/nsg/ 卐 - National Socialism General


Thread for discussion of the Jewish Question, Race Realism, National Socialism, Anti-Communism, Fascism, Traditionalism, White Nationalism, and European Identity Movements. Share links, PDFs, reading, videos, and propaganda.


卐 PASTEBIN - pastebin.com/vPZPyDhK

卐 NEW! Hitler's views on the British Empire 卐

>A Goy Guide to World History

>Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations





ϟϟ 3rd Reich image archives ϟϟ

Other urls found in this thread:

pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina Folder/kell24.htm
hakirah.org/Vol 16 Balk.pdf

>The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances
>Cultural Marxism
>Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America
>Erich Fromm, Judaism and the Frankfurt School
pages.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina Folder/kell24.htm
>Frankfurt School
>Frankfurt School of Social Research
>The Frankfurt School & Cultural Marxism
>The History of Political Correctness
>How a Handfull of Marxist Jews Turned Western and U.S. Culture Upside Down
>The Jewish Frankfurt School and the End of Western Civilization
>The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness"
>Who Stole Our Culture?
>The Frankfurt School and Its Legacy
>Critical Theory (Cultural Marxism) and Jewish Thought
>Fallen Jews, Critical Theory, and Cultural Marxism
>Bill Whittle on the Narrative: Political Correctness

卐 - Jews in High Places
>200 Years together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>Germany Must Perish by Kaufman
>The Soul of a Jew and the Soul of a Non-Jew
hakirah.org/Vol 16 Balk.pdf
>Rome and Jerusalem by Moses Hess
>The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine
>You Gentiles by Maurice Samuels
>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'

There are many simple things in the world. Shovels. They are all different. Gardening shovel, unloading shovel, children's shovel. But there is also a different shovel. We use it when we come to the position. In short time, it helps us dig a trench which saves us from bullets. If a tank will pass over the trench, there is a high probability that it will not cause any harm to the soldier. We dig in the ground. Deeper. And then connect the trenches with our friends to the left. In just a few hours, trenches are all connected. When we do not have an axe, we can use a shovel to cut a loaf of bread. A soldier uses a shovel as a paddle, crossing the wide river under enemy fire. If we run out of ammunition...we will use the shovel again. And then we'll move on. And when we get the order to stop..we will take a shovel again, and build around us an impregnable fortress. This fortress is defended by the army of Ukrainia, our army..

Exactly 30 years ago today, Rudolf Hess hung himself in Spandau prison. He spent 46 years behind bars because he flew to Britain to broker peace.

When Germany and the USSR invaded Poland in 1939, the goal was to eliminate Irgun terrorists. In 1940, the USSR attempted to annex Finland, and annexed the Baltic countries - yet, Germany is remembered as the bad guy.

Germany moved forces into Denmark and Norway in 1940 to protect the countries against Soviet invasion. In 1941, the UK and the USSR invaded Iran.

France had fallen to literal anti-fascists in the form of Leon Blum and the Popular Front, who won the 1936 French elections. This antifa government and the French colonial empire would continue until the German invasion of France in 1940.

The UK in 1940 first occupied the Faroe islands - supposedly to protect it from the Germans, just as the Germans claimed to be protecting Denmark and Norway. However, in April, the UK bombed 8 German ships in Norway.

So, when Hess flew to the UK to broker peace in 1941, he did so after Germany had lost ships to British aggression, and the British had formed a cabal with the Soviets to invade Iran, the Baltic countries, and who knows what else.

The Irgun bombing people in Germany, Poland and the USSR were run by the same Jews who formed the Weimer republic, and who pushed the Popular Front to power in France. When Germany refused to submit to international Jewish rule, they destroyed it.

Just like today, BLM and Antifa are starting the hostilities;


I'm so tired of it all brothers

When will it end?

