Has God forsaken us?

Has God forsaken us?


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Do juggalos even care about politics? I was in vegas during an adult baby and communist convention. Apparently there was extreme overlap with the two conventions.





most of them are leftist fags. they're like a prison gang version of the antifa.




This is a set up to ambush trump supporters

Fuck off OP most of us like ICP. I don't wear my makeup anymore but I still have it.


Where's your kek now?



Checks out.

Yes it is, I heard somewhere last week or so that Anti-fa was trying to recruit juggalos to their cause. They're going to be there, because they will be paid to be there...But there is a correlation to this.

what a waste

They were designated as a gang by the FBI. This March is about that I presume

Gunna make a daily general about it!

Is being a juggalo the ultimate redpill?

Dunno about that. Every one that I know is a gasthekikesracewarnow type of guy.

Dressing up like a clown and pretending to be tough is a real thing?

there gona push for gun control
cant go to war with the people when they have arms now can they.

i think it's fucking hilarious
imagining the dark carnival parade
clashing with the old trump supporters

all the old people gonna be like

"guuuurd daaaamn this must be that anne T fa"

and the juggalos are gonna be making woop woop noises.

shit is gonna be hillarious.

i hope all the juggalos turn up.

What a waste..

Oh, that's terrible

The message of the Dark Carnival and the morals taught to a by the jokers card album make for a better worldview than your nazi bullshit.

Peace and mmfwcl. Whoop whoop!

I'm mad and that's a fact
I found out animals don't help
Animals think they're pretty smart
Shit on the ground, see in the dark

They wander around like a crazy dog
Make a mistake in the parking lot
Always bumping into things
Always let you down, down, down, down
Eh, eh, eh, eh

Animals think they understand
Most of them are a big mistake
Animals want to change my life
I will ignore, I don't know such place

They're never there when you need them
They're never there when you call them
They're never there when you need them
They're never there when you call them down
Down, down, down

I know the animals are laughing at us
Don't even know what a joke is
I won't follow animal's advice
I don't care if they're laughing at us

They're never there when you need them
They're never there when you call them
They're never there when you need them
They're never there when you call them down
Down, down
Eh, eh, eh

They say they don't need money
They're living on nuts and berries
They say animals don't worry
They're living on nuts and berries

You know animals are hairy?
They say animals don't worry
They think they know what's best
They're making a fool of us

They ought to be more careful
They're setting a bad example
They say animals don't worry
They're living on nuts and berries

They're setting a bad example
They ought to be more careful
You know animals are hairy?
They're living on nuts and berries

They want to know what's best
They're making a fool of us
They ought to be more careful
They're setting a bad example

They like to laugh at people
They're setting a bad example
They have untroubled lives
They think every thing's nice

They say they don't need money
They say animals don't worry
They're living on nuts and berries
You know animals are hairy?


what the fuck

l m f a o

What is their message? That the Joker did nothing wrong?

Juggalos are a gang of peace!

Goddamn it!

This marks the rise of JUGGALO NATIONALISM

Here's a recent Juggalo video, its been deleted from YouTube multiple times:

It's a parody of black culture.

what the fuck is a juggalo?

Hardline jugg here. Ask me anything

They're low class Whites connecting to an identity that gives them respect amongst themselves and some semblance of community. They are usually the people "polite" society sneers at but they are no different from any other "trailer trash" person really.

And fuck I can't believe that magnets song was from 2009.


So many memories. Fucking rainbows, you can't see music, why Shaggy's kid look like Shaggy, I don't want to talk to a scientist... Shit. Take me back.

The jokers card albums are two sets of six records, each with a different theme.

>what the fuck is a juggalo?

MMFCL! Night night Nazi bitches! We gonna drown ya punk asses in Cotton Candy Faygo, then beat you asses while thumping Chicken Huntin on my ghetto blaster. Hatchets beat wood shields!


Miracles has a deeper meaning. It's about how the wonders of the world are often described as miracles and can often seem like magic, however once a scientific explanation is given to explain one of these 'miracles' it loses it magic and we lose our sense of wonder about the world.





I didn't know they were still around. I remember watching videos of them during the very early days of Youtube, but hadn't anything about them since.

>redpilled wigger juggalo rapper with face piercings
>rapping about putting Jews in ovens for flooding Europe with immigrants
>suggests Israel open its borders
>dressed in SS uniform while burning Korans and waving skin lampshades


>yfw we put out the nazi torches with Faygo.

Bannon called you guys clowns. Looks like the Juggalo thing is locked and loaded. Better start drinking Faygo.


do you watch the paranormies as well?


How are antifa different than a bunch of clowns?

what a load of shit, its too 90s to even take serious

>dye hair with temp spray
>Get fake piercings
>Paint face
>Woop Woop fellow juggalos I got some dank weed and faygo down this alley

His Twitter is full of truth bombs

Jugglos for Trump... They are anti-establishment and love him

No idea who they are


A juggalo is someone who ties a rope to his dick and then jumps out a 10 story window.
He walks in your house while your having supper and puts his nuts in your soup
bust a nut in your macaroni
works for himself scratching his nuts

Is this really how they define themselves?



ah. they had featured that song in an episode

Coulrophobia will not tolerated

Heres the problem: The message is lost because they are fucking retards in gay clown make up. They should stick to talking about faygo and other such nonsense. Their ignorant attempts at expressing awe at the divinity of the world is only making people dumber.

Whoop Whoop you know it senpai

I dunno, will they care about the pro-trump rally?
They are all about being fucking weirdos. And they are there to stand up for their rights in the first place?

These poor women.
Isn't there a picture of them with some tiny guy? One where they're twice his size? How much bigger would this fat fuck be than the other guy?


holy shit that gathering storm guy has some major ass pain that ICP is more popular than him.

How shit do you have to be as a human being to be liked less than Insane clown posse ?

he seems obsessed with them.

as for yourself you seem even more angry that you can't understand a song made for children.

Is a song for babies how come you can't understand it?

Sure it is no youtube.com/watch?v=bW98XA8dKbo

But is it that difficult to understand ?


This is a Jew funded ploy to make white people look like total retards.

I fucking pray to god Antifa starts some shit with the Juggalos.

Is this, dare I say, /oursong/?

seemed like a commentary on the inevitable finality of white w/pride = nazi. cut out all that middle shit and get to the point

just checked out mister mekour does he not have a personality of his own he just talks about his opinions.

what a droll individual maybe if he tried doing something productive instead of making bargain bin garbage.

instead of being a shitty scout.


This is a fucking joke.

>alt left piss bottle bombardment
>alt right Faygo bombardment
not sure which is worse


They are still a thing? I thought they died in late 90's-2005.

This isn't twitter stupid ausfag, you can stuff all your shit in one post.

Why shouldn't I assume that it's an unofficial rally and that scheduling mix-ups happen all of the time, O.P.?

There's a little crossover although I think ICP are pretty much liberals. I don't know any juggalos but they seem to mostly be disenfranchised white people.

Bannon sent out a warning that the clowns are coming as paid hitmen to crush the WN gathering.
Go at your own risk. They fetishized hatchets and are desensitized gore worshippers. It will be a bloodbath.


These people are still around?

>when you thought there wasn't any more space for one final nail in that coffin and then the (((guys))) with the hammer say thatswhereyourewrongkiddo.jpg and pull out one final nail

>Be political groups in the US
>Constantly try to respond and one up eachother
>Just end up crashing cars into eachother's groups
>Decide to settle your differences through Death Rally

It was foretold


What is a juggalo