Syrian children gets bombed by the coalition everyday

>syrian children gets bombed by the coalition everyday
>nobody cares
>12 worthless yuropoors die in a car crash
>top news everywhere
and you have the audacity to wonder why these attacks are keep happening..

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Because the world sees you as less than human?

they keep happening because mudslimes are violent apes, that's literally the only reason

When I walk down the road and pass over an ant do you think I stop to consider its feelings?


People dont get upset when shitskin animals die. Its no different than a fly being swatted, understand cockroach.

> implying that t*rkroaches care about syrian children

ever heard of /sg you utter faggot ?


and did your news report on the children? how about the 13 dead in barcelona?

poop in the bathroom vs poop in the kitchen.jpg


>Country in a war
>Country without a war

Oh it's the turk mongrel, nevermind

Where were the vietnamese terrorists?

>start uprising killing women and children and justifing slavery
>what the fuck why are they bombing us
>cry about how white people don't care about syrian children...

>you have the audacity to wonder why these attacks are keep happening.
No. They happen because kebab is present in our countries.

Every single person dying in a warzone should be its own news story, because people dying in a warzone is a totally unexpected and unforeseen tragedy.

On the other hand, people being killed by terrorists in an otherwise peaceful area of the world that has had no armed conflict for decades is just not something worth talking about.

Common sense be raycis n shiet.

>europe reporting european happenings

wow yeah the hypocrisy. i mean every time a muslim sex gang is discovered in the UK i'm sure it's front page news in every part of the middle east


If i wake up on the morning and find poop in the toilet,it's not really such suprise.But if i find poop on the kitchen table, well we have reason to be concerned now

t.nip user

sounds about right.

>syrian children gets bombed by the coalition everyday
that's right, it does happen everyday. so it's not news. everyone knows that shithole gets bombed everyday, there's nothing shocking or new about it. just the regular way of things there.

now on the other hand, people getting ran the fuck over in spain is shocking and new. therefore it's news and on the headlines.

you got the wrong Picture for the roaches there



It' s not my problem your or the syrian goverment goverment doensn' t give two shits about its' own people.

this is the coalburning homo roach I presume

>10 countries against one
>you see this as an accomplishment

I went to Constantinople and saw the sorry state most Turks live. Half the city is literally India-tier.
When we take it back, we will make it again the capital of the world instead of the irrelevant shithole it is now.

shit idk, i don't run the media.

Your post is the reason you cannot ever be a part of Europe.

>syrian children gets bombed

I wonder where are those refugee seeking children and women



because this is a fucking western board you gay faggot dog. We care only about the afairs of the west. This is the same bullshit you faggots say every god damn time..

b-but what about tha arabs?!?!?

only istanbuls population is more than yours. how do you plan to take it back you retard?

>calling anybody poor
Enjoy your Islamic dicatorship, roach.

unfortunately, the same could be said about your government, Hans

then dont be surprised when you see arabs celebrating attacks in europe you mong

because the west is and always should be a bastion of peaceful modern society.

no one says it, but no one cares that shit happens in the middle east or africa because they are shit holes and riddled woth low iq religious nutcases with nothing to lose because they know they are what they look like: shite

lol, I love Japs now

yeah, that great coalition of ISIS, FSA and the 230 other Rebel Groups.

What the fuck did Germany do except for giving These morons shelter and Food ?
And still These subhumans hate us, really cant please anybody

hope we bomb turkey next.

You still outnumbered them, ya dingus.

>212 ships vs 251 ships
>28k Soldiers vs 31k soldiers
>40k Sailors vs 50k sailors
but then again, I don't expect much from a roach

Why exactly do you care about those children? The ones that are not dead are running away to Aegean area, the actual developed part of the country. They wrought the war upon themselves every single ME country did so. Just because there was X goverment behind Y dictator doesnt mean all the blame will go to X. ME people are corrupt islamofascists who would follow their rotten religion to the grave , they dont care for their offspring so they are ok with living in the fucking war zone or running away to another country. Its not like Syria is completely destroyed. If you cant really understand why terror attack in a non muslim region is top news and a child getting bombed in a muslim region is not , you should be able to see that it is actually the muslims are completely desensitized about this shit. None of this is news worthy in their country.They would rather hear about infidels dying.

There is a reason behind this. Why don't you for once in your miserable existence do something for the planet that will put you on the map for a very, very long time?

Syrian children got bombed by your own brothers, the ISIS savages. kys

>nobody cares
yep not even muslims. Sometimes I think differing sects of Islam hate each other more than how much they want the west to hate them.

>implying the majority in western countries doesnt oppose the bombing of the middle east
>inplying we dont know the media is full of bullshit
>implying government fucking shit up justifies going against civillians
Kill yourself achmed

oltaya geldin moruq :DDDDddd

that painting

even Santa hate the turks

These attacks keep happening because cucked western governments aren't serious about preventing them.

If our leaders were the evil racists you think they are, we'd have passed anti-muslim legislation similar to Nuremberg Laws, possibly started a muslim holocaust and re-colonized Saudi Arabia while literally exterminating the local population to keep the pipelines safe. If this happens, the entire Middle East and continent of Africa is going to be 100% depopulated. A nazi west would be using biological, chemical and nuclear weapons whenever there is resistance. Your ancestral homelands would be turned into a giant fucking wind farm or an agricultural project protected by automated turrets, like in the Man from the High Castle. If I were you, I'd be pretty fucking scared, cause Turkey most likely wouldn't be spared.

