Destroying the narrative in one picture

The real war is between the rich and the poor. Don't let them win. People like George Soros are counting on gullible idiots like Antifa and BLM to do their bidding while systematically fucking the average citizen.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tweet it to Trump for major keks


I don't know how more people on this board can't see this. YOU ARE ALL BEING RACE BAITED, FOR FUCK'S SAKE.


Spam trumps tweeter. I'd love to scare the rich. Yeehaw

The real truth that emerges from your picture is that we need ethnonationalism for all races

At least there are a few people with a modicum of common sense here. It's a pretty basic tactic. Divide and conquer. It's no big secret.

needs to be (((ESTABLISHMENT)))

None of them can see it. They fell for identity politics just as hard as the leftist they hate, yet they can't admit it. The man behind the curtain literally wants nothing more than have whites hate minorities and minorities hate whites, it keeps them from looking at the true enemy.

Mmyeah this is the latest shill thing

Seeing lots of these threads

Go choke on a foreskin

Marxist faggot, no one gives a shit about class. Poor Germans were fine killing poor French instead of rich Germans in WWI

class theory is correct, some rich people should get the rope along with their politician pets, only (((shills))) would say otherwise

>Yes goy, it's all part of the plan of evil elites that I definitely am not, there's no need for you to fight back against your demographic displacement

>Projecting this hard

Yeah dont really care about any of that, just want to see more violence.

This picture was made by a Jew who doesn't live around niggers. This same Jew will have you killed by the National Guard if you refuse to live around niggers.

The Jew's mantra: Diversity for thee, but not for me.

the jew is going to gas all of you if you dont stop being retarded



you're not wrong


>make love not war

yaall need to stop this soros bullshit. its just a dog whistle for jews and only makes you sound like a moron.

watch this then get back to us. hard to refute a man in his own words being proud of being a fucking Nazi repo man working against the Jews. ALL WHILE BEING JEWISH.


Civil Nationalism is the only way we can uncuck this country.

this is it. these nazi assholes have been cucked into hating the poor and blaming them for their own failures.

Thank you for your opinion, Alain Soral, now shut up.


I can't tell if you're implying this is common knowledge or you're trying to be condescending. Soros is proud of what he does.

Where the fuck have you been for the last 50 years??

>The real war is between the rich and the poor.
Hi left/pol/.

it's mostly this guy and all the politicians he has blackmailed or paid off vs everyone else

just gotta work together with our """""fellow americans""""""

im just bored with your stupidity.

Silly white nationalists, they're dividing and conquering! The nonwhites are our friends

he gave kushner and ivanka a half billion dollars.

I find it funny you blame Soros for the race struggle but ignore that he also supports the class struggle.

source that shit please

silly snowflakes, is this why you cant get laid and never leave your house?

What a fucking positivism bullshit.

This is what scares the estabilishement.

If everybody used cryptocurrency, every government would lose its power as it wouldn't be able to effectively tax people.


Black power is met with a couple riot police and water cannons.
White power took a world war to stop.

>implying the establishment isn't loading the fuck up on Bitcoin

why do you think it's up 100% in just the last couple fucking MONTHS? over $4,000 for 1? that screams Rothschild accumulation.

are you really too dense to see how jews/elites purposely force racial tensions? utter waste of time giving the presence of an elite that has plans to kill and subjugate both ethnic groups


it's true. niggers aren't particularly bright, and sure, they're violent by nature, but they don't have to be.
they're tricked into being violent by
>muh rappers
and every icon the jews put in front of them.
what's the ratio of degenerates and professional role models for young niggers? and of those professional role models, how many of those advocate degeneracy anyway?
they just want to be just like their male role models (because they don't have dads to teach them otherwise). and the jew makes sure that those role models are toxic.
niggers are getting fucked by the jews even harder than whites. they're just not smart enough to see it.

muh jews.

We aren't going to lock arms with non-whites and go take on the NWO because the NWO is GOOD for most non-whites!

Racial tensions are NATURAL.

The kikes force immigration & propagandize the masses. Removing them is necessary, but that alone would not "fix" the race problem in America.


wise OP is wise

bumping because you're absolutely right.
>implying this board hasn't been astroturfed by the superrich's bots in an effort to divide/conquer poors for years

funny how Occupy died the second BLM and feminist shit took over the mainstream

civic nationalist are pieces of shit that doesn't under fucking stand what is going on.

fuck off and kill yourself.

Being a white nationalist in america doesn't mean you hate others. I just want to see my people do well, and for them to be safe everyone else needs to be in a better place too.

Hand shaking power?

That right there says it all. There is a reason why harmony isnt pushed as an agenda. If the people unite , he power resides in the people and not in the hands of it's ruler.

This is old, it failed.
The evidence is in and different races have different preferences, iq and voting patterns.
And those translate to different capacities, policies and cultures.
And some of those are better for progress or quality of living than others.

This is just retarded in the face of facts and ignorant.
At best you will get something like Panama, a peaceful Brazil. A somewhat stable banana republic.
Decayed infrastructure, high cost of living, a middle class that struggles to breathe because it has to lift the dead weight of a lower class full of social security and unable to fend for itself the luxuries it wants to have.