> Purge degeneracy

That means no more porn, bros. No more being overweight. Get up at 5 am every day and work out. No more junk food. No more masturbation, or sex outside of marriage. No more vulgar language. No more fantasizing about committing violence. No more biting your nails or picking your nose. No more vidyas. Heck, even spending too much time on Sup Forums is pretty degenerate. No more coffee, no more drinking, no more smoking. No more staying up too late. No more growing your hair out long. No more picking your zits or cleaning your ears with your fingers. No more having dirty feet that smell bad. You must brush and floss and shower every day. Warm showers are degenerate also.

Get to work, boys.

It will end once every nazi goes back under whatever shit filled holed you guys came from.


This has literally never been advocated by anyone outside of an anchorite's cell. What are you doing here anyway?

I come here everyday and I lurk most of the time, but I just wanted to say that I love you guys, it's been a couple of years since I first started to come on Sup Forums, and these threads are by far my favorite. Thank you guys for showing me the light in these dark times, I'm sure that Hitler is proud of us.

Just reading through your degenerate articles ;)

Good documentary on how corporations changed America and the West, and why a free society will always fall to inner violant and sexual vices especially if it's in a capitalistic setting.

It is like 4 hours though, but it's entertaining, and only a little muh holocaust in there. And it does have episodes this is just them all in one big video


The best redpill I've ever read is Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor. Buy it if you haven't.

sounds good in theory but we're human after all
getting up at 5 every day isn't sustainable btw unless you go to sleep at 9 pm which is bs


So, do you guys listen to Wagner?

Lately I've been listening to his speeches and debates during Cardio at the gym
Motherfucker was right about everything
Everything he said was going to happen has happened and then some
Everything he says rings truer today more than it ever has before

Tell me what you guys think of Free Market Capitalism


The entire world is against us and our backs are against the wall.

What do we do without drowning in a pit of blackpills?

I'm tired.

so basically a natsoc Ron Paul?

Charlotteville was a victory, NAZISM IS THE FUTURE.

Lay low and survive, don't give in to media's lies. One day we WILL hold power and when that day come's you'll be glad you stuck to your guns.

Ok. Let's discuss

Bad, internationalist,always supports cheap labor immigrants,degenerates people since the masses can't rally think too hard for themselves. Fascism is just free market capitalism without the shit parts



National socialism is still socialism. Your ideology is just a spin off of communism. The fact that you morons got suckered into this shit is hilarious. Just because something is anti-jew doesn't mean that it's right about everything else. You can be anti-Jew and anti white genocide without adopting the retarded ideology of Nazism. LARPers, all of you. I am only consoled by the fact that you are all to stupid and incompetent to ever put yourselves in a position of power.

It is a good system in theory but there is nothing stopping corporations from becoming too large and monopolizing; either by de facto (brainless drones who buy literal dogshit if it has an Apple logo on it) or government assistance: it's monopolizing none the less
It also doesn't protect from those who would otherwise seek to profit off degeneracy (porn, tobacco, prostitution, etc) and contribute to the moral decay and apathy of the new almighty god: money

Unbridled Hedonistic Capitalism (aka, The Free Market) will never exist and can never exist unless you want the world to decay into apathetic and decadent deviants

A certain degree of individualism is necessary, but the economy must serve the goals of the nation, not become a tyrant towards its people. Free market is a good idea on paper, but pure individualism turns brothers against each others. But if you want to start a small store, you're free to do so as long as it benefits the people in some way. Just don't become a huge corporation and stay of the state's business

check the video above you on their economics silly shill,

we get one of you retards everythread

>Your ideology is just a spin off of communism

>Here's why it's okay for Blacks to be racist against Whites but not vice versa
Whoever wrote this needs a lobotomy stat

>not listening to Wagner's teacher.

Try playing this from a helicopter:

Except he was right about EVERYTHING


Become the perfect ideological image of the movement
A shining example of who we are and what we believe
The Shining City on A Hill so that none has room for insult or dissent

It's time to stand up for your people and family.

