Stortingsvalget 2017 / Norwegian parliamentary election

This will be the first year I'll use my vote.
Last election I had no interest in politics but that changed drastically over the course of the last three years.

Only problem is that I don't know anything about Norwegian politics and I have no real idea of who I should vote for.

Yesterday I started reading up a little and I'm leaning slightly towards FRP. Er jeg helt på jordet?

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Look up the parties, anything marxist don't vote for them. Anything nationalist or Libertarian (ironic as Libertarians hate statists) vote for them

every party is a social democray party
even the furthest right wing party, FRP, wants laws to guarantee state-funded care for elderly people

FRP is solid on immigration, but I do not agree with their other policies
I lean towards SP (Centre Party) because they want to protect Norwegian industry and production and are anti-EU
they are also not keen on immigration, but they don't speak as loudly as FRP about it

I know which parties I'm not voting for but there are three parties that I'm considering.

I looked up their websites and programs but then I'm only reading what they want me to read, and the MSM and facebook doesn't offer much help.

Honestly I'm kinda fond of the state-funded care and all that, but I think that private options are essential.

I guess you could say I am somewhat of a socialist in that way. Or I might just be brainwashed, idk.

Ye SP is a viable option but I don't know. Immigration is very important for me and my understanding is that SP doesn't care that much about it.
Although they want to ban niqab in schools and universities but that's not enough

SP will form government with AP, and Store has been signaling that he wants to be the norwegian Macron, ha! As for the other nationalist options, you have FrP, or "Alliansen" which is positioning itself to be the norwegian alt-right party. I mean this in the 16 points of Vox Day alt-right, not the Alt-Reichtard swastika panty alt-right.

Liberalistene is also a party that is currently a viable choice for a nationalist to vote for, seeing as they want to remove gibs from the state. Even though they are quite tone-deaf to the times.

One thing about FRP that really got me interested is that they want to do a public inquiry of mosques and also introduce obligatory schoolservices(?) (skolegudstjenester). Also banning hijabs in schools for girls under 16

SP are based on lies. They are in collation with AP. Any vote for SP is a win for AP, which is pro-eu, pro-mass immigration, pro-selling our country, they are also secretly communists.

If that's the case then SP is out of the question. I really don't want AP up there.

Voted yesterday

Alliansen hele veien! Gleder meg til å stemme alliansen sjæl!

As I know very little about Norwegian politics I must ask, is there any point to vote for Alliansen?

Surely they won't win, they most likely won't even be close. I didn't even know they existed until recently. Will they get more seats or something based on how many votes they get?

Please excuse my ignorance.

and a vote on frp is a vote for hoyre which is pro-eu, pro immigration, pro selling our country more than AP, they are also secretly jews.

the worst part about FRP is that the 69% or something of their voters are for renegotiating the EOS, but who cares about the voters right.

Pest eller kolera som vanlig dette valget

they need to get over a certain limit of the votes to get any mandates

One of the reasons i don't vote at all. No matter what you vote, you will just get the same.

Stem Alliansen!

That's exactly what I used to think when I didn't vote.

Even though getting a new government might not change that much, I now believe that it is important to vote just to keep any socialist/marxist parties from getting higher up

Har lest litt om de og jo mer jeg leser jo mer frister det å stemme på de. Har du noen videoer av de du kan anbefale?

Are you fucking retarded? At the very least it signals "I'm here, pander to me!"
There is a chance to change something, as small as it is. Vote for it.

This guy gets it

De har mange bra videoer på YouTube kanalen deres.


But correct me if I'm wrong(which I probably am); isn't it kinda like wasting your vote to vote for Alliansen? Wouldn't it be better to vote for something like FRP who actually has a chance to win or am I just being naive?


Well, you could say that, but it's worth a shot in my opinion

>Er jeg helt på jordet?
Ja. FrP onsker å rive ned alle våre samfunnsbærende institusjoner. De har ikke noe i mot at den norske kulturen forvitrer og erstattes av en global kommersiell kultur. Ideologisk er de ikke i mot innvandring i det hele tatt. De onsker bare en minimal stat hvor alle er overlatt til seg selv. Asylinnvandringen koster ekstremt mye penger derfor onsker FrP å begrense den. De vil derimot gjore det lettere for arbeidsinnvandrere å komme til Norge. FrP tilsvarer lolbertanerne her på Sup Forums, det er stort sett ingen forskjell.

Hoyre er konservative. De er naturlig kontrarevolusjonære og har begynt å lene seg bort fra multikulturalisme og liberalisme. De vil begrense innvandringen for å bevare norsk kultur. På den andre siden er hoyre sterkt forbundet til det private nærlingslivet og deres interesser. De vil begrense skattene for bedrifter (ikke for privatpersoner) deregulere arbeidslivet, og knytte oss tettere opp med den europeiske (og globale) okonomien.

Senterpartiet er nasjonalister og proteksjonister. De har den strengeste innvandringspolitikken, men de vil sitte i regjering med AP. Med rent Senterpari flertall vile norge til sluttt endt opp som et slags sosialdemokratisk nordkorea uten internet forbindelse til resten av verden.

Arbeiderpartiet er globalister. De sluttet vel å være revolusjonære kommunister for over 100 år siden, men målet om et globalt sosialistisk styre henger igjen i tankemåten deres. De anerkjenner ikke nasjonen og bryr seg ingen ting om våre tradisjoner.

Ikke la deg lure av innvandringspolitikken til Arbeiderparitet, de kommer til å mykne opp dersom de trenger stotte fra SV. Og ikke la deg lure av innvandringspolitiken til Senterpartiet. Senterparitet representerer norske bonder, de kommer til å mykne opp i innvandringspolitikken dersom de får oke jordbrukssubsidiene.

Alle andre partier er bare soppel.

SP is NOT a viable option. A vote for SP is a vote for a red/green government.

FrP is currently the most suitable option for a Sup Forumsacks, although I haven't read or heard all that much about alliansen yet.

I see, thanks!

No problem.
Good luck user.

Er forste gang de stiller til noe som helst valg. Ingen nye partier starter opp med stor oppslutning. De blir garantert storre med tid.

Ja riktig. Det forklarer jo hvorfor jeg ikke har hort om de. Blir muligens en stemme på de

Fux it, alliansen it is!
Anyone who knows how the current polls look? Or who is most likely to win?

AP is in the lead with 29.6%
Hoyre 24%
FRP 14%
SP 10%

But keep in mind that polls means next to nothing.