EU pro refugee propaganda

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>the demography shows us that we are a continent where we will need people
ok so get whites to fucking breed more

yay more muslims & africans to replace us, the drugs in the water make me like this idea.

>that women essentially saying she's twice as good as Germans

LMAO. Someone needs to splice in footage from the aftermath of the Barcelona, Nice, London, Manchester, Paris, Berlin, Stockholm attacks.

It's crazy if you think this idea is now being promoted by academia

White women don't want children.

The EU is the biggest threat against the White race.


>Inspire us all

To slam them into helicopters and nuke Africa and the Middle East?

This is what happens when you give out gibs to dumbass niggers.

The only thing the EU is good at inspiring is Euroskepticism, Right Wing Nationalism, and pointing out much they love cucking to Soros and friends.

We've survived in the past with far fewer people. This is nothing but economic lunacy that will destroy European nations and cultures in the name of progress.

Our so-called "ultra right" party suggested exactly this.

They were called "Nazis" by everyone. Obviously.

Why don't we just automate every stupid low wage job a monkey could do and step into the age of tech instead of stepping back into stone (pun intended) age

Libertards could cry then for UBI but not anymore with the upcoming costs and risks for society and state

Gott verdammt

it's not really all that crazy. the most fucking evil suggestions tend to come from the most intelligent people. they are pretty prone to getting lost in their thoughts and losing contact with reality

Last option

That guy holding the mic is the kike that said it's good Germans are dying out right? "Jedes Jahr sterben mehr Deutsche als geboren werden"

That's true. But I was alluding to the extent in which they are waging a war against us. I don't think people realise how bad it is

>mindless automaton eyes

why is it always like this? brainwashing?

Robotics isn't quite there yet, and economic migrants are almost always going to be much cheaper. Besides, this is more about diluting your nation state's culture and national pride to make you more ''''''European'''''''.

>I don't think people realise how bad it is
They don't. They have convinced themselves that their end goal will bring utopia and now it's just "the end justifies the means".
They are fully aware that they bring suffering and strife, but they are also totally convinced that it is just temporary as as soon as they moved past it the world will be perfect.

Yeah, that's him. If he's not busy cheering about white genocide, he is busy promoting degeneracy.

How do we get Israel to start taking migrants?

Here is her prize.

Dried up ovaries

>the demography shows us that we are a continent where we will need people

that myth has to stop, there is more whites in current year than ever before in history, and that is the problem.

whites don't have 10+ kids because they're rational and know that life would be rough

other races do, and that's the part of problem why they're poor and malnutritioned.

we don't need migrants, we don't need more people on this continent because this is just fine number and we're all living better than ever.

fuck of from europe, we're full

>promote contraception
>destroy family and marriage
>brainwash the moronic masses into believing there is an overpopulation crisis(never mind that their country's population is shrinking and the population boom is happening in the third world)
>meanwhile feed the booming population in these nigger countries that cant sustain their population boom on their own
>flood the dying countries with the expanding foreign hordes
>brainwash the moronic masses that they will be exploring space like in their sci-fi wet dream propaganda shows if they continue supporting this failure of an ideology

They won't. Either they will end up in Palestine and get bombed to the stone age while being backed by Commies. Or they will be pretty much treated like outcasts in Israel itself and the Zionists don't want goyim.

You would need to dissolve the state and their Zionist plans, or at the very least make it non-profitable to deal with them and they would probably have a change of heart when the blood money stops coming in.

What dude? We send satilites to mars but unable to make a roboter for simple tasks ? Srs?

Costs for the economy are cheap in short term but society, wealth and state will pay the price sooner or later, probably already

>more people
>always more people
>almost too many people
>that's when they pull a holodomor on us

Never live in a densely populated area.

All the western welfare states have turned into pyramid schemes which constantly need many more people paying into the system than using it. This is aggravated further by an aging population which is now easily living into the 90s.

Ultimately the system is doomed to collapse in on itself, but these people are quite happy to destroy their nations to prop it up while they're still alive.

>much cheaper
I read that as "economic migrant can be paid basically $0 because they are professional travelling scam artists and swindlers"

>Dried up ovaries


>year 2000
>we are overpopulated, our carbon footprint is too big, be responsible and stop having babies!

>year 2017
>our population is dwindling, we need more people, we have to import another country into our to replace our population!

It's so obvious that surely not even normies don't see it.

>we're on the verge of automation that's going to render lots of low-skilled job positions obsolete
>we need millions of low skilled economic migrants from North Africa because we're an "aging population"

Which is it?

