Either all the political bullshit is to keep us bust not looking it Nibiru or they are using Nibiru as a cover to create chaos then possible HAARP to "cull" the planet. They don't build trillion dollar bunkers and underground tunnels for nothing or the "Amercian Stonehenge", advising keeping the planet population to 500 million. Anyone want to help me investigate this?

Other urls found in this thread:

I have studied Niburi and Annunaki for decades. Is the Sep date related? is that thing out in space actually Nibiru or something diff?

That is one thing that confuses me, what is the relation to Sep prediction, the thing we found in space coming this way and Nibiru?

I imaging the Annunaki look down on us like savages more than during the flood days..

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, everyday, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life

If you believe Zachariah stichens work, nibiru won't return until around 3200 AD. The planet has something like a 3600 year orbit

I think so brother. Which is why I bring it up. I am a writer and have been exposing Illuminati ops to help people be prepared.

That dude was a hack.

What are your findings user

having children to be killed in a war, a HAARP faked psyop of Nibiru or the real things isn't very helpful to anyone mate. I am trying to get people ready and paying attention to the real threats. I warned they were gonna do an OP and me and my team exposed the VA psyop

Why do you think that?

Your momma was a hack.

One sec I will put some copy pasta. I hope you guys are educated on the Illuminati and occult or you won't really understand the significance of a lot of this

My anus is ready

Ok this is just a theory but as I said doing my research all the puzzles fit together to make it worth investigating and preparing for regardless of whether you want to believe it or not. I am not even convinced of it's validity as i said it is just a theory but let me put the pieces together and you decide for yourself.

So we know about the Illuminati's existence and there is no question it is a real organization. But what we know is that Weishaupt supposedly started it. But we also know these cults work in layers of disinformation we already talked about with the Free Masons. The worker bees lower guys only do what they are told and as they graduate to higher degrees more and more information is revealed to them. This is how the Jews have been able to control such large groups of people in high positions of power, through these secret societies, bribery and blackmail. However I also told you I have been speaking with an insider anonymously. Here is a link to thread I made where he came to me for a second time (I have spoken to him 3 times total)

I made the thread talking about current Illuminati psyops just to give people a heads up and keep them informed. When he stopped by the thread again and we were discussing certain aspects of the Illuminati. Once you read his posts you will see as I did he has inside knowledge. So we were discussing aspects of the Illuminati and he was saying they are far older than Weishaupt and how they have even affected Buddhism etc. Speaking with him is what got me digging around with Lord Of The Rings etc because we spoke about Gobekli Tepe and this far older civilization that is possibly the father of all knowledge for all civilizations.

Ok so bear with me. As we said from the book we read by Isaac Asimov Nightfall what if this was truth hiding in fiction as the Masons are known for doing? Asimov was a Free Mason.after all. Not only that watch this video

The video producer also called the Nibiru system the "Nemesis" system. Asimov also wrote a book called Nemesis I have read. Here is another short video about the system.

So there is undeniable evidence of this far older civilization. Tolkien used these old books apparently only he could read as his inspiration for Lord Of The Rings he claims is based on real history. All of this is fact.

So now we start to connect the pieces of the puzzle. Knowledge is power. In the ancient world this power was based on knowledge of math and stars. What if these Khazarians were a sect of this ancient cult "Illuminati" that "converted" to Judaism as a cover? We know about the start of Bethlehem described in the bible and it's relation to the upcoming planetary event. We have solid evidence that this planet x nibiru exists

>Either all the political bullshit is to keep us bust not looking it Nibiru or they are using Nibiru as a cover to create chaos then possible HAARP to "cull" the planet. They don't build trillion dollar bunkers and underground tunnels for nothing or the "Amercian Stonehenge", advising keeping the planet population to 500 million. Anyone want to help me investigate this?

1. it's all shit,
2. they build bunkers since they're stupid rich fucks that you can sell anything, including named bunkers,
3. HAARP is crap myth,
4. american stonehenge is larp by most influential people, also stupid enough to buy such building

nothing will happen, nothing ever happens, everything develops slowly, and you just live your live in all of that and eventually die

We also know the occult symbol of the supposed anti-Christ is the letter x. The videos on that youtube channel also have occult symbology in them, they may have these types of YT channels reveling the truth as part of their revelation of truth and predictive programming ritual they are required to do,

