MSNBC host Al Sharpton is calling for ending federal funding for maintenance and security for the Jefferson Memorial because the third U.S. president owned slaves.

“When you look at the fact that public monuments are supported by public funds you’re asking me to subsidize the insult of my family. I would repeat that the public should not be paying to uphold somebody who has had that kind of background,” Sharpton told CBS host Charlie Rose.

Jefferson “had slaves and children with his slaves. And it does matter,” Sharpton continued.

“I think that people need to understand when people that were enslaved and robbed of even the right to marry, and had forced sex with their slave masters, this is personal to us.”

Other urls found in this thread:

>what happened to other people is personal to us

why do these people stay in america if its existence is such an insult to them? they have a nice cozy country called Liberia that was made just for them

This nigger needs to die

let's burn the Constitution while we're at it

>MFW a nigger didn't know who Sally Hemmings is near me

don't associate al sharpton with msnbc

It's easier to steal someone else's stuff than make your own

The creed of the eternal Negro

this is why civic nationalism in the US will never work until the history of the US is wiped away completely by those we are supposed to pamper. and for what? what do they contribute besides violence and ignorance?

...then we MUST stop funding the Democratic party, and take them down due to their Byrd/KKK history!

Al Sharpton (Decades long FBI informant)

There's a name I haven't heard since king nigger was in office.

Nothing to see here ..:: its late everyone should just quit posting and go to bed ...

This seriously needs to be supported. Normies don't give a fuck about confederates, but they aren't as gaslit on colonial heroes. Letting the left run wild on this would be nothing but good for us.

No more funding for black people. They gave birth to slaves. So complicit

How fucking stupid is he? The alt-right just suffered a huge blow and here he is, doing exactly what will make normies sympathize with them.


>what do they contribute
Rap music and basketball, dawg

holy shit, he did it. Trump baited them into calling for the removal of the founding fathers.

They can't be this stupid... can they?

CNN the official propaganda tool for ISIS ANTIFA BLM the raging cunt of a movement Feminism

Boy it sure didn't take long for the usual suspects to call for doing exactly what Trump said they would do.

Why are MSNBC so racist they don't want to be associated with a proud man of color?

Based Al "Sharpshooter" Sharpton shooting down Nazi scum. Haha take that alt wrong

>efferson “had slaves and children with his slaves. And it does matter,”
citation fucking needed. DNA shows it could have been a variety of Jefferson men.

>Trump sarcastically asks if the Jefferson memorial will be taken down next
>lefties unironically want to do it

>Jefferson had slaves
along with the entire world you retarded nigger, it's almost as if slavery was legal at some point

This is just the beginning m8. I sincerely do hope they take down Jefferson monument and U.S. becomes a socialist orwellian shithole, just so antifa fags starve

>the black flag will fly over the dome
>antifa flag flies over jefferson memorial dome
g g guys.....

I can't tell if you're shilling or retarded. Once the monuments are gone, the history is largely gone with them. All that will be left are the written and oral histories laid bare to be (((tampered with))) at will.


BUMP We need to start a fake trend on twitter like #RevertTheConstitution or #RacistConstitution or #RemovetheDollar bill and promote that the founding fathers were slave owners.... it would be the end of the left

>Trump asks what monuments will be next
>Leftists start going after other monuments

It's like literal pottery.

Proxy to erase white culture, any thing produce for white will be erase, just like happens in communist government.

America is literally entering a Cultural Revolution like what happened in China under Mao

Purging all of its "old and wrong" artifacts of culture to make way for the pure and infalliable new ideology.

They will be coming for Washington next. Barack Obama will be the first US President in history books of 2217

Not a bad idea to push this. Antifa would go for it and it would be the fastest redpill for normies.

Why are they working so hard at destroying democrats.

>make stupid prophecy that can be interpreted in 500 different ways
>poltards shit themselves every time something happens that vaguely fits the description

Not very accurate. 90% of the niggers they haul off to jail aren't killers.

Read this and you'll understand.

It took them less than 48 hours to show that Trump was 100% right about everything.

Wow. Just fucking wow.

Oh shit, did we actually have a Anonastramus?

we should build a space pyramid on the area


BUMP We need to start a fake trend on twitter like #RevertTheConstitution or #RacistConstitution or #RemovetheDollar bill and promote that the founding fathers were slave owners.... it would be the end of the left

It's always pretty cool and entertaining regardless

Because stealing is what they do best

Niggers exist to hate, steal, rape, beat, kill, and destroy. Embodiment of evil, I say. Like real-life demons.

With Nephilim/Giant steps up to them

>letting you see our email addresses
Breh. Just post a screenshot or something.


cultural marxism
we are in the midst of the deconstruction of america.