It is not even fucking true. They are lying to our faces. We do not need anymore people, we need less. Comming years will remove more and more low skilled work.

Our Belgian State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, Theo Francken, responded to the tweet. Give the fella a like if you want. He's trying his upper most best to protect us and to red pill the masses, despite being under 24/7 siege by the MSM and academia

Everyone in that video is speaking in abstractions. All rhetoric basically. I don't think they actually have a concrete plan of what to do with them. Scary stuff man.

"to believe that black is white, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary" - Orwell

>but unable to make a roboter for simple tasks ? Srs?

Yes. Making a robot which can handle what might seem to be mundane tasks AND do it reliably at a viable price point is extremely difficult.

>migrants are almost always going to be much cheaper
dude. they do not fucking work! They are not going to be cheaper in any way or form, they do not work!!!!

This. Less people = better life for everyone. Better for ecosystem and planet as well. The only ones pushing for more people are Jews at the top because their pyramid scheme needs more people to function.

Whites shouldn't have more children, our number is just fine, it's other races that are the problem and need to have LESS

Out of the enormous flood that arrived starting from last year, you'll easily be able to find a few prepared to clean toilets for practically nothing. The rest? The population will be made to pay for them through the welfare state.

The population of the entire Roman Empire at its height was only sixty million, which is less than population of Great Britain alone today. The population of Great Britain at the start of Victoria's reign, when we ruled the world, was itself only 14 million. This notion that civilization would collapse if we let our numbers naturally decline a little is lunatic.

Didn't Germany's ethnic German people just increase the rate they had children by a tiny bit but which changed the demographic forecast in a few decades by a few million? Who makes these people think they can plan ahead like this? Propaganda is all it is.

>This notion that civilization would collapse

The economy will. But obviously an economy dependent on endless population growth is doomed to fail either way.


nobody uses real money anymore, the last gold peg died in switzerland 17 years ago. it's fiat all the way down.

people are imported because nobody wants to work so called shitty jobs; there is no shitty jobs, every job is okay job for your qualifications.

now, we're getting to the `more people` notion - the rise of immigration, taking away so called shitty jobs from locals, is when locals decide to take more education for better payed jobs - effectively creating quasi-intelligence and leftists that want class, gender or any other struggle, pushing for more people and in the end they will kill society, since REAL proletariat of workers is now 3rd world immigration that doesn't give a fuck about class or gender struggle therefore modeling the society in their own terms.

We don't need that, we must enforce lefties to work real jobs.

had that just on the radio this morning
>Arbeitsamt employee
>"We managed to get a single digit percentage of them into the work market"
>doesn't mention the exact number so it's probably 2-3% and not 7+% like he hopes people think
>"I-integration will totally fix it though"
It has been two years. A fuckton of them cannot even read or write. They will never ever find a job, and neither will their children because they'll get raised by illiterate criminals.

The problem are the costs that the welfare state has with a growing low income/iq/migration population and spends it's money in that sector instead of schools, economy or infrastructure

Why so scared of a little more automation? These machines exist and are working but politicians don't want them because it would sacrifice their moral goals. I wish we (read EU/politic) would aim for realism and progress again instead of the never ending social downranking

what I mean is they can bash a keyboard to generate as much money as they want. funding is absolutely not an issue in this world of centralised banking.

As long as other races are having more children than us, we will need to step it up demographically. Muslims in Europe are using demographics as a weapon, that's an established fact. In Belgium and France non-natives are already 20-25% of the -25y olds. More than 25% of the children being born today are muslim. This will translate itself in a conflict when those children become adolescents, which will be around 2030

Not sure if you are aware of that, but massively increasing the amount of welfare recipients also hurts the economy. People can't buy your shit if they have no money left.

>Cecilia Wikström

She's arguably the most vocal traitour in Swedish politics. Just look at her eyes, she's fucking insane. She has been trying to enforce laws to destroy what freedom of speech we have left and ban anti-PC opinions while constatly shilling for unregulated immigration (she said she thinks Sweden need 40 million Africans and Arabs in the next 50 years) Also she's a dyke with no children.

>>"I-integration will totally fix it though"
We cannot even intergate the turks living here for generations. Holy shit. This thing will come crashing down on society one way or another.

Don't confuse "intelligence" with prestige. In the pseudo-psych-bullshit anti-scientific fields, it's nothing but political psychobabble warfare. 100% propaganda. Built on funded prestige and ((((tribalism))). Not intelligence. Nothing more, nothing less. And it's getting worse.

