Reminder: Traditional catholicism will defeat Islam, and the rest of this godless world

Reminder: Traditional catholicism will defeat Islam, and the rest of this godless world.

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When? Your Pope is welcoming the Muslims into Europe and condemning Christians. lol

Catholics are being targeted.

I wish hell did exist, those targeting them, especially homos who think virgins are closets, would go to hell for promoting sin amongst the virtuous.

>you're chaste
>so we'll harass you every time you go to work
Just the shit real Christians put up with

the path of righteousness is beseech on all sides

In 1309 AD, the seat of the papacy was moved from Rome to Avignon (France). In total, 7 Popes were seated in Avignon until 1377 AD when the seat was moved back to Rome. The entire justification for papal supremacy is based on the claim that there is an unbroken line of Bishops of Rome from St. Peter... except that line was broken during the Avignon Papacy over 700 years ago. The Papist Church is a false church.

Catholics really need to stop calling themselves Christians.


catholicism = polytheistic idol worshippers

>traditional Catholicism
The traditional sodmization of children will not save Europe.


Our pope is a fucking joke right now. We need a new one now ffs.

Try being a Catholic and studying Sociology/Politics at university. Hiding my power level is getting harder week by week.

Pray for me, please.


good luck beating us alphas

Reminder: progressivism is just a form of Christianity.

i'm gonna make a dedicated thread, but everyone's favorite Catholic EMJ just released another video. Like his 3rd in the last week.
the man is trying to get his message out before they SHUT IT DOWN

Why should they stop calling themselves Christians when they are Christian?

Traditional Christianity* will destroy Islam and the rest of the heathens. But Traditional Catholicism is a joke, most of them being LARPers who don't even get how hypocritical they are to call themselve "Catholic" while thinking they know better than the Catholic Church. If you are too retarded to see that doctrinally you are basically a Protestant, then why should anyone take a LARPer like you seriously?


Christians love god and keep to his commandments, catholics do not.

Catholics aren't Christians.

>tfw Christian want to wear a scarf but that instantly makes you look like mudslime
what do?


wear a cross as well, simple

enjoy your traditions of men

>these people actually worship mary and pray to mary and the saints


Nice argument, sodomite. Cathocuck got BTFO. Read a Bible, faggot.

was meant for you: Nice argument, sodomite. Cathocuck got BTFO. Read a Bible, faggot.

>traditonal catholicism
theres a difference between current times and past times

>Traditional catholicism will defeat Islam, and the rest of this godless world.
Truth. Amen.

Orthodoxy is the only way forward.

Is there any reason to not convert to Eastern Orthodoxy? They seem pretty based.

After carefully considering all denominations, and especially reading the history of christianity from christ until today(very important for understanding the faith), i have come to realize the Orthodox Church is the correct church, the direct continuation of the teachings of Christ and the apostles

I respect the Roman Catholic Church, or at least it's incarnation before the 1960s, but the Catholic Church is not static like the Orthodox, throughout history it has changed and morphed and adopted divergent teachings, etc.

the Orthodox Church is the rock, while the catholic one is a bit like a paper bag which flies wherever the wind blows


First, we have to solve the (((Christ-Killer))) problem and fix the vibrancy

But after that... I can't wait to start forcefully converting Prot scum to save them from burning in hell with that demon Martin Luther.

The mother church shall prevail!

Well done, brother.

This, but only after we cull darkies

>Catholics are being targeted.
They always have been, throughout history. It is just we never are taught it, never read about it, never hear about it. All we hear about is the persecution of Jews but never the Catholics. We are used to it. And we know the Church will never die, Jesus promised us that.

Papal seat is vacant

This but for the love of God please don't ever post any fucking Orthodox memes

>Pray for me, please.
May Jesus give you strength and the Holy Spirit protect you. God Bless you.

catholics btfo hillary oct 2016

>never forget

May White Jesus give the strength to endure the presence of degenrates and Semito-Hamitic abominations that surround you. May you avoid descendants of abos and dravidan filth in your personal life


We know that Islam is the Moon god called Sin or Suen, Nanna or Nannar.

He is the Father of Isis, known as Inanna or Ishtar. Also Ereshkigal and Utu or Shamash.

I just Identified to you an Heir of the Bloodline Kingship of the Archons. They are a line of false god kings. Their Chief Archon or First Ruler is the Demiurge.

The Catholic Church has shown itself to be an Ally of the Demiurge.

They killed the Gnostics.