In all honesty
I WISH AnCap and Free Market Capitalism could be possible; but it only exists in the philosophical world. I started off as a Libertarian but (((they))) made me go this way because they didn't want to leave me the fuck alone
Once you step into the land of the realistic empirical, you will see

Same. I was never an AnCap but I always found it to be a beautiful utopian ideology.

Anyone know if pic related is a good read?

nothing wrong with a huge corporation as long as it doesn't act against the people
see the big German auto brands for example, they were all large corporations during the 3rd Reich

I can't do that if my life isn't in order and I'm not strong; mentally and physically
We aren't even at the point where we can do anything politically as a movement; all dissent from the normal "allowed" political discourse is shut down as "racist", "homophobic", "xenophobic" and etc

If anyone really cared for the movement, they would do as I: lift, get your life in order, get a career, and wait for the fanatic leftists to slowly push normies to our side and shift the overton window

Kill all commies

I actually prefer national socialism's economic plan. I always liked to share things with the people I love, the feeling of giving to a friend in help is more rewarding to me than having tons of material possesions. Maybe I'm just weird, I still like to have a certain degree of individual proprety tho


Your system doesn't work because you ignore the real problem of capital to focus on nonproblems like race

I thought Stalin pretty much managed to already do that.

Okay, so aside from the amazing Rockwell video, can someone give me a written doctrine of NatSoc ideology/philosophy so I can decide if I'm actually NatSoc these days?

>a nonproblem
Don't you have a bull to be prepping?

As long as they exist with the premise to provide the people with the best possible product they can at a realisticly fair price not what (((maximizes profit))). Slight sacrifice for the greater good means everyone is investing to further the nation and ultimately the people living in the nation. (People can afford cheaper better cars, they can afford to go to work, therefor more productivity, and therefor more GDP, better living conditions, etc)
Ford had the same work-model and we all know how good the relationship between Ford and Hitler was

Tyranny by large corporations is just as dangerous as Tyrany by the state (See, Google, Youtube, Apple, etc)
They don't exist to provide people with the best product or experience possible at a fair affordable price; they exist to maximise how thickly the coffers are lined with the gold of the ignorant

*blocks your path*

Racism AND means of production. Internationalist useful idiot of the bourgeoisie gonna cry?

Long read, but here you go.

Soon, brother.

Huge corporation that are owned by the state are even better, that way the state can prevent any greedy attempt to rise the cost of a service/product and it's a good way to limit taxes, since all the monetary gains are going in the state's budget. But corporation without limits can become bigger than the state and represent a danger to the nation itself


Speaking of this, what's y'alls opinion on the Northwest Front?

How do I fight this blackpilled mood I have been in since Charlottesville? I see these statues, our history, being torn down by apes and self-hating whites. (((corporations))) cracking down like never before, Trump under fire like never before. I need to regain my will to fight the degeneracy within myself as well

Reminder we will make 30/40K real

Thanks comrade.

Think it's a great idea, but the NW still seems to controlled by lefties for me to feel /comfy/ living there.

Harold Covington is alright I guess. System has been killing off his guys for a while

I am the same brother, that is why National Socialism instantly clicked when I was first introduced to it. The feeling of accomplishment I get from watching others succeed thanks in part to my contribution is beyond any kind of joy I feel from an extra couple dollars on my paycheck. I will gladly sacrifice a portion of what I don't necessarily need for the benefit of someone I love and care about. It's part of the reason I volunteer at a veteran's soup kitchen in my spare time

I would rather have an average livable wage post-taxes if I knew my taxes would go to those in need who I cared about (my people). If all my immediate NEEDS (not wants) in life are cared for, I am content. This is why I hate the system in America because my taxes go to feed the lazy, unmotivated, and undeserving while I slave away for less and less pay.

Feeling blackpilled senpai

weird seeing all my normie friends and family post all over Facebook that they want to punch nazis for goodboy points. if they knew about me, would they punch me? probably not, but still. it feels like when i released a rap album in middle school and everyone made fun of me for a year

Is this b8?

