
2 Volunteers meet me behind the statue tommorow afternoon someone bring 2 large chains and a truck... I might be late cus I have to find a hotel.

u gotta bring ur own chains and truck brah

A Confed with no truck - what's the world coming to?

OP is a hero! Bump!

you have statue of lenin?


ok kike

"hey let's post on pol and see who shows up"


OP you are a legend
Thank you for your service soldier!

SPD fuck off. There's homeless people stealing shit from my store and shooting up in the bathroom constantly. Do your fucking jobs.

Hi FBI. How about luring a crowd of communists to defend the Lenin statue instead of acting like a communist animal?

Much better optics that way.

What are the limitations of entrapment?

hello fbi

Don't you have Anti-fa members to start cataloging? Or is Communism not a threat.

Dumb. This serves zero purpose.

>bring me a truck

oh yeah i just happen to have one lying around okay

Whatcha doin Trotsky?

No you idiot. We can't drop to their level. We do that, then they win, because the media is on their side, and calling your enemy nazi seems to be as effective as it was in 1942.

We have to play the victim game. As stupid as it is, we must continue to hold rallies over clear examples of oppression of whites...and If anyone attacks us, we must do NOTHING. Hold position, and stand as still as you can. Drop your signs, and take your beating. Wear armor, carry water for acid attacks, but do no bodily harm. The media will ignore it at first...but eventually the photographic evidence will mount. Then we will have the proof we desperately need to show the world we are not evil. Its the only way to turn this around.

Confederate statues aren't worth defending, at least not with big angry torch rallies like that. We can't keep these things around forever, and the statues themselves aren't very informative about what really happened. Petitioning cities to put the removal to a referendum is really what people should be doing about that instead of holding marches.

Entrapment is just a legal defense. If you're determined to have done something "any rational individual" would have done in the situation you would probably be aquitted, basically the police corrupting you. This is for instance if an undercover cop says to someone they've gained trust with: "Please, buy these drugs from me. I got into trouble with some bad people and they're gonna kill me if I don't pay the debt".