Led by men? Check
No homos(officially anyway)? Check
Wine in Church? Check
Venerating a woman? Check

Fuck off all you Prottie dogs, go back to sucking Martin Luthers' dick while inbreeding for the purpose of "pure blood", purebreed dogs are dumb as shit, you need genetic variation in order to keep evolving.

Disavow the Pope, reclaim Hagia Sophia, Neo-Christianity is the true way of god.

>inbreeding for the purpose of "pure blood", purebreed dogs are dumb as shit
Both statements are false and you Europeans are the most outbred in the world. Somehow pure Germanics and Slavs make up the majority of world's contributors

>Traditional catholicism will defeat Islam
When will this happen? All evidence says the opposite. Stop being a retard.

funny memes

the reality is, the pope has no authority over other bishops, his power grew overtime, and the idea that christ named the pope his successor is a later historical revision

This. The Roman Catholic Church is truly the house built on sand.


Islam is so tacky.

Peter was the leader of Christ's disciples and his line of succession is unbroken.

It also just makes sense that Christ would leave someone in charge of the Earthly Church since He invariably foresaw the need for a voice of authority to rule on the contested grounds of Faith and Morals. If this were not the case, then Christ would be leaving His Church defenseless against heresies since NO ONE would be able to discern with certainty what is Church doctrine, breaking His promise that "the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it"

>victory is so tacky
You get to change it when you own it. But you don't. Such a shame.

>his line of succession is unbroken
False. See:

>living in a different area somehow invalidates an office one holds
you're as looney as those sedevacantist

>Your Pope
Francis isn't really Pope. Look it up. Benedict still calls himself Pope, still has the insignia, etc.

Also google vatican spring on wikileaks.

I have literally no idea why you pathetic faggots cling to this dead and insane Jewish nonsense, it's fucking embarrassing

Wrong. Retiree popes keep there title and (optionally) ring of the fisherman till death. They lose their papal mozzetta and shoes.

there was no leader of Christ's disciples, the Bishops were equal

Rome(along with Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem and Antioch) were elevated to patriarchy in the ecumenical councils after Constantine the great became emperor, and were all equal in authority(along with all bishops) but under the Emperor

Rome then grew in independence and temporal authority after the fall of the western roman empire, essentially it became a feudal state with lands and an army of it's own, and this is when the ideas of some imaginary line of succession of peter came into being

>line of succession of peter came into being
i mean succession to an imaginary throne of peter, many bishops are peters successors, there is no throne for a master of christianity

this. Christ is the head of the church.

They worship and pray to all sorts of saints and mary in particular instead of God. Then claim that isn't what they do.

They also don't believe that Jesus dying for our sins is enough alone to gain eternal life.

That is my biggest problem with them.

>They worship and pray to all sorts of saints
Saints were always venerated in Christainity, i hope they don't really pray to them as you say(i doubt they do)

>They also don't believe that Jesus dying for our sins is enough alone to gain eternal life.
It's not enough, you have to believe in him and follow his teachings for eternal life, if you reject him or his teachings, i don't know, im no theologian but i don't think Christ will like it

They literally pray to mary for guidance.

That also isn't what I meant. Obviously you cant just say "oh yeah I believe in Jesus" and then go do whatever you want. Doing what God would want is part of being a Christian and knowing Jesus.

What I mean is they think their pastors have to forgive you for your sins, that they aren't already forgiven through faith.

>there was no leader of Christ's disciples
the New Testament outright refutes that notion (Peter always being named first when they were referred as a group or as "Peter and thoser who were with him; Peter being the one who generally spoke for the apostles, especially at Pentecost; working the first healing of the Church age; his faith being what strengthened his bretheren; Peter being given Christ's flock to shepherd; Peter personally being told of Christ's return by an angel; the risen Christ first appearing to Peter; Peter heading the meeted that elected Judas's replacement; enacting the Chursh's first punishment/excommunication; oh yeah and BEING TOLD BY CHRIST THAT HE IS THE ROCK OF THE CHURCH)

>were elevated to patriarchy in the ecumenical councils after Constantine the great became emperor, and were all equal in authority(along with all bishops) but under the Emperor
That's fine and good but byzantine emperors aren't the head of the Church. During the years of conflict between East and West, the Roman pontiff remained firm, defending the Catholic faith against heresies and unruly or immoral secular powers, especially the Byzantine emperor. The first conflict came when Emperor Constantius appointed an Arian heretic as patriarch. Pope Julian excommunicated the patriarch in 343, and Constantinople remained in schism until John Chrysostom assumed the patriarchate in 398.