Inline image 2
As I have said countless times they don't build trillion dollar underground bunkers and FEMA camps for nothing. What if this cult has known this event is coming for all this time and been preparing for it? What if that is why the Georgia guidestones bunkers and FEMA camps? That is why they are rewriting history, and doing falt earth psyops and dumbing down the population so that when they emerge after the "event" they can emerge as God kings as we discussed? Truth in fiction remember? Think of the movie 2012, they have a select number of scientists, engineers, computer scientists etc everything they need, to be able to run an ultra high tech society when they emerge.

one minute brother hear me out first

Here is the math. Gobekli tepe is approximately 10k years old right? Well Sumeria and Egypt etc are approximately 5k years old. So it was 5k years til the Sumerian civilization and now it has been approx 5k years since Sumeria. So what if this event happens every 5k years not 10 like in the book? Look at this image that was recorded by google sky they have since censored

See the blue object off to the right? Remember in the video he said it appeared blue in the sky? Start keeping an eye out in the sky during the day to see of you ever see it.

His work is riddled with giving explanations and then finding the numbers he needs to make the explanations true. Also some (if not most or all) of the physics of the Dark Star theory don't fit with what we've observed.

Now read this reddit thread

Jesus like I said this shit is all starting to make sense. After the event they want to re-emerge after most of the population are dead by civil war, starvation, exposure etc and will use the Georgia guidestones as their ten commandments for their New World Order. Look into all of this and tell me you don't see all the connections fitting together. Just like I said in the book I have always had a talent for collecting large amounts of meta data and seeing the patterns emerge out of thin air to connect all the dots, my mind just does it automatically, it doesn't really require any conscious effort from me and when I do connect all the dots and have never been wrong in my conclusions. Watch this clip real quick, this is what I am talking about how my minds just clicks all the pieces into place.

>people actually for these 2012 style bullshit

Seriously start looking into this and tell me if you can find anything that contradicts it. They may be doing all of this bullshit with left vs right to keep people busy and fighting over stupid nonsense and not paying attention to wtf is really going on. Look into this and I will call you tomorrow after I do more research on this. I am going to try to get in touch with my inside guy. I love you. Like I said just buy dry food storage weapons and ammo. You have nothing to lose, it won't go anywhere, I am telling you man just as I have been predicting the future with the shit the Illuminati are doing, I got a bad feeling about this. I will start working on putting together as many pieces of this puzzle as I can.

Like I said if you aren't educated about the occult none of this will make sense to you so you should ask lurk or just leave. If you don't know about predictive programming and revelation of truth rituals you won't understand any of this bro and it will look crazy to you

nothing contradicts in tolkiens fairy tales, but that's just about it.

nothing ever happens, accept the hard life and struggle for better

The thing about it is all YT channels revealing this info are no question Illuminati. I am expert on the symbols etc. So the question which is the psyop? There is no question they have something panned

What the hell are you talking about? That thread gives no information at all.

They have been planning to drastically reduce the population for a very long time, so will they stage Nibiru to use HAARP? Or is Nibru legit and all this political bs to keep us bust so we don't look into it? This an op no question, we have to find what the op is


yah I know man, google supposedly censored the pepe in the sky image

Okay OP. I understand thhe whole psyop side, but why all the freakouts? I mean, if the ayys really are coming, there's nothing we can do

So here are the facts.

1. The elite don't build trillion dollar underground bunkers and tunnels for nothing
2. The georgia guide stones weren't built to survive a disaster and give "commandments" for nothing
3. They aren't following the book of revelation for nothing

Well I am not freaking out. There are things you can do to prepare. I am just trying to get to the bottom of what they are doing here because everything with them is misdirection so you don't see what they have coming. They are some sharp devious motherfuckers I will give them that

Giving explanations based off of recordings is science though. I don't really subscribe to his Gilgamesh story, but megalithic structures around the world, made at different times and by different cultures, cannot be explained with conventional history

this. I think Sitchen was a plant honestly, pretty sure he was a free mason. Prob put in to talk about aliens and shit to hid the truth, like Nibiru or some other shit they are trying to hide about history we are't being told about

World governments won't be able to supress an ayy revelation. If you think that the ayys made us and have been watching us this whole time just to see us kill each other when they get back, is a pretty silly thought.
Once they get here, they'll pass judgement on the whole species.