White women aren't capable of being mothers anymore.

>Also she's a dyke with no children

Well what a fucking surprise that is

Minimum wage workers (which is the vast majority of migrants) are a net loss to a country's economy. Basically nothing is taxed on them.

>Why so scared of a little more automation?
I'm not, in fact in the very long term it's inevitable if we don't destroy ourselves first.

>These machines exist and are working
Some working proof of concepts have been demonstrated in controlled conditions. That's a very long way off from a usable and affordable consumer product that can work reliably in a normal environment.

>Economists predict that automation will remove 40-50% of low skilled jobs especially in the manufacturing sectors
>"We need hundereds of thousands of people to fill all the low qualified jobs that Europeans aren't doing!"
This is the paradox that is seemingly shilled for from every established party. But when you bring up said automation argument and how the majority of refugees and migrants coming here barely have a formal education if any. In the end it just boils down to the moral argument for these assholes. "OMG! Are you going to turn away millions of people in need! That is not part of our EU values you racist!"
>Rinse and repeat

Guess why. Also, White men aren't much different.

And even if we could, integration is a fucking meme. What you need is assimilation.

You can always borrow money and pay it back later.

50 year old career women with no children tell the European public why they shouldn't be upset about their new pets to prop up a broken system
How many times have they tried this exact fucking video now

In the long run yes, they'll fuck up the economy. But for now they can provide multinationals with lots of dirt cheap labour and they can provide short term economic growth by getting into unsustainable debt and consuming goods.

That's always the best part. Integration of turks was a complete desaster, and now they're like
>if we juuuust integrate them harder this time, it will totally work, guys
And the new germans we're getting now are even WORSE than the turks, kek.

I think there are more men than women today in the West that want children

Women also control the dating market, like they always have, so the decision to have children or not is mostly up to them

The muslim religion is build in a way which prevents it either way, before we can do it the muslims need an enlightment. Otherwise it would never ever work. Which it does not right now.
I am always amazed at how many people in real life do not seem to get it.

it's paradoxical because it's all lies, immigration is here to replace white people because (((someone))) holds grudges for history of expelling and hates Christendom and white culture in general. It's that easy

>What you need is assimilation.

Which literally only works with the most intelligent and educated people, or children adopted into our society and raised by parents already part of the culture. It's impossible to assimilate your average rapefugee, assuming they would even want to be assimilated whcih they don't.

>she said she thinks Sweden need 40 million Africans and Arabs in the next 50 years
Because we all know that African countries are peaceful utopias right.

What the fuck is she on? Did she see the size of the middle east? We are tiny compared to them.

>implying niggers and muslims give a shit about the EU morality circlejerk

The future is bright.

>I am always amazed at how many people in real life do not seem to get it.

I dunno man, a lot of the people in my social circles changed their mind quite rapidly. Even bored moms who initially spouted shit like
>Yeah, but they are not all bad, and the majority does deserve our help. We cannot reject them just because of a few bad apples when we are so rich and could share
are nowadays full 1488 and want them all deported, no fucks given about individuals that assimilated properly. But it always takes fucking ages before such trends manage to seep into the ivory towers of our politicians. I don't think they'll get it before the whole system simply collapses.

Companies can afford it if they have to invest in it or get development funds or else. Imagine the money and the progress possibilities they would have if they didn't have to payfor subhuman's which are a fact proven loss for society

This dual fear of automation taking jobs and slow population growth leaving jobs vacant is making my head spin. I'm sure a bunch of out-of-work migrants hanging around will be great for social stability.

t. racist

Africa is only poor because of white man's colonization.

These liberals are complete psychos. They see humans as nothing more than a number to put into their economic models. Their complete dehumanization of us is why they believe this insane shit.

In that sense they're worse than the socialists who atleast admit people are people.

Yes. However, we could take care of the aging population on our own by increasing social cohesion and volunteering a little bit to help out the old folks. Ain't that hard to go set up a microwave oven, read a book, take some old geezer out on a walk around the block. We could easily deal with the surplus of old folk if we wanted to. We're humans. We're social beings. It's not that difficult. But in a highly bureaucratic system revolving around a pyramid scheme it all becomes impossible and everyone is alienated and everything must be solved in a spreadsheet.

So the powers that be choose to destroy all of us and replace us with third-worlders. Gee, I wonder how that's going to turn out.

