As a 9/10 commie girl it's been a legit hobby of mine to agree to dates from obvious alt right/nazi tinder dates...

as a 9/10 commie girl it's been a legit hobby of mine to agree to dates from obvious alt right/nazi tinder dates. i'm with ford models y'all, doesn't get any better than that.

they pay for my shit while, for an hour, i drown them out. i'm gay and use their dick money for food at least twice a month.

sometimes we'll go to the back room or bathroom and he'll whip out his dick (keep in mind he's usually ugly or is brunette with the typical hitler youth fashy undercut lol) and ill laugh and ask to be taken home and the cuck will actually pay my way back and apologize. it's so exciting for me to see the shame on his ugly face.

im sure you're going to claim shill and that YOU wouldn't take my shit but i am a hundred percent sure that at least 10 dudes from pol have asked for nudes and even more have faced me one on one. i could give addresses if i wanted to. you could even find out who i am if you wanted, but you won't :3

you will fail and the race war you're hoping for will fail. communism is the only way and your blind opposition and boner for capitalism will be your downfall.

Lol, okay? Thanks I guess. Goodbye now.

Tit or gtfo


take me out and let me laugh at your shaft then maybe

This has the potential to be a copypasta
Sage obviously.

>9/10 commie girl

oh god please use it as a copypasta. id be so honored!

When larping overlaps with mental illness...

If you are calling yourself "9/10" your personality is already so shit that I can only pity the people that will ever have a relationship with you.

kill yourself

Tits first

Wow pajeet you really nailed it on this one, I love how you subconsciously self inserted yourself into this

Your boss over at share blue will promote you when he sees this piece of art, great stuff

The only women who need communism or associate with the feminist welfare state are the ugly, fat whales

The only tragedy here is that OP has yet to KHS



You wouldn't laugh if I showed you my winged hussar. Bolshevik cunts always submit to Polish cocks.

solid logic, too bad you didnt timestamp your cock

OK, even though obvious larp is obvious, gotta say this.

Been out with a few antifa (or at least very left leaning) girls. Pounded them to oblivion. I even secretly drew nazi symbols in hidden parts of the house or gave them gum and candy with the nazi symbol shaped. When I dumped them, I would tell them I am a full-out Nazi.

Btw, this is not about winning or losing. It's about fighting your degeneracy. All these girls I went out, we had a balance in buying shit for each other, which is why they gained, at least, some respect. You are just low-level filth.

too bad you don't know me. i just love shitting on negative ten beta nazi cucks. it riles you up so much.

wrong but thanks for trying

No hate here, whoring is the world's oldest profession after all.

> 9/10
I think you mean to say you're 9/10's of the way to breaking your bathroom scale you whale.

wow you got me so good

You don't get that shit for free, commie. Buy me a dinner and we can talk.

Thanks glad you agree

does it hurt you much that you resort to calling me a whore? totally unpredictable, am shocked etc

whoopsy! meant to address u silly head

Thanks huny bun I was proud of that one

> as a
Oh hai JIDF
Feeling nervous?
Have a nice race war cunt.

what a bizarre thread.

Tl:Dr, tits or gtfo

what Lmao? just take my post at face value honey

Molotov-Ribbentropp pact says otherwise

Implying she even wants to date you

I would fund a visit to rural America for you, plenty of 200lb conservative women


i found the nu-male everybody

You type like such a typical condescending commie loser that I expected you to be. And 9/10 by who's definition? Your own? hahahahahahahah

You hit the Sup Forums virgin boys in a soft spot, ofc they won't take your shit to face value

>9/10 commie girl
>I'm with ford models
Give us some evidence without doxing yourself whore

At least this troll is committed

Fun larp

Here's some reality for you. Racist manlet pol user/TrumpĀ® voter white nationalist gets his ass eaten for hours on end by a local college 10/10 "woke" black queen, while he calls her an ass licking nigger slave. Here's what she texts him the next day :)

post tits and timestamp or gtfo

>9/10 commie girl

Only plebbit fags would reply to this shill thread

Op is a lonely fat guy looking for (((You)))


I'm glad you found a girl with no standards, good for you

as for the larp claims, it doesn't matter to me as i literally have a gb full of fuckin screenshots from ugly people such as yourselves. cara delevinge and her liberal ass has laughed especially at someone with the initials TL that told me he was a regular on pol so lmao

Her Bernie-bro BF probably gave her a big ol kiss on the lips next time he saw her too. She was the head of a local BLM movement chapter too, always posting about racism and how it was Her Turn.

But I know who she was in private. In her secret moments, she loved an older, hairy, turbomanlet nazi to shove her face in his ass and call her a piece of nigger filth

you go girl!!!!!!!!

This violates the NAP.

what do you look like, big boy? you're just so logical and eloquent. you sound sexy!

sounds like a porn advert

tfw ancap :(((((

>tfw commie ((((((((girl)))))))))

post tits and timestamp or gtfo

If you are a shitskin I understand your perspective, but you do know how they treat queers in communist countries.....right?

