why do the police officers on the side of the road look directly at the car and just casually continue walking
>bumper cover hanging off the side
nothing to see here

Other urls found in this thread:

he was using a stealth boy

whats with all the slides today?


they made sure the driver was not black

They needed to change the driver, can't do that with cameras everywhere

And you also forgot the random film crew on the side.

they could have at least tried to half ass look surprised and act like they cared.... might have sold it.

How the hell would those officers not have been alerted that a car just crashed into a bunch of people. Their radio would be going crazy. Where did you get this video OP?

Thanks for the source good find, this is being slid hard right now

all day long it's been bad getting harder and harder to find legit threads.

Bump for visibility


that link's video has sound and is actually a good bit longer... still suspicious

It's because they're aware the mob is fucking up cars. They obviously don't give a shit; they were told to stand down by the fucking globalist dicksucks who run the city. It might be seconds after the impact, they're probly not briefed on that incident yet. There was a ton of shit going on.

The false flag stuff is stupid. Dude panicked and ran into the crowd or did it on purpose and was a fucking cretin asshole who didn't think through the ramifications of his sperg-out. It literally doesn't matter, this shit is just the new fucking REEEEEEEEEssia and it's going to last for three fucking weeks until they find some new stupid horseshit. Get a grip and go back to working on Seth's murder.

isn't that car also going into oncoming traffic? or is that a one way street? you can see he drives over signs on the road meant for the opposite direction.

how does that not trigger a cop immediately?

fuck the slides

Cops don't instantaneously know the context of a situation. You can even see the double-take of the last cop who is like, "what the fuck?"

But, the entirety of the Charlottesville Police Department are in on a conspiracy to frame the alt-right groups for a murder. One guy even went so far as to take the fall for second-degree homicide.


we archived in 3...2....,..


do you not understand what the double yellow lines in the middle of the road signify? change your flag to gay please

What's the significance of this?

why you sage-ing crusader shill?

nice catch

People saying there were plain clothes dudes in place at the scene.


There are clearly no headlights remaining on that car. That alone would have cops flagging you down.

All the other damage would get that car qualified as totaled. It would need to be towed away and any cop would be chasing after it and calling in for cruisers to block its path.

I'd honestly like to see someone tear half their bumper off, let it drag across lanes, and see how long it takes until they're stopped. I don't think they'd make it past one cop

thought u said we be archived by now

something weird about the heli crash also

US cops get trained in Israel to randomly kill niggers, not to make traffic stops.

You're acting like that day in Charlottesville was routine. There was a A LOT of shit going on around them and in the city as a whole. I'm sure the cops patrolling the streets weren't "flagging" people down for speeding or jaywalking, either. You're also ignoring the fact that the last cop did look back at the suspicious car.

same shot from a better angle

Lmao what the fuck, context?

any word on the cause of the crash?

can't help you there ;p

the fuck

No, American cops mostly do traffic stops. It's how they make their money. It's why they even have quotas and try getting people for the most minute shit.

On a day of rioting, you might get away with your mirrors knocked off and maybe one busted headlight. A bumper dragging on the road would be a fucking huge traffic violation that poses immediate danger to other drivers and no cop would let that fly. A cop wouldn't just "look back" at damage this extreme. He'd be calling it in and running after it. If the driver was attacked by rioters, he'd be giving them a safe ride home.

there was an emergency happening elsewhere they probably didn't have word of vehicular homocide yet so they were all just walking over to the scene

probably because they hadn't heard there had been a car attack yet or were going to radio it in so cops actually in cars can peruse

or do you honestly think tens of thousands of local police are in on some false flag conspiracy autism and it wouldnt leak immediately?

fuckin hell

If it clearly won't pass inspection they will pull your ass over in an instant. Dude would have at least called for someone to come pull the guy over.

last i heard the tail rotor went out, the pilot couldnt auto rotate down, and it flipped belly up somehow


Sage in name, not in options field. It's a school night, what are you doing on so late?

Exactly. It's good to see that people are viewing this video.

that video was the tipping point in my researching... that man is woke

I have another one for you then:

>be ex Israeli soldier
>be involved in unfortunate murder of young boy during 'curfew' for being out too late
>feels true guilt, and empathy...
dare i say /our guy/

Yeah, a rare thing to see over there. The video I posted above talks about Israel's entire weapon industry and how they use the Palestinians as lab rats. Most aggravating video I've seen involving Israel.

There would be plainclothes everywhere in this situation.


Not relevant to the smash.

Anyone have a better res of this? Maybe a close up of the driver? Likely the best video we will get of it.


rip, doggo ;_;

i refer you to this, only other link i have found, though i don't think it is better resolution.

I went over ti several times. Very blurry but I don't see the beard the dude arrested had.

This whole situation under a spotlight. Trump was right when he said nobody knows all the facts yet. This is going to cost people their jobs.







one of the few logical things ive seen said in a while

>street battles are raging, billions of faggots everywhere
>a smashed up car is driving away from the action, driving in the direction of "not my problem"
Yep, definitely flag down that car and write him a ticket because his headlights are fucked


at least we know now that that fucked bumper was probably the first attack


What is he, "turning himself in?"

