Y'all Need to Chill Out

Everybody knows that people on the left
are fucking assholes sometimes. They're
really fucking self-righteous, no doubt.
But when someone calls you a racist for no reason,
like, you can just tell them to fuck off and then not
be a racist. You know that right?

I know at least some of you actually like
diversity. Fun fact: hot cheetos were invented by a
Mexican janitor based on elotes,
which is corn on the cob with hot pepper and
butter that you may have seen from street
vendors if you're anywhere in the southwest.
I know for real that some of y'all are eating hot
cheetos. Now that guy runs the hispanic foods
wing for Frito Lay. He started as a janitor. America can be awesome if you let it do its thing.

Cheetos are poverty good and full of fun little jew treats for the goyim like high fructose corn syrup. Fuck off with this shit.


I can't even imagine what your life must be like if you deny yourself the taste of poor people food.
Poor people food is not Dickensian gruel anymore; it's literally the best tasting shit out there. Obviously you can't eat shit every day for every meal. But it's fucking top notch and you know it.

I've grown up with that shit when I was poor and homeless with my family. Stuffing your face full of garbage food is why this country has gained so much fucking weight and why children have started to get cancer at age 12. Just because something tastes or feels good doesn't mean it's good for you. The same can be sad for diversity.

It sounds like the adults who were suppose to be keeping things in order for you weren't doing a very good job. The same can be said about our current administration.

What I'm eating right now
>pic related
Thick creamy natural yoghurt on diced apple topped with sunflower seeds for crunch.
This or overly salty 'cheese' arse?
Mate, you've developed a bad habit in childhood. Grow up

Holy shit! I didn't realize the alt-right had foodie snobs?
I'm absolutely fascinated right now. I thought food-based
social status hierarchies were just a faggy left thing.
Do you have Whole Foods in Aus? Is the apple organic?
Tell me everything!

Thats all you peop[le can say "b-but they make good food!"

last time I checked, a factory and factory workers makes these cancer causing shitsnacks. dont forget to pay your kosher tax

Dude, I'm just trying to give y'all a chance to walk it
back and join the rest of the civilized world.
If you'd rather get your face stomped, that's your deal.

The only "civilized" world is in majority white countries, or ant-hive asian countries.

That's all diversity fucking boils down to in the heads of the left: MUH FOOD.
That's literally it. The left is racist as fuck. All they think when you say 'diversity' is 'fried chicken, tacos, chinese food, eating poor minority food with my enlightened friends'.

Though looking at the blobs that tend to fill out the leftist ranks it's not hard to believe that all they give a shit about is foreign food.

Try and stomp my face before you get dismembered
all commies and similar will be killed soon in the civil war

I don't care that people of other races are in my country, I just don't like that there is a demographic change that was forced onto us solely due to not enforcing our immigration laws and now the dominant culture/demographic of the US for 200+ years is going to be replaced by low class blue collar Mexicans.

The US should be 80% white or so and would be naturally if there wasn't a huge surge of illegal immigration/amnesty. This is the main reason why the political climate is so fucked, because there is no longer a dominant culture but fragmented factions of hyphenated Americans with their own little bubble.

Andy's Hot Fires > Cheetos

Jesus, you people are the fucking worst. Your political
thing obviously isn't going to happen.
I don't get why you can't just be cool about shit.
It's such a bummer. Like, smile at your neighbor,
and go for a jog, and eat some cheetos, and bang
some girls, and just enjoy your time on the planet.
What's so hard about that?

If I have kids I don't want them to grow up in a country where their future is decided by 80 iq construction workers and housekeepers.

ya aahahaha lmao yall needta just kick back smoke a fat bowl, watch some rick n morty and chill haha

ya man these dudes are harshing my mellow bro. Like why be so negative my man?

wtf are you doing faggot

shut up with your faggortry. The time of peace is over. The left is trying to kill us so we must kill them first. And we will kill you too if you get in the way

How do y'all feel about the Tao te Ching and Stoicism.
Stoicism is pretty white/western. Why don't you get into
that. It's really good for getting through life and just
knowing you're a small thing a big word.
How come you're all afraid to be small? Like, you're
trying to connect with whiteness to feel like you're
part of something larger than your individual self,
is that right?

yeah dude *tokes big hit* totally my duder


This is the shit you do as a teenager, in your nihilism stage. That isnt the world anymore, civil war is coming. You will kill or be killed, there is no time for that bullshit fung schway

I don't actually do drugs. This is just how I communicate.
I guess in some way it's performative to seem less hostile.
I don't know. But I'm not high right now; I just wanted
to see if I could genuinely communicate with people I
disagree with politically.
I guess not?

Dude, you're the angriest. What's your deal?
What do you want to be in the world and what's
standing in your way?

you're acting like a condescending douche, like none of us have peaceful and happy lives just because we shitpost on the internet sometimes

also your formatting is horrid

Im angry because of what the filthy leftists are doing, just like everyone else who actually gives a damn. This anger is NOT bad, it has given me a solid goal and ambition

I'm sorry. I like narrow margins. I have a theory
about words being more fluent when you can
hold the beginning and end of a line of text in
your field of vision. It's a quirk.

I don't want to be condescending. I just want to
see whether I would be able to have a regular
conversation with one of y'all at a bar.
I don't know. I'm just curious what you're like as
people, rather than caricatures.