But that's assuming you ease all racial tensions, which is not so easy to do in america with all the worship around the cult of we wuz slaves history.

This is literal boomer tier kumbaya let's believe in magic shit that's making sure whites become a less relevant voting bloc, the least important interest of decision making and the fastest dwindling demographic.

This is just fatalism, just go die in a gutter already, it's the same but faster.

You cannot have "peace" without recognizing your interests, and your capacities, that's just being the minion to someone else.
It's being a pussy, a fucking bitch.
Why are whites so pathetic holy shit just stop this nonsense, some fat bitch died, big whoop, are you really going to give up so easily? Then you deserve to go extinct and have all your women taken away from you.

>The establishment has us all fighting each other!
>We all need to stand united!
>Let's eat the rich instead!
>We need a good ol Class War!
>Venezualia here we coooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmee!!!111

Lol this.

I am fine with "working" with blacks, but only if they are nationalists that love their own people and desire some sort of separation as well. I have more in common with a black nationalist far more than a white liberal funny enough.

Go back to r*ddit if you think Civic Nationalism works.

Or just read this post and lurk more. You'll eventually learn. Then you can sage these shill threads in the future.

nobody said anything about communism newfriend

>Implying Venezuela's collapse wasn't elaborately orchestrated
any idea how much oil those fuckers have? I'm sure you don't.

This is actually becoming really freaking weird.
I just watched Trump's press conference about the violence from both parties and I'm worried for him. His statement was completely reasonable yet everyone in the crowd treated him like he was insane for saying that there were decent protesters and violent counter protesters. I hope he has people who can keep him grounded because this can seriously mess you up if you feel like you are the only one who witnessed something.

I'm confused at the agenda. I know that everyone has been against Trump but why start a civil war? At first the Russia narrative was launched but nothing has happened. The Seth Rich wikileaks confirmation came out. So now the media focuses on race relations.

I guess it will never stop.

this is FACT.

during the bolshevik revolution they did the same fucking thing. pitted 2 sides against each other.....

Yes, it was orchestrated by something called socialism.

Go to South Africa so a bunch of niggers can kill you for lunch money.

but why not a pause in hostility? instead recognizing the real, bigger enemy? taking every1 on is retarded. armistice with the negros. after all, who was it that enslaved them first???? common enemy...

>armistice with the negros. after all, who was it that enslaved them first????
Other negros? Slavery was common in Africa.


69 of truth

Fucking a, user

no, i mean HERE. it was j00z that were some of the first slave owners and some of the largest. they also owned alot of HUMAN ZOOS with negros as attractions, TRUE STORY. in addition, slave auctions were actually closed on j00 holidays. just saying. we have to start playing fucking chess instead of 12yr old retarded checkers.

Awesome meme

I see exactly how they force racial tensions.

Funny, we see lots of memes here but, have you ever played chess? I assume you have, we all have I think. Ever get a little good at it? Enough to understand some of the basic strategies of it?

Don't blame you if you didn't.

But you might be familiar with the idea behind a "forked attack." You simply move a piece to threaten two or more pieces at a single time. The opponent then has to choose which piece he wishes to lose, or manage a counter attack.

The Jew is immune to all counter attacks, even naming them is a losing strategy.

I know that it is their goal to bring down America, and to do that they have a forked attack. Bring in the third world to vote in marxist ideology, or cause a civil war that will remove America from her global perch of power.

There is nothing you can do to convince the blacks not to hate you user. A lot of us started out as liberals believing in the power of the individual and believing that race relationships had something to do with the behavior of white people. We watched through the decades and noticed that one thing stayed consistent. Regardless of concessions granted, of appeasement and self flagellation, blacks hate whites. They want you dead. And that hate is never going to go away, there will be no reconciliation.

It's not like that hasn't been done before.
The hoteps sort of get along with the alt right.
The black panthers used to get along with the american nazi party.
"Peace" does work. But it has to come from both parties standing as equals.
Whites have to demand to be respected the same as everyone else, that means their achievements must be recognized, their history must be cherished and their needs and issues need to be taken seriously.

Black power doesn't scare me, it makes me laugh.

>race-mixing scares the establishment

ur full of shit. its been done successfully before. Russian Pagrom's man-handled them like bosses. It also happened in Spain, Rome, etc. Its happened before, and it will again.

here's a video of them being man-handled by Slavics (something they thoroughly enjoy)

do zio critters secretly enjoy being manhandled by Slavics? they keep coming for more, they must?

bet hes good at finger banging.