Catholics do not worship anyone but the Trinity(God the Father,Son, and Holy Spirit). Every prayer for intercession from a Saint is exactly like asking your Mom, brother, pastor to say a prayer for you. We recognize these individuals lived holy lives and are now in communion with the Beatific Vision. Mary is singled out specifically because of her unique relationship with Christ that no other human being will ever have: as His mother. Mary and the saints hold no power on their own. All power and authority comes from God.

jesus never told anyone to sign up to some specific brand of church, pay money to them, and have your kids molested
religion is CANCER, if you want to hang with jesus and people who aren't borderline lowIQ retards, choose evangelion

>Peter always being named first when they were referred as a group or as "Peter and....
yes, yes, that's all fine and dandy, but after peter there was no "head of the church", all of what you mentioned is a NEW doctrine that looks back into history and theology to justify it's existence, same as some protestant sects, who claim they are the true church because of some verse in the bible they found and believe it justifies them, there was no authority on all christians, only christ was the head of the church and all bishops were equal, in the middle ages and the rennaissanse the pope made himself the authority on all christendom and uses these verses to justify himself

>emperors aren't the head of the Church
of course not, the emperor is the secular ruler of the world "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"

>During the years of conflict between East and West, the Roman pontiff remained firm, defending the Catholic faith against heresies and unruly or immoral secular powers, especially the Byzantine emperor
oh yeah? and where was he before that? before that he was appointed by the emperor(of Constantinople)

like i said, your catholic faith morphed over time in the middle ages and renaissance and is different from the early church

The protestants won, catholics and orthos are all poor or irrelevant to the world, its up to the sons of luther to enact the new crusade.
They gave jerusalem to the jews, they must be the ones to take It back.

>Muh demiurge worship

>They also don't believe that Jesus dying for our sins is enough alone to gain eternal life.
Eternal life is impossible for mankind without Christ. Through him we are redeemed and paradise once again becomes a possibility. His sacrifice has made it so that any sin from mankind can be washed away with his blood. That doesn't mean you can bomb an orphanage, an hero, and expect a saintly welcome just because of some lip service you gave to a congregation.

>The protestants won, catholics and orthos are all poor or irrelevant to the world
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"

>they think their pastors have to forgive you for your sins

Yes. We do believe that. In the Bible, Jesus granted his apostles the authority to forgive sins.
Why would Jesus have to grant that authority if sins could just be forgiven by having faith?
Did Jesus make a mistake? Did the writers of the gospel make an error?

Or is there some other interpretation? What did Christ mean when he did that?

Make the right choice.
The promise of Yahweh is eternal servitude.
The promise of the serpent is godhood.
Yahweh said the fruit of the forbidden tree killed, he lied, Adam and Eve lived for centuries and they only died because Yahweh didn't allow them to eat from the tree of life.
The serpet said the fruit gave knowledge between right and wrong, the serpent said the truth.

The serpent is a spirit sent by the alien God, the god of gnosticism.

The primacy of the Roman See was settled by the middle of the third century with Fabian's successor Pope Cornelius.


You are spouting lies of the Serpent yourself pal, you are clearly a servant of the Serpent Archon, the Demiurge.

How dare you say such vile and untrue things. You disgust me.

Gnostics absolutely hate the Serpent Archon, he is not our god, he is yours and your in his deception.

Our God is the All or the One.

Yahweh is one of the Archons and you are a fool to call them your Lord

This is a Gnostic Prayer so you can understand what Gnostics really see as God.


He-Who-Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world, except he alone. For he is immortal and eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish. He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. No one rules over him. He has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another. He is unnameable. He has no human form; for whoever has human form is the creation of another. He has his own semblance - not like the semblance we have received and seen, but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the totalities. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. He is infinite; he is incomprehensible. He is ever imperishable (and) has no likeness (to anything). He is unchanging good. He is faultless. He is everlasting. He is blessed. He is unknowable, while he (nonetheless) knows himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is perfect, having no defect. He is imperishably blessed. He is called 'Father of the Universe'.

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

But he did not , what is a big part of the new testament? Paul writing letters to churches about heresy . no pope figure is named

>opens his mouth
>shit comes out

Seems about right.

wallahi thuma wallahi we shall rise the black flag of tawheed upon the kaffir vatican and establish shariah as the law of the land

The pope's faggy looking army is sure dressed to kill.

