All these car attacks are gonna be used to justify automated cars/trucks etc

All these car attacks are gonna be used to justify automated cars/trucks etc

At least a kill switch with a remote control under local police control

how the fuck do you know faggot

bumpin lads

And that's bad because? Automated cars are pretty awesome desu.

>automated cars are pretty awesome desu

Yeah, like these automated cars won't have accidents or be hacked maliciously.
I'm concerned about all the laser sensor beams they shoot out that may cause health issues for humans.

That'll be part of the justification, yes.

Before we reach that point, which is a ways off, they'll be used to justify constant surveillance of every moment of vehicle movement. So any time the car is on it will be cloud monitored, and at any time LEO will have the ability to remotely stop the vehicle.

So full time surveillance of our movement in vehicles will complement the full time monitoring of roads and sidewalks with CCTV and full time surveillance of our communication.

"It will keep us safe!"

(Eventually no one will be able to afford a private car anyway, and self-driving Uber-Lyft transport will be all that's available.)


>I can't be trusted with my own transportation and the government should know when and where I go someplace

The cars use lasers to detect objects in their surroundings to avoid collisions and recognize where they are.

If that cause health problems we'd all already be deas

It would be nice being able to get home in a decent amount of time because traffic doesnt consist of merging queue jumpers and tailgaters.

People cant drive its all
>Everyone is a bad driver except me

you really are cuck

too bad I'm a NEET that can't drive

Did the air bags even go off in this collision? I don't think I ever saw a picture where they did. Was it not fast enough to trigger them, or were they simply turned off somehow?

Trading freedom for convenience.

How liberty dies.

To do that they would have to somehow collect 100% of all motor vehicles on the market and that were ever sold in history as well as replace all of them with free brand new models. Unless Bernie is president and his communist paradise where everything is free happens then that's literally not relevant shit and will never happen.

>All these car attacks are gonna be used to justify automated cars/trucks etc


Seriously, why did the airbags not deploy?

Because the crash happened at less than 20 mph? They Defs should have still deployed, but he wasn't cruising freeway speeds.

Welcome to 2017. It's safer here.

This. People thought flying cars would be a thing in the 80s by now.
>B-but muh YouTube video I've seen em
We 're like 50 years from having self driving cars accessible to the public, fully capable of enduring daily shit like jaywalkers and deer, to the radical shit like religion of pieces and hacking.

>living in the city
>owning a car you can't maintain or fix
>buying a shitty new car

Never thought of it that way before.

Driving too slow you stupid dick head

forgot to turn off WE WUZ flag

>humans can be trusted
Cute meme

I'm more concerned about what happens when there's dozens/hundreds of cars together in one area and they start inadvertently jamming each other's sensors.

only the disable and companies will use that. normal people are gonna try to cheat the system

I'm all for it. People drive so badly nowadays that's it's probably better if they're not in control. Just emergency brakes and you're good.

Kangaroos throw off the censor.

I just finished Half-Life 2 again like 10 minutes ago and I had a hearty chuckle.

And mark my words fuckers, I'll never have an automated car or one that's connected to the Internet.

Don't even get On-star. If you're running from the cops, they can disable your vehicle.

>why did the airbags not deploy?
Because getting the professional driver out of the scene was the most critical part of the whole operation.

If he can't even get to the site then there's always another opportunity at a future event. If he successfully escapes and the patsy is blamed then all is well. But if something goes wrong with the car and the driver is found to be a professional mercenary, then the entire government is threatened.

This is much like 9/11 and WTC7. WTC7, like the other 3 buildings, was rigged with charges (to bring down Lucky Larry's buildings in NYC, but to only damage the part of the Pentagon containing the accounting records for the missing $2.3T).

But Flight 93 didn't make it back to NYC to hit WTC7. Yet if the perps left the building standing then it would be reoccupied, searched, and the explosives discovered - meaning the entire scam would be exposed. Above all, preventing the public from learning the true perpetrators could never be allowed to happen. This is why WTC7 was pulled even without the magic trick shiny thing of an aerial vehicle hitting it.

So the most crucial moments of all of Charlottesville were the time from the crash to the extraction of the driver (note that even with scores of cops and constant aerial video surveillance by helicopter we have *no* video of the driver being arrested). And if the airbags had deployed that would have made it impossible for the driver to escape.

So the airbags were disabled so as not to deploy.

The forces that planned and executed the Charlottesville op were not going to let some airbags spoil all of the social unrest they hoped to foment.

Apart from the blatant ignorance towards hacking, Wall-E predicted our future. Stop glamorizing lazyness and use your damn hands and brain.

I'd never get that anyway, but I didn't know that.

I've never owned anything newer than a '98. And I'd rather not, with all this electronic bullshit. Spying aside, who wants an ugly, dated touchscreen over some knobs and switches?

If automated cars become a thing, won't the AI just become what happened of Taybot? You'll see reports of AI "stepping on the gas to burn all non-whites"

AI would only have to learn about driving, not social reality.