>There is nothing you can do to convince the blacks not to hate you user.
You're an idiot because there are already quite a few blacks on Sup Forums lurking right now
[spoiler]I'm one of them[/spoiler]

Congratulations, you fell for the identity politics just like (((they))) wanted you to.
Jews are white enough to blend in. You might think after blacks next you'll deal with the jews. Too late, all they have to do is change their name and you won't be able to sniff them out. By the time you place your sights on them you'll have already fulfilled your purpose and suddenly you won't know who's the jew. The fact that most people don't even realize how dominant jews are in the media and thinking the media is controlled by white people should already be setting off alarm bells.

the media is just stirring people up for the shiny shekels, theyre getting good viewership over the trump frenzy and they arent going to let that go for some ethics. the more the USA tears itself apart, the more people tune in. people get scared and when they get scared they want information, so its always in their best interest to stir up fear and hate among people. what do though? i want to like black people, i really do. but i just cant seem to. i think my raycisssm is just too deeply ingrained because of the reality i see in the world. i loved le based blacks but there just arent hardly any of them and i dont see that they will ever be able to look introspectively and take responsibility for themselves. unfortunately all of the blacks ive known have reinforced stereotypes in a major way. i want to not be rayciss but i cant seem to square egalitarianism with reality. i try not to h8 people for how theyre born, but thats kind of besides the point when people behave so badly

white + black armistice. no1 wants a civil war. lets be real.

not saying we should get together and hang out, as alot of you are too loud. but armistice. definitely armistice.

btw. im white. my wife is black. true story, no j00 trickery.

>rich and the poor
wow, so marxist of you

>Responding to kike shills

Because they were told to.

>only that many blacks murdered by whites
Smells like bullshit.

>[spoiler]I'm one of them[/spoiler]

You know something? I hope you're right. Here's why I think you're not though.

You are conflating individuals and collectives. Truthfully, there are many blacks out there that are fucking genius level conservatives whom I share more in common with than most white people on most things. I have no qualms in real life with spending time with black people and have always viewed them on a person to person basis.

But we aren't dealing with an individual. We are dealing with the black ethnic group. This group, this voting block, statistically speaking, is never going to view whites as anything but "the other."

You might have had a father figure in your life. If you're here, I think you probably did. But statistically significant sums of your ethnic group has not. You might be a smart guy, but your ethnic group on average has a significant lower average IQ than whites or Asians.

The black community has on average a lower potential earning power than whites, and are not living up to their full potential due to these two things. Which is why your ethnic group is a net drain on tax revenue while whites are a net contributor. Your group will be susceptible to big state promises of welfare because of this, as they are on the receiving end of the deal. Political parties advocating for marxist ideologies will court your group till the end of time, which is why the party of Lincoln, the party of the civil rights movement, the party against the KKK, is the party that blacks vote against 9 to 1.

The individual black man can be rich, smart, articulate, and diametrically opposed to marxism and a great man worthy of respect. And it will not change the fact that as a community, there will never be and end to your people's enmity against mine.

>elaborately orchestrated
when people claim this, they have wikileaks to back it up

Contrary to what CNN tells you, whites aren't going to the ghetto with their ar-15s and gunning down innocent engineers and scientists of basketball descent.

ur a fucking idiot if u dont see the ROOT cause of this issue. hint, its not blacks. and no1 saying be nice to them, just cut down the nazi shit.

checker time is over, we'll never oust the root cause by being angry fuckin idiots.

got some bad news y'all mates: you are promoting what's called civic nationalism which is an idiology which cannot work because of current racial differences. Hence, you fight for the establisment. Just remember that "working together" implies working with the jews. The only way to win this battle is to KEEP PROMOTING THE VALUE OF YOUR OWN HERITAGE. You can't just "make a deal" with other races. Respect them, but if they don't respect the heritage of the country they've bern welcomed in they can just get the fuck out

>ur a fucking idiot if u dont see the ROOT cause of this issue. hint, its not blacks. and no1 saying be nice to them, just cut down the nazi shit.
>checker time is over, we'll never oust the root cause by being angry fuckin idiots.

You deserved another number for your post user.

>not playing the identity politics game is shilling
wew lad, thats some 88D mental gymnastics you're doing there.

they're being MANIPULATED to be angry fucktards. It started with lbj's great society. he purposely destroyed the black household through the implementation of government support programs (aka, free shit, welfare etc). a few decades later, u have an army of uneducated crackheads that u can mold to do what u want (an army).

btw, around this 1965 period, immigration reform took place. since then, the percentage of immigrants in the US has grown exponentially.

guess who weaseled to have all those things passed?

Yes, brilliant. We'll bring them over to our side by campaigning to end welfare assistance. They'll be eating out of our hands.

We know how they were turned into a democrat cash crop, the question is now what?

pretty much this
>now what
I say we keep our grounds
what's important is to spread the message about the importance of heritage

Sage 'n' Gas, folks.
Pol will not fall

>this is the only power that scares the establishment
multiculturalism is exactly what the establishment wants, it needs mass immigration because it has established an economic model based on perpetual growth which can only be sustained by an ever growing population. Their entire wealth depends on it. Multiculturalism and liberalism are the propaganda tools that are used to convince people that mass immigration is good.

tl;dr when you support multiculturalism you help the rich get richer

It's terrifying how eerily this mirrors conversations I've had with friends and family. A few didn't agree with my perspective at all, but it quelled any notion of 'evil' in my heart just fine.

Around a third just chalk it up to deep depression, even though I dealt with that shit two years back. Should've started seriously exercising and eating well a decade ago, it changed everything.

Letting democrats give them money and paying for their continued enslavement to the state rather then struggling to achieve their own wealth or die isn't being nice to them you fucking kike, we'll gas you soon enough.