Each instance I gave inhas its base in scripture. I'll look them up if need be.
History bears complete testimony that from the very earliest times the Roman See has ever claimed the supreme headship, and that that headship has been freely acknowledged by the universal Church. The first witness is St. Clement, a disciple of the Apostles, who, after Linus and Anacletus, succeeded St. Peter as the fourth in the list of popes. In his "Epistle to the Corinthians", written in 95 or 96 A.D., he bids them receive back the bishops whom a turbulent faction among them had expelled. "If any man", he says, "should be disobedient unto the words spoken by God through us, let them understand that they will entangle themselves in no slight transgression and danger" (Chapter 59). Moreover, he bids them "render obedience unto the things written by us through the Holy Spirit". Thus, at the very commencement of church history, before the last survivor of the Apostles had passed away, we find a Bishop of Rome, himself a disciple of St. Peter, intervening in the affairs of another Church and claiming to settle the matter by a decision spoken under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Such a fact admits of one explanation alone. It is that in the days when the Apostolic teaching was yet fresh in men's minds the universal Church recognized in the Bishop of Rome the office of supreme head.

>the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it"

Can you even read fag ? its gates of hell by the way , and there is only one guy who came out of hell and that is jesus christ

It's a uniform from the 15th century, but how would you know how does it feel to have an actual history.

Peter headed the lists / “peter and those who were with him” (Matt. 10:1-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:14-16, Acts 1:13) / (Luke 9:32)
Peter being the main speaker of the apostles (Matt. 18:21, Mark 8:29, Luke 12:41, John 6:68-69)
Peter being first to preach on Pentecost to the crowds / first healing church age (Acts 2:14-40) / (Acts 3:6-7)
Peter’s faith that will strengthen his brethren / being given Christ’s flock to shepherd (Luke 22:32) / (John 21:17)
An angel sent to announce the resurrection to Peter / the risen Lord first appeared him (Mark 16:7) / (Luke 24:34)
Peter leading the meeting for Matthias as Judas’s replacement(Acts 1:13-26)
Peter first punishment / excommunication (Acts 5:1-11) / (Acts 8:18-23)
He led the first council in Jerusalem (Acts 15)

Literally a pedophile cult for gays. Shittiest "religion" ever.

>splitting hairs on what term for hell is acceptable instead of addressing the actual argument


nice job kike

Reminder that many Cuckolicks belive in evolution and the big bang when none of the prophets or Jesus did.

Exodus 20:11
For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

If only more of you were racial realists, too bad that universalism is a core tenet of your region though. You could partake in our memetics, in our great internet virality if you could just let go of that. We are not even asking you to make deals with the devil or anything like that, most of us would be even fine with you if you just dislike them and want them to be deported from our nations.

You just cant comprehend what kind of glorious union it could be otherwise. You want to kill homo's? WE DO TOO. You want to kill witches/sjws? WE DO TOO. You want to remove jews and their usury practices? WE DO TOO. You want to remove smelly mudslime arabs? WE DO TOO. You want to restore the family unit and have proper gender roles...GUESS WHAT. WE DO TOO. You want to reign in too troublesome and destructive capitalism and restore some spirituality? OH YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT.

Srsly, at your best, you align with our values for like 90%. There are no other groups out there who have as much influence and compatibility as we fascists/natsoc guys have. All you have to do is just simply dislike the nigs and lower races more. That is it. You can keep your souls and traditions otherwise, build all the fucking churches you want, kill pretty much all the things you hate.

Reminder that Cuckolicks baptize babies and sprinkle water on them when the Bible says they need to believe first and be fully dunked.

Need to believe.
Acts 8
36 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized?
37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Fully submerged in water.
Acts 8:38
And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.
Romans 6:4
Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
Matthew 3:16
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
John 3:23
And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized.

Catholicism and Science are not at odds. For decades the Church's stance on evolution/big bang has been recognizing it as the best explanation for how our planet, and life on it, developed.
Only nutjob fundamentalists (read: Protestants) interpret everything in the Bible by it's most literal meaning.

>Mentoins YEC multiple times throughout the whole bible and gives dates all the way up to where the OT cuts off(persian empire) which then you can just use history books to find out what time B.C. it ended at and add the rest. And the first 10 chapters are on it
>not literal

>Jesus once says a piece of bread is literally him

>>Jesus once says a piece of bread is literally him
I mean he once said it was him. He didn't say it literally is.

Neither of those set out rules for baptism. Jesus even said in Luke 18:16 "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God"
The council of Carthage in 253 settled this matter once and for all.

Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Gegrüßet seist du Maria, voll der Gnade, der Herr ist mit dir.
Du bist gebenedeit unter den Frauen und gebenedeit ist die Frucht deines Leibes, Jesus.
Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes, bitte für uns Sünder jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen.

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

This man, despite his faggot flag, has it right.