How can one unironically be a communist after reading this?

This book is one of the greatest redpills, especially against communism and socialism in general.

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If you have some time on your hands, I would definitely recommend reading this book. It totally opened my eyes about communism.

By being a full tankie. "The Kulaks deserved it" kind of tankie.

It's interesting to note how the socialist radicals under Lenin were taking the exact same tactics as the alt left is using today - shaming people, assaulting peaceful protesters, re-writing history - and serves as an excellent example of what the future will look like if we continue down the path of cultural marxism.

Are there alot of commies in Austria?

I'd say I'm about 1/10th in, so far it's very repetitive. Does it get more interesting or can I expect more of the same? I feel like I'm in a gulag just reading it.

Nobody likes Russian commies.

By Murrican standards we're all commies but actual commies are like 5 %.

Communists do not read anything except communist literature, and it trains them to see every sensible argument against communism as evil propaganda.

That's the thing with Marxism as a whole: The core of the ideology is that it can never be wrong. It sets up its own alternative world history, its own bogus philosophical system, and then posits that everything can only be discussed in the context of this.

Marxism is a death cult. The worst the world has ever seen.

The book is a compelling read - and totally BTFO'd the marxist academia when it came out. Before the Gulag Archipelago, they claimed that the brutality of the USSR was simply an aberration of communism, under Stalin. In this book, it becomes clear that it was in fact under Lenin that these brutal foundations were laid.

That wasn't really Communism, it was Stalinism. It's different to true Communism like crony capitalism isn't real capitalism. Really Communism hasn't yet been implemented.

Still better fucking poor comunist country for 50 years than cucked and weak West .... living in so callled country flooded by niggers. I would even live in plastic bag if it means i will have my comunist ethnostate.

I actually found that Part I was quite dry - but if you're into the actual specifics and details like I am, I don't mind. There are more anecdotes and personal stories that come later on.

Think of it as an investment. Part I lays down the foundation for everything else; once you have that foundation you can move onto better material. If you want an easy read though, just skip Part 1 and move on to Part 2.

Capitalism is measured in degrees of economic freedom. No one does that with communism, because it never works out right.

And under crony capitalism you're economically free to get fuck in the ass.

so basically full retards


It also continued under Khrushchev. I just finished it yesterday.

Tfw you become a slave for mr shekelberg working 16 hours a day in a factory and die at 25. Really makes me think why communism was even thought up.

>muh communism hasn't been tried.
yeah okay


Anothr great work of his

200 year togheter

For them reading Marx is the ultimate redpill experience. That's how they feel it. They see the truth that nobody else can see because Marx has opened their eyes.

Communism was thought up in response to the Tsarist Russia, not a capitalist country. And also, your example doesn't exist in modern day mixed market free economies. If you don't like working for Mr. Shekelburg, you can start your own business.


like pottery

I need a good quote from this book, i'm trying to redpill a friend about communism.
Can you hit me up leaf?

Are you illiterate or just dumb? Stalinism isn't Communism.

If so why nazis and their commie brethren still exist here?

so go to Cuba, Vietnam, china, or NK, you cuck, no ones stopping you.

>people died boo hoo
im not a communist but how is what youre saying here any different than muh hollercauster


Wrong, this book specifically outplayed dumbasses like you making excuses and analyzed communism from LENIN, not STALIN, just as a fuck you.

The brutalities, starvations, rigged trials, all started under Lenin, within months of the socialist takeover.

The end goal of leninism is stated to be stalinism.

Was pretty real in japan like 30 years ago. Depends where economies are heading. Wasn't it for a heavily industrialized nation exactly unlike Russia?

I Unironically want to kill communists now after reading this, great book

I'm """sure""" it does, and I'm """sure""" its not just CIA propaganda.

>Hastiness and superficiality are the psychic diseases of the 20th century, and more than anywhere else this disease is reflected in the press.
>For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while, for many people in the West, it is still a living lion.
>I have spent all my life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either.

It was a close an attempt to communism possible with hundreds of millions of people. 'the reason it wasn't full communism was because communism is so against human nature it's impossible to sustain.

