems most of it is made up

>try being a person of color
Yeah it must suck getting all the jobs with little effort

>If only whites knew true oppression
Our own president has to be ultra careful with his words... or else.

I've lived in places in the pacific and Asia where I was a persecuted minority and where the law was explicitly biased against me as a white person. Shut the fuck up.

no shit you got people saying "im going to own you" to a black person. Bull fucking shit! I've been to some racist places in my life and this is a fantasy here.