Holy shot she literally died of a heart attack!! By a car that was going 22...

Holy shot she literally died of a heart attack!! By a car that was going 22.5 mph before it was attacked causing the driver to panick after recal of the violence directed toward targeted groups by Antigua. It's a shame the gov gave a stand down order, while I hear having the police direct traffic toward this group. There is a chance driver x might not be fucked. Have you noticed no official or unofficial leaks regarding the case. What is the driver todo before an attack by zombies.

I had a raging disagreement with my lefty ex-girlfriend who works in Hollywood. She's very high up in the food chain. All I did was ask for a autopsy and she ripped my head off and was going belligerent, calling me a nazi and other lies.

I actually deleted the tweet just to make her stop.

I honestly believe that Heather died of a heart attack.

she had heart attack in that moment because the car was coming to plow. if somebody else in that crowd choked on their gum by being startled by the charger, they'd charge him for that death too. heart attack isn't going to clear him.

Of course she did. These people are like a cult.
A hivemind. They throw a tantrum at mere questions. It's crazy.

ex-gf works in hollywood.
god blessed you.
you dodged that challenger.

There goes the murder charge.

Manslaughter at best, not likely though. Fields will walk.

Hmm I am aware that would be the direction but if your being carjacked and injure the attackers well this will go to trial, but who will be a jurist billybob or airwrecker.

The defense will want to see the autopsy so whether the leftist like it or not everyone is going to know how she died.

Yeah, you are a nazi and you are right about the heart attack. Being logical is what makes (((them))) nervous

He will still be charged for leaving the scene of an accident, intent to harm, etc. but yes, he probably won't be charged with murder. Her family however could sue him for wrongful death and likely would win as civil trials have a much lower bar than criminal trials.

no. She flew after getting hit by the car. She died on impact for sure. She flew across another car.

He was in fear of his life. A mob of Communists was attacking him with baseball bats. He had no option but to leave or possibly be killed.

He'd likely lose a civil trial, you're right. However, getting something (significant) criminal to stick is going to be difficult.

There was no intent. It was all reactionary. An out of towner that had his ass beat trying to get away. He had no clue of the street layout and I couldn't imagine being in that state.

This shit will be fun to watch to play out in court. I hope that he can get a fair trial and a jury pool that have IQs above 95.


No he hit the van nobody was squished and most people simplyr got up (I know there were some broken bones) it's the framing which makes thing tense.IF this had happened at a fair it would have been local.

Based Captain Ahab - 1
Communist Leviathan - 0

Is the elephant tattoo meta or is she more of a pig?



>Not one source to back up your horseshit.

She got hit full on.

The fuck? Actually watch the video, you absolute idiot. She goes flying in the air, over the trunk of the second car, over the roof of the second car, and down the hood of the second car.

>I actually deleted the tweet just to make her stop
not deleting her

Cuck Confirmed

Holy shit is that a person between the two cars?

fucking kek

hahahhaha her super fat body was like, BLORF

involuntary manslaughter, time served at the most.

Who knew whales could fly

She goes flying and dies. Black guy goes flying over Challenger and he's up and on trucks hood in 8 seconds

welp, i guess a pig has flown