But, of course, the "9/10 commie girl" won't timestamp a pic showing any evidence of actually being female or of being attractive... even though it would increase the impact of "her" post by 100-fold if "she" could.

I wonder why..

Oh she had standards. High ones, she was seriously the hottest black chick I've ever seen, and I generally don't like black chicks at all. Body like a goddess, natural beautiful hair, smart too, she was going into her masters program. Same program as her BF I think, he's some rich Jew that takes her on these liberal style vacations and music festivals and whatnot.

Meanwhile I know what her face looks like under my balls :)

Holy shit are you me

Same exact situation minus the college shit. Goddamn it's hard to find a black chick with attractive facial features... makes the conquest so much sweeter tho

You're like a feminist fighting for Islam. Lol

>wakes up at 6:30 for morning run
>low-carb, high protein breakfast every day
>diet consists of 160g of protein per day
>no cigarettes, rarely get drunk
>thriving social life
>gym regular, 235lbs on deadlift, 225lb on squat only as 17, going from 85lb deadlift and 70lb squat last July
>have godlike prospects, sights on best universities worldwide
>being a wagecuck on construction sites in summer holidays to earn solid income and LARP as working class
>IQ 129
>Sup Forumscuck fatass virgin calls me nu-male

Tell me user, have you done any self-reflection before posting garbage?

What was your fishing method? I went with dropping hints about how I've been financing my house by building bondage furniture in my workshop and five hours later..

Proofs faggot, show us your biceps or something

t. LARPing nu-male

Extremely short, bald, pale, chubby, and I dress like a fashion tumblr was thrown up on by a hippie. Doesn't matter much when I've got 8" of white cock buried down the throat of someone with a BLM shirt covering her enormous perfect brown breasts.

as a commie guy I tip my ushanka to you, keep up the good work

i bet you have short bright red hair

Nice, take this (You) for this LARP

Honestly I didn't seek her out. I saw her post something to a place I usually jack off to, turns out she lived in my same state (went to my old alma mater too) and I was interested in letting her worship me.

>i-im s-sure you're going to claim shill
Now I wonder why you would even care about such things

This is an 18+ only board my friend. I know you're an anarchist, but rules is rules, it's for your own good.

>as a 9/10


So you are a capitalist girl then. Making profit from paid girlfriend experience.

Is this a new pasta?
Also, sage in every field

100$ this is emily youcis. I can tell by the writing style.

underage b& plox.

>Claims other women have no standards
>Entire post is her boasting about being a retarded whore


What would you do in a communist utopia? Work in a tractor factory? Be the plaything of a party official? Work as a honeypot girl entrapping foreign diplomats? What use does communism have for bimbos?

What place is this so I can anonymously post it around my area to encourage my local future conquests to show up

Goddamn I love the side effects of feminism & leftythink turning out to be extreme submissiveness & craving degradation

yeah except they only Want that crap behind closed doors and treat you like garbage when they're not in the mood

That varies and also it's not like you're hanging around them the rest of the time

how many tattoos do u have and where

>Molotov-Ribbentropp pact says otherwise

> Implying it wasn't the nahtzees that did it for you
> Implying Solidarity didn't win

> Implying she even wants to date you

> Implying I'd ever date a nasty American commie slut with so many conservative Polish qts around

OP is a degenerate slut



Tons of scars tho technically one small tattoo dot where there's pencil lead under my skin from a childhood fight + pencil stabbing incident

See this is what happens when normies think they can come down to Sup Forums for a day of trolling.

Pathetic. Only succeeded in hurting themselves.

Literally pissing into an ocean of piss.

sharpie in pooper and timestamp commiesl00t, pls


You clearly aren't a true communist. To be a communist, you must be made equal. Acid should be thrown onto your face, so that you can be equally beautiful as all the other communist women.

That is just sad bait.


I have seen this copy pasta before

I'm in a car, so here's my last meal. Also spare me the "commies wearing Jordans", I had to sit 4 days behind a counter to buy them

Why would I LARP as a white male normalfag? I honestly expect all the "mustard rice" people to have this kind of standard of living

Is that why your Discord is full of 12 y.o.? Also, don't worry about me, you'd rather have a youngster spend time on alt-politics websites rather than to be brainwashed by the neoliberal mainstream media

Anyone who uses anime as a response that isn't Ayuna, Rodina or hentai should hang

Underage band?

That's cool, I can still murder you with my bare hands in under 15seconds.

I will track you down and rape you. I'm the hacker known as Sup Forums and you dun goofed!

>Underage band?
Wow newest of the newfaggots. I'd say go back to redd*t, but you're so new I'll say go back to fucking faceberg with the rest of the pre-packaged ideology normie fucks

>I had to sit 4 days behind a counter to buy them
>F-fuck c-capitalism!
You cant make this shit up

Obvious larp also fake jordans lol?

>as a 9/10 commie girl

Heh, yeah. A 9/10 in the commie scale is about a 4 or a 5 in the standard scale. But it doesn't matter, because you're a LARPing neckbeard.

op here -- i really riled y'all up huh? ugly motherfuckers

whatever makes you feel better, ugly

>op here
>same id
Summer is over soon boys