Rick and Morty: Redpill episode

Last episode they called Israel: "The greatest evil that is never mentioned."

They also dropped a "muh six million" joke.

Holy shit! This show is watched by tens of millions around the world!

Other urls found in this thread:


which episode?

*BUUUURRP* The h-holocaust isn't real morty *FARRT*

season 3 episode 4

They did neither of those things.

that didnt happen


american cartoon is for the blacks

Season 3 is G A R B A G E written by feminist women.

*BUUURP* The jews morty, the jews, the-the-they where never gassed morty, *BUURP* we must secure morty, a, a, a future for white children morty

Uh... Yes it did. They specifically remarked brought up how Israel controls others for their own geo-political purpose.

An episode prior to that Rick said 9/11 was an inside job.

>They also dropped a "muh six million" joke.

It's not going to matter, 99% of the viewers are Reddit leftists who think everything is ironic

Hmm didn't pick up on the first part. There's still no 6 gorillion joke though.

Not only that but the whole episode seemed to be an analogy of current events.
Pay careful attention to this episode.
In the end, Rick is in a fight with the vindicators, a multicultural diverse group of super heros, and Rick kills them all except the leader. She then is about to kill Rick but something happens and she can't. Rick explains to Morty that the reason we will win is because we have facts and logic on our side.

t. R&M fan

>tens of thousands


Google says the last episode was watched by 2.66 million people.


>those attacking Israel are psychotic drunks

The entire show lost it's energy. The voice acting sounds like they are painfully just getting through it.

I don't know if woman writers are to blame, but it seems awfully strange that the more vaginas are in the writing staff, the most lecturing and therapy goes into the show. Morty went from sounding like a scared whiny kid to a mirror image of a complaining woman.

Regardless, the show fucking sucks now. Some of the stuff from Season 2 is absolute gold, really creative and clever. Season 3 started well with episode 1 then just took the worst nose dive I've ever seen. It almost sounded like they recorded them separately, one with energy and life and the other on heroin.


Libshits love Palestinians, not surprising.

Stop spamming your shitty show lebbit. No one fucking cares, faggot.

season 3 is basicaly "rick get the consequences of his acts" hardcore drunk rick being the "total asshole alienating everybody" the israel joke meant that if you go on a racist rant about them you're just an asshole now matter how smart you are, that's why everybody is ashamed like "no dude i don't event want to know", shit was balsy but hillarious as always

Did pickle rick do it?
Did Sup Forums redpill rick and morty plebbitors?

I love you Japan. Never change.

Is animu whites man cartoon, based nip?

I caught on the first time I saw it on Monday. I couldn't believe they said that about Israel. I was so fucking confused and surprised. Season 3 is definitely not as good as the first two seasons so far but man I will always love rick and morty

>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>based nip

Sup newfags

It's there. They dropped it as a random number.

They made actual cuck jokes in the third episode. The writers have definitely browsed Sup Forums and have plenty of jokes that fly over normies' heads

>Libs love to be cucked by kikes
>Libs love Palestine

What do you love, faggot?


Marathoned the two seasons yesterday and today - how the fuck can people watch this crap? They try to be "deep" at times but it just doesn't jive with me. It's a fucking mind-numbing animation - I felt like I was being brainwashed. I don't understand how actual adults can watch this and praise it.
>b-but it's ironically shitty, it's art; you just don't get it Xd
fuck that


Jokes, yeah. There was actual, approved cucking.

That's just basic math. Million ants has 1 million ants, each ant has 6 legs. 6 Million legs. Nothing special there

I know, I was just saving that guy from having to look around the episode and take a screenshot.

it was really forced. Why would some super smart nihilistic guy who even leaves his own grand children to die because there are infinite versions of them care about isreal? or geo politics.. it seems so out of place and just a quick injection of ¨Hey dont forget if you dont like isreal you are an anti semite¨

they have wacky interspace and interdimension adventures. bretty gud fantasy desu

>watching an autistic cartoon for children.
A thread died for this.

They also mentioned the ant guy had "six million" legs.

he says, as he posts his WoW reaction image

I agree that the worlds and the creatures are sometimes creative but it could be handled a lot better (and retain the playful nature). Season 3's "monsters" look the least original, somewhat - they were clearly inspired by popular culture.

>just a quick injection of ¨Hey dont forget if you dont like isreal you are an anti semite¨

That's the point:

You can barely talk about the "greatest evil" (Israel) without being labeled as an anti-semite.

Eh, I haven't played it ever since Cata was released.. It was a nice, comfy game but I simply got tired of it. Hell, I don't even play games anymore.
Is posting a WoW reaction image that big of a deal?

wow so edgy
If you don't like it, why bring it up? Why marathon it? You can see whether or not it's for you after 4-5 episodes.

"Morty you c*UUURP*can't burn two million bodies on wood pyres in five months! It can't be done Morty! I'm a physicist Morty it *UURP* c-can't be done!"

Personally, I mainly like how they play off of common sci-fi tropes in uncommon ways (e.g. the hivemind episode). It's pretty weak when they just parody a movie, especially when they plain point out they're doing that (Inception, Saw).

Rick would absolutely say that and get away with it because >muh drunk sociopath


Season 1 was great, 2 was alright, 3 is gay feminist bullshit. I can't believe even Adult Swim can't keep them out of their waters.

can i steel this senpai

I thought it would become better. That episode with the Hivemind lady was kind of interesting and tried to be less superficial than the previous ones. It was not the deepest thing out there but I can see people liking it for the change of pace it brought.
If every episode managed to be like that I'd be more excited.

