What do commies deserve?

Post what commies and antifa faggots deserve.

Other urls found in this thread:


Mental health treatment.


Love and respect

Also a personal favorite for me.

antifa shill operation discord

Board of Peace.

not on my watch satan!!!

The bullet too

Im confused, theres a picture of this but the guy speaking is standing away from the podium and the guy with sword is crouching and getting ready to stab, dis he get to stab him multiple times?


I've got a pretty boy too in my collection for you special snowflakes.

remember to kys on the way out

heres the discord the alt-left is using to shill Sup Forums

Whatever cuntaroo. It's them or us. But then again you'd probably side with them, yeah?

I side with my self...

Win wars

>a few hundred

what was that death toll again, Braighden?


I think that was taken when he pulled the sword out.

Greatest allies.



Praise be!

It was: americans had to flee with their pussies in hand because they didn't win




I know, should've expected commies to not honor something simple as a cease fire.


What were they thinking.



All Alt-Lefties deserve to die.

>Pshhh keep the delegates kid




US only left because the media stuck it's nose in war. We could have turned it into an uninhabitable hellscape


Them, or us. Humans, or hive mind.

you are right, you can tell because he's lost his glasses in the picture


An open, multicultural society separate from ours where they can exit to to be free of capitalist oppression. Hell, just dump them all in Cuba. All of them. Or Venezuela.

Entrance permanently voids existing citizenships.

Or just fly them to their magic island in a helicopter. The end result will be the same.

a long life of autistic suffering

We didn't "lose" retard. We pulled out because the public was against it.
If I came and beat the everloving shit out of you, and several of your friends, while barely getting a scratch, then decided to walk away because my friends told me to stop, would you be stupid enough to lay there and sputter through you broken mouth "haha fucking loser"?
Tl;dr: u r an faggit

To be made into snowmen.


Jesus Christ I love it when the Fins get drunk and mad.

Redemption - if only they would take it.

They deserve the same free speech right wingers and all Americans deserve.

It is what our country was founded on.

It all happens so fast, but there's a perfect instant when he's suspended in mid-jump, sword deep in his enemy's gut, that just makes me smile every time.

Japanese politics used to be pretty interesting.

The US constitution has also been misinterpreted as giving negros citizenship by "All men are created equal".

It doesn't work that way. And when an organization proactively seeks to demolish said constitution then it is a hostile entity and deserves to be quelled.

Agreed. The correct parsing of the phrase needs to include the next line:

>That all men are created equal [insomuch as] ...they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.

Surely nobody believes the Founders thought all men were created equal in height, or equal in wealth, or even equal in intelligence. They state pretty clearly what they DO think is equal about people: that they should be free to determine their own destinies in accordance with their own values. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I can understand a reading of it that justifies getting rid of slavery, but not one that awards citizenship. Certainly not one that justifies twisting the entire state into an equalizing machine to try and counteract the effects of bad choices and inherited inadequacies.

>Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!