What if you put all native Germans in Liberia and all Liberians in Germany, would Germany stay a civilized country for long or would it fall apart? Would Liberia continue to be chaotic? I think we all know the answer. Liberia would eventually flourish while Germany would slide into chaos.

>I am always amazed at how many people in real life do not seem to get it.

I think they do, they just don't want the job loss and social stigma that comes with talking about it.

They want, but not from white men

Whatever helps you sleep at night, jamal

In Australia we call that "moving the goalpost". It doesn't matter what you say, their goal is that you forget your original question: WHY DO WE NEED THIS? Ask them what makes Finland a better place, is it the humans who live there? Ask why the immigrants shit where they eat, then move a thousand miles to shit where you eat, and then why they all pretend it's okay because "everybody gotta shit somewhere". Ask why these people can't improve their homeland. If roles were reversed, you would be murdered by these "desperate immigrants" families for being an invasive species.

Don't deny it, Ahmed

Companies like Amazon are already working on fully automating their warehouses and delivery systems, but getting robotics handling menial labour on the scale you suggest is going to take a lot longer. Even something as simple as having a robot empty a dishwasher is an immensely complex technical problem.

>These liberals are complete psychos. They see humans as nothing more than a number to put into their economic models.

More accurate term would be globalists.
And you are entirely right, they don't see humans as actual humans. They see them as resource, and they'll care about as much about grinding a couple million of them to paste as they'd care about doing the same to ore.

We have demographers advocating for moving more people into the larger cities because that would make it easier to draw maximum economic potential from them. And when the interviewer asked them how families are supposed to pay the increased costs of living the answer was just
>The state offers daycares, with two incomes they can easily shoulder the financial burden

Literally industrial livestock farming with humans.

I have 2, mdongo

A state is always stable if it has a somewhat (ethnic) homogene society

Migrants thankfully don't want to come to Finland because it's cold, we are social autists and our gibs system isn't that generous. Yet the tens of thousands of third world immigrants have already had an impact on certain areas in the Helsinki metro region (and not in a good way). What Finns need is lower taxes and flexible employment opportunities stemming from private enterprises subsidized by government if it's proven successful or provides a vital social function that is a net benefit and not a loss mainly incurred due to government virtue signaling.

>>The state offers daycares, with two incomes they can easily shoulder the financial burden
>work to pay for someone to look after your kids

The sheer insanity of this approach has always confused me.

>Literal crazy eyes
Why do they all look so batshit?

If you want to see some real fucked shit, visit Hong Kong. Rent is so high that you can work them for free, legit $0/hr, if you feed them and let them sleep on site.

Pretty much. An unaccompanied "underage" asylum seeker costs the German state around 90k€ per year. Every fucking year.

That money would have been sufficient to solve their problems ten times over. Either give it as cheap loans to companies to push automation. Or give even just a part of that as welcome payment to newborn Germans. You think people would still be so hesitant to have children if they got promised ~30k over the next couple years?

2 cancer tumors?

They can't even hide how much they despise farmers and people living on the countryside. I guess this is because cities have always ruined people. Even back in the Roman Empire, Rome was a demographic hole and only survived because people from the countryside constantly migrated there. The people in Rome became degenerates who didn't have as many children.

The perfect world for these people would be a completely automatized farming industry by companies like (((Monsanto))) while all the people are soulless cosmopolites just consuming.

i wish all these eurocrats got culturally enriched by some fine muslim gentlemen

let me guess, you've got a system where you have to buy qualifications, keep UP TO DATE with your paperwork? but immigrants have had a HARD LIFE so they get a free pass?

That's how we do it here to make sure that local people are too expensive to hire compared to the endless stream of foreigners.

>What if you put all native Germans in Liberia and all Liberians in Germany, would Germany stay a civilized country for long or would it fall apart? Would Liberia continue to be chaotic? I think we all know the answer. Liberia would eventually flourish while Germany would slide into chaos.

This is what most of them seem to not realize. It is not the country itself that made us rich - fuck, Northern Europe is pretty terrible when it comes to that. We have a harsh climate and few natural resources that are of relevance to advanced societies. It's the people living in it, and if you replace them that whole system collapses.

Or maybe they do get it but have this nigger-tier mindset, where destroying something to loot maybe 1-2% of its worth it still an acceptable trade-off.

One did, he forgave them.


9 (nine) years ago, video even older maybe

We only don't have machines like that because we have the mass of low iq and subhuman standard people who are desperate/ not qualified enough to do the work

And these people all come from immigration in the majority