My kikebook got shoahed over the weekend after posting pic related with a blerb about how the police pushed /ourguys/ into the enemy Saturday. I think it's safe to assume they know now. Getting some real push back form my mother, my father thinks it's a lost cause but we could make ground pushing for immigration and welfare reform.

Haven't spoken to any other family yet tho. I think you'd be fine, and if not it's okay, we're your family now.

Just know that the more fanatical the Left becomes, the more normies will shift to our side. Charlottesville was an absolute PR shitstorm, but it will die down as it always does

It actually gave me opportunities to talk to my right-leaning normie friends who were celebrating kicking Nazi ass. I just told them "Americans don't know shit about history" and showed them pic related, as well as dropping major redpills about Patton and the American attitudes towards Hitler/Germans post WWII (Like JFK)

Even if the redpilling process is slow, there is always ways to capitalize on it even if it seems (keyword here) like the media is "winning"

forgot the pic

I wish my state didn't have such draconian laws concerning political party formation. They are blatantly favoring the two-party system and getting any sort of official recognition or ability to stand in elections requires thousands of signatures. I was toying with (probably more of a fantasy, tbqh) of making a party of national socialist principals but distancing from Nazi LARPING (e.g. Charlottesville), to help with normies

This argument is quite worn and tired, but if the left insists on bringing this one up again, I suppose I can oblige. The reason why white identity is acceptable for Americans is the same reason Boer identity is acceptable for South Africans, and Australian is acceptable for those of European decent living in Australia.

The pan-European argument doesn't work for the US because Americans are not Europeans; we're ethnic cousins, and this connection is important from an existential perspective, but politically speaking we're too mixed genetically, and too distinct culturally to claim European identity.

We're your family now.

The colder it is outside the warmer it should get in here senpai.

You'll be alright kamerad


The 50th anniversary of his death is coming up in just a couple days. I'll probably light a candle in remembrance.

I feel the exact same way about modern capitalism, money keeps going to the people who have already much more than they need, and yet, they keep stealing from the poor. I had the luck to be raised in a middle class family, but my dad was always gone because he worked non-stop to provide for us and to make sure that we didn't miss anything, I went to a private high school (all the public school were I lived are full of non-whites who hate us and communist teachers) and each day I saw people who were sleeping in the streets complaining about people like my dad who always worked hard to succed, while our true ennemy was above us and getting more rich as time passes. When I first saw Hitler's speech on socialism, something in me told me that it was my duty to become like this man, to help my people, and to give a hand to those in need. I don't have much free time because of college, but I'm saving some money to give to a local foundation that help poor families educate and feed their kids. Thanks for the reply kamaraden, we must never lose hope ! One day the world will know the truth.

George Lincoln Rockwell vs Stokely Carmichael (MLK Jr Diversity type)
Major redpills about race and identity in this one; it's about an hour long or so


antifa will backfire and put natsocs in power eventually

this is really good.

The Left is in absolute tantrum mode right now with their destruction of our history. Does anyone know the attitude of the general public towards the removal of the statues?

so I'm reading through this and I have immediate concern with the concept of NO electing process. I understand the logic behind it, but what happens if a man becomes too power hungry and takes a iron grip on everything and goes full Stalin and has everyone questioning everyone about their loyalty to the cause so and he uses that to abuse him power?

How do we replace him or ever bring up that thought if it's just going to give us a date with the gallows?

Take this adorable traditional virgin qt user
The day will come when we can live on our own farms and have many beautiful children with our loving wives

I saw an infograph poll posted of people who disagreed with defacing historical statues that read something like
>76% Republicans
>57% Independents
>17% Democrats
Tearing down statues is a PR nightmare and the more the nigs nog and prove us right, the better for our cause. I'm wondering why Republicans are so low though, statistically high but seeing anything less than 90% is appalling. More proof conservatives are fucking useless drones



Read further and you'll see there's a response to that issue.
>If he becomes unsuitable for his position at the top, whether it be because he becomes too foolish (read:Tyrannical) or too old, there is always a younger and smarter lion waiting to take his place.
>If the rights-granters and enforcers are corrupt or tyrranical, than the inferior must earn the right to become granters and enforcers themselves by demonstrating their superior character through revolution
Basically, only the one who demonstrates he can do whats best for the people rise to the top. If he becomes too tyrannical, he can be overthrown by a coup or revolt.