The entire show has about five or six episodes that are good.

Rick always has had that dual relationship with mundane reality and sci-fi reality, he's always been aware of world events and pop culture. That's why he's so messed up, he's torn between the two.



>Everyone who likes Rick and Morty only likes it because it makes them feel intellectually superior, and not because it just makes them laugh or because they like sci-fi shit. If you like Rick and Morty, it basically means you do use reddit even if you never do. Also the show is only nihilistic and edgy and has no elements of family bonding or honest introspection by the characters. Also, posting this to make fun of Rick and Morty fans doesnt make me a douche who is just trying to feel intellectually superior myself while blaming others for trying to be intellectually superior.

allright, but he would understand that the term anti semite is shameing tactic, one that places the accused in the position of the immoral and hateful, used at people to silence critizism of anything the jews do.

it was just so out of character that he would even care what they think about him or call him, he is wacthing them die one by one ffs

They explicitly tried to explain that it wasn't anti Semitic
Hating Israel in this context is a hard left-libertarian stance

I watch it, because there I have nothing better to do at the moment.

And you said it was Reddit

That's because he was a million ants formed together. Ants have 6 legs.

This post is false. Great show 10/10

i used to like this show but it seems a lot of spergies watch it now so i've gone off it

anyone else on the same wavelength here or am i degenerate for liking albeit slightly in the first place


I still watch it. The fans can be cancer, though, as are the memes. The show really needs to stay contained in just itself.

If you look at the alt left, they hate israel too. You can only subvert foreign nations against their own interests, and butcher palestinians in an open air holocaust camp for so long, before people start to realize.

I like both of these shows.

However I do agree that this season hasnt been doing so well. I like the first one, the second episode was boooooorrrrriiiiiiing, the pickle rick episode was pretty good actually and the vindicators episode feels awkward and forced in some ways.

what is the other show?


What is the second show?

Total Drama Island

Xavier Renegade Angel. It was on Adult Swim, very bizaarre off beat show made by wonder showzen alumni and features very (intentionally) cheap and awkward 3d animation

Xavier: Renegade Angel. Trippy mindfuck made by the same people who made Wonder Showzen.


What about it is feminist or garbage?


>They won't say the name of evil (turns out to be Israel)
>"Because to fight darkness is to fight yourself..."
Did Rick call them all Jews?

>style so avant garde it makes normies and art thots explode
Literally the best part about that show, it has a built in normie filter its amazing

Can we PLEASE stop having a thread for every episode of that stupid cartoon that comes out?

>(also divorce is rough or some stupid 30 seconds of shit so we can have a "moral" for the story)

There. Ive summarized every episode of that show that there ever was/will be. So can we stop talking abput it now?

>episode 2
>911 is an inside job
>episode 4
>israel is the greatest evil that is never mentioned
>6 million

.....how is this a lefty show?

>feminist bullshit

>dumb retards not realizing what comedy is


Xavier Renegade Angel
God tier show, especially if you're on hallucinogens

It's a show. If you don't like it you don't like it.

One thing you guys arent considering either is, they are playing a "le Israel evil because Palestine good" card but still repping for International Atheist-Jews which is just about the opposite of /our/ ever.

They arent right wing (period) so that only leaves the other side of the Israel is evil card

So is the "6 million" cucking the nigger? I will say that is a rather interesting thought

Fuck of shill you don't know shit

Pretty much.
The fanbases of any Western productions are complete cancer, it would be best if you avoided them.
Not to say that anime doesn't suffer from that - it does. Especially popular ones. I could get along with a guy who likes Tamako Market, but not with a guy who laps up SAO, SNK and about any shonen anime and claims it's a masterpiece.
Even if you archived that shit I still wouldn't click it. Anyway, weren't they supposed to have articles on japanese games, anime and culture..and other things japanese? Why the fuck are they talking about western stuff? Might as well drop the "otaku" from the title.

no one that watches reddit and meme relates to rick. he's supposed to be the person you laugh at, not with. when they were writing for Sup Forums, they made him the stereotypical nihilist atheist retard and now that women are writing, he's alex jones

they're making fun of you

Im there with ya. I dont wanna be "that guy" but I liked it back before it got obsceneley popular and started pandering to reddit tier losers. It was different, had lots of funny obscure scifi references, and didnt really take itself too seriously.

Then it got ultra popular, all the reddit and tumblr faggots took over the fanbase and suddenly decided to coopt it into their lexicon of metaphors and political expressiond like they did with harry potter.

Soon as I saw faggots at the thinly veiled anti trump rally "march for science" cosplaying as rick alongside bill nye and that nigger who talks about stars I lost a lot of my zeal for the show.

If thats who are going to be buying it then thats who its going to end up pandering to.

I guess seeing how the liberal jews have brainwashed niggers in america to kill themselves or overdose on drugs, they're getting cucked figuratively.


>watching reddit cartoons

The sad moment of the show was when Rick got into prison.

You're retarded, there were a million memes on wanting to jailbreak rick


What you're not getting about those jokes?

The butt of the joke is you. It's funny because there are people in the world who are dumb enough to genuinely believe the things that a cartoon character says for the sake of having ridiculous, outrageous dialogue.

You're the punchline.

wasnt this written by a feminist? you guys lied, fucking redpilled af