>he doesn't know that it's fiction

In 1944, investigator, proud of his faultless logic [...] told Babitsh: "Investigation and the process are merely juridical figaration, that can't change your destiny, which has been determined before. If it is necessary to shoot you, you'll be shot, even if you're completely innocent."

>tfw commie logic
Part 1, Gulag ARchipelago

Why should i? My country is still comunist.Second strongest party in next elections will be commies with 15% they want leave neomarxist EU and leave imperialistic NATO while removing every muzzie from Asia and Africa.

>communism is so against human nature
WRONG! The Jews did a number on you didn't they. Communism works with human nature, if it wasn't for the US constantly trying to destabilize the USSR (see also Venezuela and Cuba) we would have at least one fully fledged communist state.

"you better forget about the holodomor right now goy!"

In his instructions on the use of Red Terror, the Chekist M. I. Latsis wrote: "In the interrogation do not seek evidence and proof that the person accused acted in word or deed against Soviet power. The first questions should be: What is his class, what is his origin, what is his education and upbringing? [There is your Sapropelite Committee for you!] These are the questions which must determine the fate of the accused."

Let's not forget that Lenin and Stalin perpetrated a bank robbery with an insane death toll. To finance socialism, of course. Because somehow an ideology about not using money needs lots of money.

I saw the same with commies in my city. They charged admission for a party at their squat, and when someone objected, they said "the lawyer needs to be paid too".

That's how quickly it all falls apart. Apparently there are no socialist lawyers.

Hahaha. Thank you for the laugh


>tried and tested dozens of times, always devolved into brutal oppression
>i-it's mere coincidence guys, we should really give it another shot
Fuck right off, commie scum.

>How can one unironically be a communist after reading this?
They can if they were communists before and think it's all jewish lies

>"muh utopian society can't handle competition"
You atheistic fucks are supposed to believe in evolution and survival of the fittest. Guess what? Your ideology failed, it lost, it was unfit and unable to compete in the jungle of political philosophy and was devoured by a better system.

>muh communism isn't communism

It isn't my fault you filthy Slav shits can't implement fucking ANY political system without it devolving into some brutal tyranny. It's not the system, it's you. You're shitty people.

Yes, Venezuela is totally suffering from "muh ebil imperialist pig" when the USA is practically the only nation buying its sulfur ridden-oil cause they went the trouble to refine it. Kek

Wasn't this book just a pack of lies? C'mon. Hate communism for the impoverishing wealth-centralizing shit it actually is. The real brutality is in the way communism raises the party on high while it forces people into such hopeless depths of impoverished despair that they end up literally eating each other. The gulags are not even the real problem.

Nineteen twenty-one was the most difficult of all the four winters of the Civil War; nothing was left
for fuel, and trains simply couldn't get to the next station; and there were cold and famine in the
capitals, and a wave of strikes in the factories- strikes which, incidentally, have been completely
wiped out of our history books by now. Who was to blame? That was a famous question: Who is to

Well, obviously, not the Over- All Leadership. And not even the local leadership. That was
important. If the "comrades who were often brought in from outside" — i.e., the Communist leaders
— did not have a correct grasp of the business at hand, then it was the engineers, or spetsy, who were
supposed to "outline for them the correct approach to the problem." And this meant that "it was not
the leaders who were to blame. . . . Those who had worked out the calculations were to blame, those
who had re- figured the calculations, those who had calculated the plan" — which consisted of how
to produce food and heat with zeros. Those to blame weren't the ones who compelled but the ones
who calculated! If the planning turned out to be inflated, the spetsy were the ones to blame. Because
the figures did not jibe, "this was the fault of the spetsy, not of the Council of Labor and Defense"
and "not even of the responsible men in charge of Glavtop — the Main Fuels Committee."

If there was no coal, firewood, or petroleum, it was because the spetsy had "brought about a mixed-
up, chaotic situation." And it was their own fault that they hadn't resisted the urgent telephonograms
from Rykov and the government — and had issued and allotted fuels outside the scope of the plan.

The spetsy were to blame for everything. But the proletarian court was not merciless with them.

The US has been involved in an ideological war against Communism since the end of WW2, of course they're still launching wars against it.