As I said this is an op no question, if you know about the occult and Illuminati you should already realize this, if you don't know about these things I can try to tell you but you won't understand it and think it sounds crazy etc. like spaghetti nigger

Well if you believe in the alien theory that's cool. I think there is a decent chance it could be real, but why would the elite build bunkers etc for an alien arrival? Nah there is destruction coming by their hand or the hand of natural forces

So the end goal for the illuminati, in your eyes from my gathering, is to prevent the return of the anunaki in order to create a globalized civilization?
That doesn't make much sense if you subscribe to the whole worshipping of moloch thing

The story says, that when nibiru returns, the earth will undergo tremendous gravitational effects due to the planet or body coming so close to our planet. It could explain why there is an increase in volcano and earthquake activity.
Then there are those who think they can hide from the ayys

When nothing happening in 2012, I threw the nibiru faggotry in the garbage. Seems like most others did as well except a few retarded gen X'ers

the end times are definitely upon us

im not sure what will be the form of the destructor but nibiru is definitely one of the leading candidates

Dont hide behind the supposed occult knowledge that you read on the webz pretending it to be real when we have in fact the technologies to know everything. If a fucking planet was coming out of nowhere we would have already seen it

Stop larping when u are still sane, cause you will get insane one day

>So the end goal for the illuminati, in your eyes from my gathering, is to prevent the return of the anunaki in order to create a globalized civilization?

No brother the end goal of the Illuminati is drastically reducing the population then communism, one world gov, and one world religion

I think global warming has been a cover story to explain the effects of the approaching planet, if this is true, or again they have been using HAARP to do it

Well again if you don't understand the occult I can see why you would think this. But you have to understand prediitive programming and revelation of truth for them. They reveal the truth through fitcion, movies, art, books etc. Plus 2012 could have been a convenient cover for the elite to have an excuse for they were building bunkers and not raise attention

Wouldn't the revelation of aliens be a hindrance to them though? Or would it only strengthen the globalist movement?
That is my biggest fear. When the aliens come, the show us their form of government which is communist in nature. Obviously it would be to their benefit because they're so far technologically advanced. Not for us though. Our species is still in nationalism phase

guy you are way to blue pilled to be here just go ahead and leave you don't realize the movie the matrix was a true story yet, no offense but you are useless here and won't understand any of this

Global warming is like.. 1/3 real. Humans obviously have an impact on the quality of the planet. It's how much of an impact we have is the question.

All this shit is fake and gay and I wouldnt care except this illuminati/mib/nibiru/archon/reptillian/nephelim/akakashik/atlantean/flute playing new age trailer hippy cocksucking motherfuckers have infiltrated and culturally appropriated everything paranormal and supernatural to the point where trying to do primary research on anything is damn near impossible.

Its a psyop, but its from jewish new age tax dodging boomer cockmonglers desperate for shekels and relevance. Not the CIA

t. world builder

>hurr muh crowley books and muh smerald hermetic tablets gave me occult knowledge

I was in this shit before you nigga so gtfo with these lame ass conspiracies

>Wouldn't the revelation of aliens be a hindrance to them though?

no it wouldn't in fact aliens is psyop they are working on I go into detail about it here from a past thread

nibiru is name for saturn or jupiter

It's fairly easy to deceive a country into doing ((your)) bidding. Look at any dictator. Any king or emperor. Any religion.
As far as living in a matrix like program, it is very posible. Nothing in science proves or denies this theory.

>Its a psyop, but its from jewish new age tax dodging boomer cockmonglers desperate for shekels and relevance. Not the CIA

lol yes I am well aware of this. However the CIA work for them they run everything bro. Again you have to understand what I said here Doesn't really matter which the psyop is being played they a plan to destroy 2/3 of the human population very soon

No. The name nibiru was coined by Zachariah stichin in his books about the anunaki.

I wrote a book guy. You are a fool just leave why are you here to show everyone what a fool you are?

>As far as living in a matrix like program, it is very posible
The matrix is based on a true story, it is not a computer program though. It is just a false reality, a system of control

fair enough.

If alien existence is a psyop, they're doing a real bad job at it. Remember the roswell crash? The got admitted to having a crashed UFO, only to react the paper and say it was a weather balloon. There are whole organizations about finding aliens, some funded by the government.
As something that could be beneficial to the human race, how could the potential existence of aiens be a psyop

They are also following revelations as their playbook I have connected 3 or 4 events already

You have no fucking clue, my man. Something is coming for all of us, something humanity hasn't seen since it's inception. I wish humanity would band together before it's too late, but time isn't on our side. Either way, buckle up it's going to be like nothing you've ever seen before.

>Remember the roswell crash?

