Republicans freed the slaves

Daily reminder that Abraham Lincoln and the Union were Republican, and the Confederates were Democrats who fought to preserve slavery.

The Republicans freed the slaves, the Democrats fought to keep slavery.

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Liberals don't want to realize this. This would ruin the illusion that they're on the moral high ground.

wtf im a democrat now


>bringing up shit that happened a hundred years ago

Fucking conservatives need to hang

The party of lincoln lives on in the spirit of dolan grump

Abraham Lincoln ruined america.

>bringing up shit in the past is not allowed
>previous 12 vehicle attacks

The South did. If the South had just let the slaves go, Lincoln could have deported them. Instead they bred them and started a stupid war which, when they lost, killed Lincoln just so he couldn't deport them. Lincoln did nothing wrong.

Who knew that republicans were such cucks back then. Should have sent them to Africa. Now they're all free and we have super high crime. Thanks conservcucks

The Republicans were fucking SHIT back then, and shit now

You are a fucking cuck

Do you honestly think that would have happened? dumbass

Daily rebuffal: why is that in any way relevant? One sided wanted to keep slaves, the other sided didn't.
Now, years later, what does the political affiliation matter. Non racists want to dismantle monument to racist.
TLDR: there are racists along the political spectrum.

>The Republicans freed the slaves, the Democrats fought to keep slavery.
Why do you think they're trying to destroy all the statues and banning books


Go back to t_d cuck fuck

Do you understand the different factions and ideologies at the time? Do you understand it doesn't fucking matter what he specifically wanted or didn't want?

Learn history

Not an argument. The North wanted to stop slavery, not keep them here.

Also, they were not free citizens so it would have been easy to deport them.

You stupid nigger. The shit instituted by Lincoln is against everything the founding fathers wanted. Standing army, high taxes, draft, high federal spending, federal intervention in econom, Intervention in state rights, and ect. The south were trying to continue the original America.

Last bloc of text on this.
>The south were trying to continue the original America.
Not with that many niggers they weren't.

WTF I hate Republicans now

Wow, fuck republicans then.

So Democrats want to hide the fact they lost the last Civil War before they try again?

"But things have changed"
Yeah, the Republicans freed the slaves, and the Democrats moved them onto the Government Plantation.They decided that if they can't outright ban them from voting, they need to ensure that they vote Democrat.

So stupid. Party politics change constantly despite keeping their organizing names. I'm sure you're eager to bring up Eisenhower's corporate tax rate.

That last text in the pic us the most fucking retarded thing ever made. The founding fathers were libertarians. They believed that government should barely even exist.
>hur dur they studied roman classics they must be fascists
The revolution was very libertarian. The only non libertarians in the revolution were the elite. That ended up becoming the federalist party aka what became the Republican party and what eventually ruined america.

Republicans were the original cuckservatives.

wow OP. is 4th grade in session in august?

Libertarianism isn't viable after Industrialization because cities are formed. Profit increases, and thus people will abuse the free market without government to stop price fixing and shit.

But as
clearly shows,Lincoln at least believed that black people shouldn't be owned, but should be black people, in black people places.

>Libertarianism is anarchist capitalism

Libertarianism also led us into what we have now. Banks and private corporations just bribed the government and own the media.
Yes, the U.S gov was Libertarian, not AnCap. They didn't have price fixing laws and shit until 1890, but by then it was too late. Not everyone has the best intentions for the country, Jews especially will cheat, lie, and steal to get what they want.

in politics, the eternal question is "what have you done for me lately"
The republican party gave away its last remaining among blacks when barry goldwater pioneered the southern strategy and gave tacit support for jim crow and segregation, a strategy that has endured in some form or another since.

The confederacy were not "liberals," though neither was the north. The republicans lost the moral ground of being the party of lincoln from generations of being what they actually are