>He can be overthrown by a coup or revolt
Considering everyone in the nation would have their loyalties to the people AND everyone would be armed; this would shrink to a non-issue

It's like a king who knew his guards would turn on him the second he steps out of line. Do you think that King would betray his people?

There's a reason why Fascism has been called the Third Way. Conservatives are just as bad as the other side. Conservatives still bow to Israel, prop up corporations and are more for reform of immigration than halting it.

Basically, it's an elective monarchy, like the Roman Empire

>coup or revolt

Assuming he isn't executed for treason first. And secondly, that sound extremely detrimental to the nation and the folk. Countless lives lost because one man becomes mad with power and used his position to get everyone under him focused on everyone else.

I think having a Male only voting system with maybe some intelligence requirements would work better and be more peaceful in the bigger picture, which I feel would ultimately be better for the folk.

Thanks a lot user, she's going in my virgin qt folder. I often dream about that, having my own little farm, my traditionalist qt wife and 5 childrens, where the 2 older brothers would protect their little sisters. It used to make me sad, but now more than ever, it motivates me to create that future myself. But as time passes, I realize that I will have to take a major role in this, I need to become a leader for my people.

YES GOYIM keep pushing the natsoc angle, it's working!

It obviously is, just look at the Lügenpresse. Remember
>the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

See a tyrannical Fuhrer would most likely lose favour of his military and people and be quickly overthrown. As for using a popular vote restricted to men, it could work but all it would take is a few words from a Jew to get them to vote against the state (although the same could be argued by a non-public election)

Do it for your People user
For you Nation
For your God
Do it for Him

>lose favor of his military and people
But if the media is heavily regulated, as is stated in that rundown, how would they truly know? It would appear as business as usual.

>few words from a Jew
I would agree with you, except for the fact that once the Jew has been removed from the state, or otherwise dealt with, it wouldn't be a problem because the Jew wouldn't have internal influence like it does now. It would all be from the outside and in a NatSoc/Folkish state the people would be aware of the Jew and their tricks.

Bumping this absolutely based bread.

I-I will, for my people, for my nation, for God, and to make him proud. I will succed and I will save my people, nothing will stop our movement, because God is behind us, and he hails our courage. Because our most precious possesion in this world, is our own people. Thanks a lot user, I will never forget you

Why doesn't antifa realize that all their beliefs are the beliefs of the corporate establishment?

I really wish with all of the 'New American Reich,' things going on, Texas would be included. This land is too rich in natural resources to give up, IMO.

> No more fantasizing about committing violence.
The rest is on the level, but
I'm not really sure how practical this point can be.
We've had such shit heaped upon us. How can we not sometimes wonder what it'd be like to strip the nigger of his clothes, his golden chains, his five "white honeys," and string him up by the lamp post.

Is this perhaps a call to moderation?

I will show the light to the normies, and make them join our movement. Togheter we will hail everything our ancestors created, and everything we will create. Every race as the right to love itself, and I will show it to the world

>But if the media is hevily regulated, as it is stated in that rundown, how would they truly know? It would appear as business as usual.
The Fuhrer doesn't control the media, the Bureau of Media (or whatever it would be called) and it's Medienführer would. They see the Fuhrer getting too big for his britches, the media would pick up on it immediately and he'd be reprimanded or suceeded.

Did you listen to that new show on TRS with Mike and Johnny? Mike makes a comment about how antifa types are confused why so many corporations are agreeing with them and attacking/abandoning Trump.

I think some will learn and join our general movement. Others are too dumb