The Roswell crash was on the 33rd parallel. Take what you will from it brother. I am not trying to convince you just letting you know from my extensive knowledge on the subject and knowing their motivation etc. They want a one world government, everything is designed to accomplish that goal

I thought it had re branded as planet 9
Did you know that OP
>is single handedly responsible for exposing the JQ
>he and his team are risking their lives daily to get this info out
>He knows exactly how every thing is going to play out but can only give it you in a .docx file
>without him no one could have figured out what really happened in Charlottesville
may sure you respect him for doing this or you can go fuck yourselves

>You have no fucking clue, my man. Something is coming for all of us, something humanity hasn't seen since it's inception

No what is coming will be produced by them or it is most certainly something already known about as I wrote in my pasta

Actually, we the taxpayers paid for a study to see if we are in are real matrix. They concluded that it was nearly impossible, and that both possibilities are probable

Because people fall into these bullshits and buy books thats why

Yes it has been re branded planet 9 because Pluto was demoted, but all through history until that happened it has been known as planet x. And certainly if it was known about in ancient history the ancients would not have considered Pluto an exo planet as we do today so this really doesn't matter it is semantics

We both are born into a false reality (system of control) and could very well be living in a simulated reality

you call it semantics, I call it a joke

>Actually, we the taxpayers paid for a study to see if we are in are real matrix. They concluded that it was nearly impossible,

Guy I told you the matrix is not a computer program but there is no question it is real. You are some /x/ tier shit, which is fine, I am just on some reality shit atm not theory

>The Roswell crash was on the 33rd parallel.
The relevance of this to the NWO is close to zero. There are ancient and modern structures on the 33rd parallel going back to when man became civilized.

k kudos why are you here then?

Nope there is almost no way you do understand, unless you're privy to the "occult" and very intimately so.

>We both are born into a false reality (system of control) and could very well be living in a simulated reality

again there is nothing simulated about our reality, not digital anyway. It is just that what people think is reality is not, it is all fabricated by people skilled in deception, psychology, and in control of all outlets of information.

Reality comes from ones sense of being. Nothing else.
My reality is vastly different than your reality.

You don't know the significance of the number 33 with the Illuminati
>The relevance of this to the NWO is close to zero.
lol wow man you really don't know much, not to be insulting. The "NWO" as you cal it have been around for 1000's of years and yes have affected everything

>Nope there is almost no way you do understand, unless you're privy to the "occult" and very intimately so.
You should probably try reading the thread before posting. I am one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on this topic and wrote a book about. I know more than most of those actually involved but w/e believe what you want

The number 33 existed way before the illuminati. People worshipped "sacred geometry" in the ancient past. It is not exclusive to the illuminati/NWO

Loves me a good conspiracy I do, listen man, lighten up some shit is coming we all feel it, you are nothing special, what ever happens is beyond you and will happen regardless, its good to research and speculate but just lighten up, you are not the 2nd coming or anything, I made a few jokes whilst reading your theories and the others that have contributed but this is still pol and I'm here to have fun.


you are on a whole different convo than I am bro

Something big is coming since the day men learnt to speak

Yet I saw some of your posts, this is not a pysop for aliens.

>The number 33 existed way before the Illuminati.
The Illuminati has always existed, just under different names

Not necessarily. You're saying that humanity as a whole will have its collective reality swapped for something else that has been carefully crafted by those who crave power.

>this is not a pysop for aliens.

I didn't say it was

BS psyop lies

Try 26000 year orbit.

How stupid are you?

Guess I mistook your ID then, but so far this thread is lacking. Nothing new really being discussed either. So what is the purpose of this, if you're already so convinced of what you know?

>You're saying that humanity as a whole will have its collective reality swapped for something else that has been carefully crafted by those who crave power.

no I am saying this is already the case and has been the case a for a long time.

>The Illuminati has always existed, just under different names.
Not true. By saying that you are implying that mankinds extistence is because of the illuminati.

Annunaki are weakass faggots.
It's all about the Super Human now, we have the power.

the stupidity here never ceases to amaze me honestly
>So what is the purpose of this, if you're already so convinced of what you know?

Why don't you reading guy I was very clear about it. This is a discussion about a known psyop in the works and its purpose fuck

and this fucking retards should gas themselves. How the fuck would exposing an op be running an op. Fucking hell kys guy you are idiot

I would agree that it has been "under development", but not for a long time like you're saying. My opinion is that the illuminati rose out of free masonry/Templar that refused to give up their power after the crusades

you are on your own convo man nothing you are saying is relevant to what I am saying, you are arguing with strawmen you are creating

>the stupidity here never ceases to amaze me honestly
>Why don't you reading guy I was very clear about it.

So you're saying nibiru is actually planet vegeta? And we're going to fight the sayians? Their power. It's over 9000

>My opinion is that the illuminati rose out of free masonry/Templar

I agree, in away it depends how you define it, because actually the Templars rose from the Illuminati it is complex, again this is just semantics based on what you want to call an organization that has been around since civilization has which are occult priests