SJWs think that they are factual and they are rational. They literally think that Trump supporters are rejecting facts...

SJWs think that they are factual and they are rational. They literally think that Trump supporters are rejecting facts. How could the left be so deluded that they actually think exactly like us? They too think the right is insane, facts are being censored, and similar things to that nature. WTF?

Other urls found in this thread:

>buying virginity online
lol im selling my soul for 3 bitcoins if youre interested


Prostitution is legal in Sweden? How progressive.




choked on my vape


Holy shit, that's a 15 year old? She looks at least 20.


Fake news

Yeah this article is real. That girl is 15, and she's Swedish. She might look like a Nowegian former blogger called Voe, but that's a just a coincidence.


so im trying to find it on this site and i can not

This story cannot be real. I honestly cannot tell why is parody anymore from you yuropeains



The girl in that picture is a Norwegian blogger, dumbo

>An underage girl prostitutes herself online.

A (((good))) cause. Her parents should be shot for letting their daughter ruin herself.

Id fuck her. Fuck it


Nazis are bad. Period. If Nazis and WS show up and say "hey! it's us!" You do whatever you want because why? They're Nazis! How hard is that to understand, traitor.

Nazis don't exist. Its all in your head faggot

Come on man

Lies. . .

This isn't real you idiot.
A 5 second google is all it takes to make you not look retarded.

Child prostitution is legal in Sweden?

whats your name and wallet address?


By the way this is literally what fake news is..

This girl was not suspended for reporting a rape or being raped.

She was suspended because her excuse for having sex was being drunk and therefore unable to consent.

Not that she was unconscious or violently raped.

For the feminists this world view is not okay and any slander or distortion is justified.

Just like Brock Turner the "rapeist" who basically fingered a drunk girl.

It's all fake news denying you the facts to cause a sociological reaction.

In this case

****** 'listen and believe rapes' *******

Look them up to find out why feminist want them so much. They are a magnificent tool for oppression.

All it takes is an ability to spot sarcasm to make you not look retarded.

what a nice girl I hope they film it


>It's all fake news denying you the facts to cause a sociological reaction.

Kind of what the retard who started this thread is trying to do?

Fake. That pic is of Emily Voe, a Norwegian blogger.

Also got feet pics for those interested.

You're quite faggoty

Pol only had 4 response depths.

They control populations via:

******Rock Paper Scissors*****

For example they need white supremacist to make Jews afraid

They need the patriarchy to stir up women

They need black violence to stir up white supremacy.

Via these manipulation they control that demographic who will vote either right or left based on that issue.

Now both "parties" are actually identical but each get a specific group to get to roughly 50%.

These facts don't have to be real. There is no KKK. There is no Patriarchy. There is no systemic Racism.

The idea of these things radicalized a minority which is used to polorize the majority.

This is a play to manipulate the masses while they profit off stability. Anyone who disrupts this paradigm sufficiently is killed.

A shallow response depth pattern is usually a sign of propaganda.

The ultimate Sup Forums paradox
Would you procreate with a beautiful Aryan girl if it meant money went to building a mosque?

Sup Forums will unironically believe that fake news screenshot. It's why I'm done with this place. Just as retarded and hysterical as SJWs.


Fuck off

Do you know what Einstein said when the reporter asked him if his theory was wrong because over 100 scientific papers had been written refuting him?

>if I was wrong it would only take one.

Once light goes into the world it cannot be ignored

>Sup Forums unironically believe that fake news...

Thats their official site
It's ok Ahmed, stop it with the lying it not nice.
We Christians dont like lying.