What is Sup Forums thought on this?

What is Sup Forums thought on this?


So he's creating a literal skinhead?

chemical terrorist attack

Good. Skinheads are based.
Inb4 PR niggers who go to rallies to larp and flee when cops turn on them say skinheads are wigger tier

That's not how nair works at all

clearly it's a fucking lie. nair stinks in any quantity and doesn't work like that
regardless i hope the stepfather sees this and beats this little punk bitch within inches of his life

Why even be on /Pol then

What's nair?

Hair removal cream. It stinks and removes the hair by chemically burning it off.

i doubt this would work nair stings and smells like shit, not to mention it needs large quantity and needs to sit for 3-5 minutes

this bitch wanted Spencer's dick so bad

It should be possible to show this to his stepdad, right ?

report him to 5-0 and his school

>Y-you stupid goy...

the altLeft is very evil

this is literally criminal. lets put this faggot in prison.

It's actually genuinely pretty odd to see 313K likes on that. You can smell the desperation, really.

Maybe we can find a way to contact the stepdad

I dunno. My asshole pops started using the washcloth I used to remove my nair and he started getting blotches all over his skin. Imagine what that would do to a sensitive scalp.

One time I used Nair to remove hair from my ass. I regretted that 5 minutes later.

>A Trump supporter is fucking my mom so I put chemicals in his shampoo

Why are these people such children?

>trumpcucks on Sup Forums talking about "desperation"

ahahahahahaha you guys really have zero self-awareness. no wonder you're a bunch of unemployable morons who still live with mommy

It's more than likely just a made up revenge fantasy by another weak leftist. He probably doesn't do shit to his dad, he just wants those likes from other desperate twitter liberals.

>My asshole pops started using the washcloth I used to remove my nair and he started getting blotches all over his skin.

Your dad uses the same washcloth as you? Or am I reading this wrong?

That's pretty unhygienic

Yeah, that's where the asshole part comes in. Who the fuck uses another person washcloth in the shower?!

It's the same sociopathic sadism that is rotting away civility and trust. Being a sociopath is cool. Perverted cultural marxism brings many, many problems

love it

My brother used to use my tooth brush so I can relate. Some people belong in a barn I swear.

>my asshole pops

I read this 10 times before I realized it was not sexual

i would tattle on him to his parents

Isnt this assault?

I use my hands only a nigger would use a washcloth on his ass without throwing it away.

kek. He deserved it