Nah, he's returning to the hoax staging site. This video was filmed right in front of the fucking police station.

That car definitely has no moon roof. GVF is all i see on the license plate.

good find

>and it flipped belly up somehow
the engine is heavy. and it's on top. look up what a helo-dunker is and why it flips upside down.

Why did the driver have a white shirt in the car, but a checkered shirt in the mugshot?

On his facebook why did the car have a black stripe, but it was gone when it rammed through the crowd?

Why does the vehicle registration list a sunroof, which was absent during the attack?

Why is the car that rammed the crowd the same make and model that feds and police own thousands of?

>cops arrest man
>cops take car back to station as evidence after man is arrested

because it was a FALSE FLAG!! the kid switched places with the actual drvier and took the blame. the political fallout is why and I'm expecting the kid to "die" in custody. any other questions?

I didn't see him turn. I will recheck the video but either way thats some serious bullshit. No cop, no matter the situation would ignore that. If he is turning, that is some serious smoking gun there. That means the police let him go and he was arrested later at the very least. Lots of fishy bullshit.

Possible but unlikely given the bumper literally dragging and most of the time they would call a tow car to not foul up possible evidence

you yiddin me goy? do you see a cop driving in that video? no its the same white shirted square jawed t-1000 unit that was spotted driving at the hollywood stunt scene.

Moreover, it would be fucking towed away. There is no way some cop would just drive a totaled vehicle like that ya moron .

did you even watch the video? They are fucking cheering as he returns to home base

Driving a car in that condition is a big fucking no no. Given that it's a murder weapon the cops would have it towed to disturb it as little as possible.

Not to mention the hazard of driving a car in that condition.

The car would be towed

Agreed, I would be very surprised if they didn't call a tow truck. There should be video of what happened after they arrested the man, there's got to be at least one person who taped it.
Until you get proof that it was towed and not a cop in there, this is what normies and the left will say:
>It was a cop driving it back to the station!
>They were cheering because THE FUCKING WHITE MALE was arrested and his car impounded!
>oy vey you nazis and your conspiracy theories!

Fucking false flag.

Its really hard to tell, to me it looks like you can see the vehicle start to turn as it exits the camera's field of vision but maybe I'm just seeing things. What do you think?

Either way he's driving right past a fucking hive of cops on the day of the fucking protest in that video and thats a very significant detail, there would have been six gorillion cops right there. 606 E Market street.

holy shit

just a guess that police body cams were either forgotten at home/not required

Has anyone checked any traffic cameras?
got to be something. Any evidence of the car lets us map and look for more footage.

He did nothing wrong

we know who killed set already, skippy ordered it and hill dawg gave the go ahead. used coded media article to send to "green light". done and done. don't be a pretentious Sup Forumstard.

Look at it again, the arrow is going towards him, he's actually driving on the wrong side because there was a car stopped on his side of the road

Cops dont park crashed/evidence cars at their stations anyway its towed to which ever tow yard has contracts with them to pick shit up.

t. VA locksmith who makes keys all the time in the police impounds.

For those who haven't seen it, the stuntman black guy "Marcus Martin" who hollywood-rolled onto the hood of the car... was seen in a video a maximum of 8 seconds later chilling on top of the adjacent truck, proving that he made a perfect landing and was uninjured.

I agree, I've seen them tow cars without damage that are perfectly driveable (DUI, etc.)
This is what the left will respond to this video with and paint everyone as the typical crazy conspiracy theorist.
I'm trying to find more clips, if anyone else can help we could take this narrative away from them.

goy is finished, all this bs over a hoax

As we see him in this still from a video, clearly more concerned about the camera accidentally filming him than the car which just "nearly killed him."

They'd have it towed, you underaged faggot.

can we finally get Soros under RICO for this shit? if this is proven to be fake this is unprecedented.

Then find the video so the left doesn't say this and paint everyone as crazy conspiracy theorists.

And even though his shoe is clearly very firmly tied in the money shot, he somehow found time in the 8 seconds in between landing and hopping on the truck to take his shoe off (in every single one of these hoaxes a fake victim has one shoe missing) and let it get dragged all the way up the street, seen flipping around in another video as the car speeds off in reverse.

The one shoe missing is Freemasonic symbolism and represents duality and liminality, having one foot in the door so to speak... and just in another pure (((cohencidence))) there was a Masonic temple right around the corner from where this whole hoax was staged.

Those digits. There is absolute fuckery afoot!

This legit frightened me

holy shit that's scary.


There is a photo of it being towed!

So we can put that fucking theory to rest. The video shows the wrecked car, having just "fled the scene" (of the staged hollywood hoax) driving right into or past a fucking police garage while cops walk by casually and CHEER (!!??)

How long was this after the collision? Minutes? Would the cops have gotten the call yet out that major shit just went down?

seriously what if it was just some crazy shithead who decided he was done with protestors blocking traffic?