Wow I hope they do it. Then you'll really get people cracking their almonds.

Al Sharpton should be deported to North Korea.

No matter the crime that's the first reaction nothing else matters not the crime it's self nothing just what they appear to see. They will be victims before proven Criminals even in the most blatant crimes

I like it, it's fun to larp as prophets.


Trump is playing these retards like a piano lmao

Fuck it lets do it.

This is why I called it a win, the other day. They're now more hateful and emboldened than ever. Every move they make is the wrong one.

user, they just want to leech of the Euro created civilization.

Making outrage is how they get more gibs.

Look for "reparations in exchange for keeping the statues" up, next.

They're like children. Violent children in adult bodies..

Multiculturalism is a disaster.

This all happened in Communist Cambodia in the late 1970s:

"The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people before Year Zero is deemed largely irrelevant, as it will ideally be purged and replaced from the ground up."

The next stage is the Killing Fields -- unless of course you rise up and stop it.

thats no excuse u dam nazi


This is just a taste of the upcoming tax on being white that is in effect as soon as we hit 45 percent

Shit you're right. Just open it in a private tab. Or if you really want I could try and post it on mediafire or something.

Don't be a poo, bin that statue.


What excuse do colleges and universities have?

"Community service" is slavery.

I think so, because I'm now starting to see articles in the MSM about "who are Antifa?" This would never have happened had Trump just let himself go along with the left's pretence that only the right can be violent. Now, a lot more people are aware that Communist thugs are routinely showing up to political demonstrations all across the West.

No they suck at it, that's why prison is filled with them, faggot.

>They are actually taking Trump's bait & proving him right

Fucking idiots


I give it another 12 months and they are going to take a run at

1. An assassination attempt on Trump
2. A major national shutdown on par with the LA Race Riots
3. A major hostage crisis
4. Targeting a major historical monument

They want the Center/Right to attack them, so they can claim moral high-ground and justify the purge of American Values for Socialism / system collapse.

Communism works

I can't tell if you're retarded or delusional. Do you see anyone standing up for history now? Do you know what's being taught as (((our history))) and has been for decades?

The ballgame is over lad. The time for stealing bases is over. We're changing the roster and going with a new linup. The enemy likes to destroy, that's their only weakness. They are in control over every meaningful public and private institution in this society. The only and obvious way to make them fail is to get them into a frenzy of over-reach that they cannot stop. Nothing less than that will wake up the normie.

that one is referencing isis becoming the caliphate of islam.

Who made Al Sharpton the Emperor of Black People anyway?

we dun have to " contribute" anythin u racist cracka we wuz slaves

Who gives a fuck if he owned slaves. Why is 13% of the population being allowed to force its will on the majority? 13% and not one of them is or was a slave. How about a vote, niggers? Play by the fucking rules.

They're children that want more gibs and expect whitey to bend ze knee.

They lack all foresight and self-awareness.

Al Sharpton did.

>knows it's bullshit
>thinks other people don't
well, user, aren't you just super smart?

niggers think everything revolves around them. they're fucking children

Fucking 88D chess. Trump gets to keep his Alt-Right base, and subtly convert more normies to his side by showing how commies/BLM chimp-out.

This man is a fucking god!!!

he was on time to the coronation

Lets make it a law that anyone who forces the will of the minority to the majority will be flagged as a retarded victim wannabe

>thinks other people don't
You underestimate the stupidity of some people here.

He literally used to have his own show on MSNBC.

While I can kind of agree with this, it really shouldn't matter. What amount of funds are really needed for the Jefferson fucking memorial? 99% of American have no clue who the fuck Jefferson even was. I'll bet the funds are needed for janitorial services once a week and monthly/annual maintenance. Literally less than 200-300k a year probably. Boo fucking hoo Al.

ISIS begin proxy Jew to build great Israel.

Luckily, they're shooting their load prematurely, at a time when the majority of Westerners are still white and (in the US at least) armed to the fucking teeth. This conflict has to happen sometime, so it's best that it happens now.

we will outlaw the public display of racist figures in the next step of the transition. only because you are willing to spend money doesn't mean you are allowed to treat on human rights.

There is no God but Apophis(Obama); and Sharpton is his prophet.

we dont need more laws fuckhead

it's sad that most blacks unironically believe this

Wow, is Sharpton actually TRYING to incite racial violence?

I can see a lot of white Democrats coming over to the dark side if this victim politics carries on.

"White folks was in caves while we were building empires…. We taught philosophy and astrology [sic] and mathematics before Socrates and those Greek homos ever got around to it." (Al Sharpton)


>Owned slaves
>Nullifies all other realms of achievement

>Jefferson? Oh! You mean the guy who owned slaves?

Oil your guns, boys.

Jesus christ, imagine being this fucking braindead