How the FUCK is this still up?

All the major companies decided to take down white supremacist platforms today except this one is still up. For what purpose? Does Spencer work for the government? It even accepts paypal donations still when paypal shut down all donations to other sites

Spencer is a Fed informant

they pay their bills

PayPal dumped them, today.

Bump because I'm suspicious as well.

>Decided to cuck free speech because muh feelins
Not even a nazi but this is weak and cowardly. What are they going to do? Shitpost angrily and protest?

Antifa spends more time talking shit than fear-mongering, because neither side wants to look weak. Both sides are scared shitless. Come off it.

At first I thought this was a shill thread, now I'm generally interested.

nowhere near the amount of traffic DS has

They're moving in to co-opt the movement with their approved shills, just like how they busted up the Occupy movement and replaced it with identity politics.

If Spencer was CIA wouldn't he have someone to actually update his website?

On the other hand, has avoided a lot of shutdowns and even got a blue checkmark

On the other, other hand, he is good about not really violating the rules and the left obviously thinks that they benefit from giving him air time

Im telling you Sup Forums you fucking niggers, alt-right is a honey-pot. I know the older Sup Forums people who've visited this Sup Forums for abit can pick up on it, some of you guys are smart enough to realize.

Useful idiots, go ahead and stay in the alt-right and be subverted by nazi flags, kkk and the media baiting and misguiding people into division.

Interestingly enough, today Jason Jorjani resigned from the altright and arktos.

You're paranoia will destroy us all. Good night white pride :(

Spencer is a democrat plant.

TRS is still up.

Intersting observation

Spencer is a CIA informant/crisis actor confirmed.

They have an unprecedented civil rights case coming up. This is our time boys. This is our civcil rights fight, its our time to fight for what we want. They'll be writing songs about us for a hundred years.

Here's the biggest red flag. Real believers have public television level media production.

These celebs have CNN level headshots, clips, etc. It's all lies. Just ask yourself whose framing the shots?

Won't be for long.

Daily stormer gone, it's next with 8 chan

Maybe the intention is to divert all traffic to it in order to start logging information.

I am a professional. They use professional tactics without the background and they aren't DaVinci enough to be capable of it.

Most of them with their intellect would be HR managers.

>far less traffic
>no forums
Small fish, not worth the effort imo

Better question is, if Sup Forums is the biggest gathering of alt-right and harborers of extreme political views... why are we still up?


Where did Dick Spencer get his start? How did these groups get so many people to a nowhereville like Charlottesville?

Major cities have had smaller turn out. Then theirs the overlooked police crash and the abrupt CEO departures of Clinton supporting orgs?

Trump must be moving on China or taxes on the Rich for this circus. I mean even Iran tows the line?

Something smells in Denmark

Like what?

Also, I totally agree about feds but I also think it's overplayed to scare normies

had an "alt-right" group try to recruit me a while back
immediately noticed several red flags, things they did that made me think they are either complete morons or feds.

you gotta figure out of all these alt-right figureheads popping up at least one is a fed

Here is the biggest red flag. Screenshot this post because they will change tactics reading it.

Not once has tasers been used. Not once. Bats, knifes, etc. In a real situation tasers and tear gas would be used like Venezuela.

Yellow journalism + ALT groups =coup ala color revolution.

>several red flags
Like what specifically? Which group?

Taser are dumb for that. Venezuelans are dumb.

Tear gas is used, mace is easier to get

Don't know or care to find out but could just be hosting it themselves

Do you fellas know if anyone is trying to build custom internet infrastructure to stop shutdowns? I'd love to help.