Their sentences were lenient. Of course, an inner hostility to those cursed spetsy remains in
proletarian hearts — but one can't get along without them; every- thing goes to rack and ruin. And the
tribunal doesn't persecute them, and Krylenko even says that from 1920 on "there is no question of
any sabotage." The spetsy are to blame, but not out of malice on their part; it's simply because they
are inept; they aren't able to do any better; under capitalism, they hadn't learned to work, or else they
were simply egotists and bribe-takers.

>If I was the Supreme Leader it all would have gone right! :DDD

How can one unironically be a natsoc after reading this?

Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead are also very good. Socialists are the same emotional manipulators today that they were 100 years ago.

>how can one still be a communist after seeing X?

Go to 1:12:45.

Ok, then explain how so. Venezuela is objectively fucked since late 2014 when oil prices went from 100 a barrel to 45. How can you blame USA for it, when it is the country that bothers to buy their shit-oil in the first place?

HI Jordan, love your work.

It is at least partly the slavs and greedy anglos that are the problem. If you put literally any other group of people in charge, it would work.

At the end of the Civil War, and as its natural consequence, an unprecedented famine developed in
the Volga area. They give it only two lines in the official histories because it doesn't add a very
ornamental touch to the wreaths of the victors in that war. But the famine existed nonetheless — to
the point of cannibalism, to the point at which parents ate their own children — such a famine as even
Russia had never known, even in the Time of Troubles in the early seventeenth century. (Because at
that time, as the historians testify, unthreshed ricks of grain survived intact beneath the snow and ice
for several years.) Just one film about famine might throw a new light on everything we saw and
everything we know about the Revolution and the Civil War. But there are no films and no novels
and no statistical re- search — the effort is to forget it. It does not embellish. Besides, we have come
to blame the kulaks as the cause of every famine — and just who were the kulaks in the midst of such
collective death? V. G. Korolenko, in his Letters to Lunacharsky (which, despite Lunacharsky's
promise, were never officially published in the Soviet Union), explains to us Russia's total, epidemic
descent into famine and destitution.

It was the result of productivity having been reduced to zero (the working hands were all carrying
guns) and the result, also, of the peasants' utter lack of trust and hope that even the smallest part of
the harvest might be left for them. Yes, and someday someone will also count up those many
carloads of food supplies rolling on and on for many, many months to Imperial Germany, under the
terms of the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk — from a Russia which had been deprived of a protesting
voice, from the very provinces where famine would strike — so that Germany could fight to the end
in the West.

anyone read his book on jews

>How can you blame USA for it
>US puts pressure on OPEC to reduce oil prices
>OPEC open the flood gates
>Oil price falls off a clif
From there the Anglo-american capitalist system fuck them over.

It was the result of productivity having been reduced to zero (the working hands were all carrying
guns) and the result, also, of the peasants' utter lack of trust and hope that even the smallest part of
the harvest might be left for them. Yes, and someday someone will also count up those many
carloads of food supplies rolling on and on for many, many months to Imperial Germany, under the
terms of the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk — from a Russia which had been deprived of a protesting
voice, from the very provinces where famine would strike — so that Germany could fight to the end
in the West.

There was a direct, immediate chain of cause and effect. The Volga peasants had to eat their children
because we were so impatient about putting up with the Constituent Assembly.

But political genius lies in extracting success even from the people's ruin. A brilliant idea was bom:
after all, three billiard balls can be pocketed with one shot. So now let the priests feed the Volga
region! They are Christians. They are generous!

1. If they refuse, we will blame the whole famine on them and destroy the church.

2. If they agree, we will clean out the churches.

3. In either case, we will replenish our stocks of foreign ex- change and precious metals.

Yes, and the idea was probably inspired by the actions of the church itself. As Patriarch Tikhon
himself had testified, back in August, 1921, at the beginning of the famine, the church had created
diocesan and all-Russian committees for aid to the starv- ing and had begun to collect funds.

Don't forget the Chinese, Vietnamese, the Koreans, Cambodians, Venezuelans, the East Germans etc. Surely, they were all run by "Slav shits", isn't that true, you fucking dolt?

Because it details exactly what Jews do to destroy a host country, and therefore justifies physical removal if the nation is to survive?