>like dudes don't be so angry
>'nah it's legitimate'
>but like just eat some cheetos dudes
>'it's a little more complicated than that'
>wow like chill out I'm just tryna communicate woah wow i guess you guys really are just angry and hateful
>'we've got legitimate beef and are expressing our opinions'
>wow like not cool just learn to accept everything wow such hostility okay keep being stupid i guess wow

That's what you sound like.

>what you're like as people
Okay then what do you mean by "you", or at least what kind of person were you hoping to fish out? Some kind of white, racist person I'm guessing? I'm not being defensive, asking honestly.

See that's an interesting thing. I also
struggle with goals and purpose. It's a
smallness thing. With the internet, you can
see so much more of the world than humans
ever have, and it shrinks my perception of
myself in relative size, right? Like, the more
the internet opens the world up, the smaller
I seem as an individual.

It's actually what I like about lurking here. Because
it's anonymous, I have no idea whether any of
you are actually big or small in the world. You're
all strangers again, if that makes sense.

Yeah totally. I lurk a little. I'm aware you're not
one homogeneous body, but most of you kind
of have white superiority thing. Which, whatever.

I don't know. Just want to see if I can figure any
of you out. (which, is just a thing, figuring out lots
of different types of people is a way to try to figure
out 'people' in the abstract) I know I probably sound
pompous, and the truth is that I am sort of a pomous

Pretty sure Vargy boi is a food snob too.

Then don't play. I don't care. It's not a big deal.
Sorry to get you caught up in a thing that's not
your vibe.

Stoicism is better. The Tao is vague airy fairy shit and they never get to the point. Fucking pretentious chink pussies won't get to the point, which is where stoicism wins. Eastern philosophy is a joke, Yin & Yang as a symbol is pretty useful though.
Also Australia is full of foodies. I've traveled all over, and we take gourmet shit pretty seriously here

Gonna speak generally here, I think I'm a relatively typical member of this demographic.

We're 18-30, so we grew up during an already diverse period of the US. We likely have non-white friends, or at least had them growing up. We also likely always rejected "white guilt" whenever it came about because of our individualist sensibilities. We would've likely said in 8th grade when learning about some slavery shit "I'm me, not a slave owner from the 1800s. I don't have to feel guilty about this."

Over time this sort of thing has grown into a real resentment for us. We don't typically hold any animosity for non-whites in a day-to-day sense. We might not like being the only white person around, but fairly sure nobody likes being the only minority in a room.

And while a "white superiority" thing might exist in some of us, I don't think that's where it comes from. It's definitely not how it gets sparked. No guy is sitting around one night thinking "god damn, being white makes me so much better than everyone else. I'm gonna check out a nazi imageboard." What happens is we see black people behaving like animals and not being held accountable for it by the media, and other injustices like that. That intrigues us and we look on the internet for people who are talking about these issues.

I think most of the edginess/vitriol you see is a result of a stifled voice choking out the most provocative thing it can say. "Gas the kikes race war now" is literally that phenomenon in meme form. The way we're characterized as hateful and insane is irritating. We're angry, and so is pretty much everyone so it's bullshit that we're getting singled out for it.

Hopefully that gives you some insight into how I think, and how I imagine many others in this demographic do as well.

Which translation of the Tao did you read? I think with a
lot of the ancient stuff, they focus on translating the words
more than they do the spirit of the text, which is fair, except
you end up with a lot of stuff that's unreadable and awful
sounding to a contemporary ear.
Anyway, there's an updated Tao translation out there by
a guy named Ron Hogan. It has more of an American
west voice, but I don't know. It's a quick read, like any other translation.

I really always liked the 'lead from behind' passages.

I like your style OP. America is pretty awesome.
I like immigrants, too. This one guy I work with from
Uganda is a real nice guy and a good worker. When
He needs to get my attention he calls me "my chief".

All this drama in the USA is just opiate for the masses.
Some people just need to be edgy and feel like they are
doing something important. I wouldn't worry about it.
All these protesters and rioters, fake commies, and white supremacists
added together are like, less than 0.25% of American citizens.
The rest of us are just chilling out.

It does in a way, and I fit this demographic. I just see things
Like the minority in the room thing. I've had that experience,
and I definitely feel disarmed in a way, but it's also kind of a
rush. I don't know. As an individual, I've very interested in
discomfort. Obviously there's a difference between
discomfort and actually being unsafe.

I get the stifled voice thing too. I'm a hard lefty, and I know
that there are those on my team who are the fucking worst.
But I just roll my eyes, or tell them they're assholes, or just
stop being their friend. I'm sure all of you have experienced
being someone of color being cunty about whiteness, right?
And you point out they're being racist, and they respond
with, "you can't be racist against white people!"
I get the frustration with something like that. But I don't get why folks would then go become racist instead of the just
telling that person, "fine, but you're still an asshole."

And honestly, the truth is, we need blunt roughhousers on the left and it's a shame that they get chased away. I don't
know, man.

Well I sure hope so. It sucks to feel like you have
to watch the news all day instead of getting work
done or just dicking around.
Since the campaign last year I have missed just
dicking around so much! I used to be able to go
days without thinking about the government or
how the country was doing. I sure do miss those days.