Spurdo teaching you how to be a commie (OC """infographic""")

Who so wishes to avoid famine must compensate the farmers. Not from our benevolence, but indeed from our own self-interest do we see that farmers are paid well for their labors.

top kek

I too recommend reading the book. Here's the TLDR though.

>East Germans
Run by Slav shits
>The rest
Have to try and run a communist system in a capitalist world. North Korea was fine until the USSR collapsed. Vietnam was fine until the US invaded. Cambodia was massively overrated. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the US backed capitalists killed 3 million people.

Don't forget about this gem, lads. First printed uncensored in English, 2009. Prior to that, it was heavily censored during its original publication in the CCCP, ca. 1965--I think. Another gulag tale, with a rich dramatis personae--including a couple chapters from the perspective of Stalin--and framed within the extended metaphor of specialists being in the "first circle" of the gulag Hell, referring to Dante's first part of the Divine Comedy. Also, lots of anti-commie shit in there.

US does not control OPEC. US simply upgraded its technology to dig for oil in places where it was impossible before (shale oil) due to the opportunity cost, since oil was so high (as a result of OPEC operating as a cartel)


>US does not control OPEC
Well done you fucking moron. The US has massive geopolitical power, they don't need to control OPEC to exert pressure on them.

Then how did oil rise to 150 a barrel in the first place? How does that happen if the USA is so almighty?


>How does that happen if the USA is so almighty?
It happened because the USA wanted it to happen. It's like a pump and dump.

Alright, gonna borrow this from my grandpa. Hope it remains a good read with no redpill necessary.

I dropped it because it was extremely boring and repetitive.

So if oil price suddenly rises, USA is to blame. If oil prices suddenly drop, USA is to blame.
This is how easy it shows that you commies are retarded. Unable to do any type of self-criticism on your dumb ideology, you choose to blame it on mysterious foreign influence.

>How can one unironically be a natsoc after reading this?
Actually good point

You're still not getting it. Commies want an excuse to steal. Morality is irrelevant.

have you read it?

The US is still locked in it's ideological war
>The US puts pressure on OPEC to force the price of oil up
>OPEC restricts sales
>Price rises
>Speculation ensues
>At the right time the US puts pressure on OPEC to cause the price of oil to drop
>OPEC opens the flood gates
>Price drops
>Capitalists fuck the country.
This isn't a hard concept, you fucking retard capitalist.

You're fucking retarded.

>western imperialists use their power and money to secure dirt cheap oil coming from the ME
>ME nations become independent and get angered over Israel, decide to make an oil cartel
>prices skyrocket
>US puts more effort into developing its own oil industry
>US eventually has enough production to have a surplus and begin exporting its oil
>OPEC cartel no longer has a monopoly, prices drop significantly due to competition

Of course no communist has any grasp of history, geopolitics, or basic economics.

Part II and the end of Part III are based

>reading before jumping to conclusions
Have you learned nothing from being here?

Do you see the insane mental gymnastics these nutjobs have to go to justify their shit tier ideology?

You could debate this fuck all day and probably BTFO of all his ideas, and he will back to it tomorrow. His mind is so broken and fucked that they only thing that will snap him out of it at this point is the day he finds himself in a communist gulag, the same day Comrade Abdul puts a bullet in his skull.

Pissbaby Europoor mad that their empires all fell apart.

>capitalism is """economic freedom"""

My country NEVER had an empire.

>Cuckitalists actually believe that
But then again the Jews have ruined Americans. You can't be objective.

Nowhere near on the scale or extent seen with Stalin though. Lenin wasn't as paranoid or utterly ruthless as Stalin.

More often than not euro flags are just Canadians who want to seem vaguely euro sophisticated whilst writing horrendous posts. He's probably jerking off a moose as we speak.

>the US backed capitalists killed 3 million people
And Maoist China killed about 40 million people based on conservative estimates, what's your fucking point? That capitalists have blood on their hands too? Sure they do, but it doesn't even come close to the severity and scale of Communist atrocities. And it's not mere coincidence, from Lenin to Trotsky, all prominent Communist figures supported terrorism and political purging as a means to ushering in the collectivist utopia, it wasn't one bad apple.

t. Jordan Peterson