If you sand coons keep doing this shit, it's all going to happen. You just have to fuck up big time and start a Philippines-style rebellion in a western country. You're stupid enough to pick that fight, so it's probably just a matter of time.

And let me tell you something else. Nobody's going to protect you. China is tired of your shit. Russia is tired of your shit. The west is starting to experience a nationalist revival. Whenever you attack our civilians, the odds of actual, goose-stepping nazis taking power instead of libertarians or conservatives increase. You think about that the next time you feel the urge to congratulate your shit-colored brothers on a successful van attack.

Why do you think we should have equal treatment?

>consume western media
>wonder why the western media cares more about the west than other place

Maybe start some muslim tv channels and then you'll be able to hear about the tons of dead muslism everyday. What an inbred retard.

>>implying government fucking shit up justifies going against civillians
... it does? who elected that government?

i dont think we should have equal treatment. i think all white men should be killed and their wives daughters and sisters are to be made sex slaves to be used by muslim men.

When you wake up and find a turd floating in the toilet. No big deal, it's to be expected

When you wake up and find a tits on the dinning room table... now we have a problem.

>Implying not all parties are controlled by the same (((people)))
Lurk more faggot

He died in prison and was enabled by leftists, who marketed him as a "poet". The chicks he fucked were trash anyway.

Said the guy whose cities are in constant threat of blowing up.
Turkey is a fucking minefield these days.



keep aggravating us more, the right wing is getting stronger every day. You are probably too dumb to think more than 1 step forward, but you are playing into our cards, roach.

tfw, you will never fuck shaved pussy
i truly am sorry for you turk user, your goat will have to be enough

I enjoy seeing you so pissed off. Fantasizing about jihad but you're too much of a coward to commit suicide. Remember, you'll have plenty of women in the after life.

What's with roaches attempting to be the new shitpost kings? It's very autistic and pathetic.

>and you have the audacity to wonder why these attacks are keep happening..
We don't really.
We know.
Both political partys are responsible so they have to keep pretending.

he just knows how it will end

>muslim men

>african men

The turks are one of the worst contributors to the prolonging of the suffering of their "fellow muslims" in Syria. Stuff your genocidal nose to your ass, turk.

europe will never be white again.

We should bomb even more.

That's why nobody gives a fuck about you.

We can't help that sandnigger terrorists hide inside apartment blocks.


they will have civil war in their own Country soon, with the Kurds using that new shiny European tech they got to fight ISIS on our dear Turks.
Take pity on These poor turks, their future allready is grim

In Turkish media they probably report that stuff an awful lot, yet ignore what happens in Europe. It's all about perspective man, chill out.


why dont you have troops on ground if you are so brave?

doesn't sound very "peaceful"

Are you sure you interpreted the Koran correctly?

your virtue signalling about Syrians is so retarded it made my brain seize up

im not fucking surprised i know you dogs are savage. What i am suprised about is how he haven't dropped a nuclear fucking bomb on you yet. Know this roach. If i had my finger on the button i would push it and without hesitation wipe out your entire race.
In a fucking heartbeat.
Africa too.


Well yeah, but the people dying in europe are humans.

i wouldn't be mad if you puched a random dude in the face but i would if you punched my friend.
same here spain is our friend,
syria isn't.

No idea what you're talking about. I am concerned when Jewish backed militaries bomb Syrians.

they let muslims in . its not even a question as to why roach. the only question is whats to be done

We care about our own, what's strange about it?

The same violent mudslimes your white Christian leaders support and give arms too and would prefer them and those with their ideology to control the middle East.

The mudslimes are so bad and the white westerners are so peace loving human beings


do you realize you are a monkey?



Here's a redpill for you all, take it as you will:
>Be Middle East
>Get involved in proxy wars of soviets vs capitalists
>Have legitimate governments overthrown overnight, get rekt.
>Rebels funded by one of the sides, let's call it THE HIDDEN HAND, start fighting back
>Education, culture, infrastructure... pretty much BTFO.
>Those who could escape have done it at this point, everyone left is either a poor bastard, a useful idiot or some major cunt working for one of the branches of "the hidden hand"
>The same hidden hand finds a way to start inner turmoil or civil wars within these countries in the middle east. This is useful for the west, but also for Arabia Saudi and Israel.
>Eventually, capitalists and commies stop fighting. But you have oil.
>So the hand comes back, puts a puppet dictator to deestabilize the area and maybe wage war against a more stable country next to a controlled shithole.
>Eventually, that dictator gets redpilled by the audacity of the hidden hand.
>Tries to row on a different direction
>The hidden hand doesn't like this. They remove him
>And another one.
>And another one. Petrodollar must be protected at any cost or it would cause a GREAT cataclysm for the interests of some... at least until the hidden hand can shift sides again.
>But all that's left in the country is misery and town retards with very basic understanding of how the world works.
>Those retards rise to power because they were trained by the hidden hand to be guerrillas.
>They control shit with mafia-like acts, backed up by religious extremism which is enforced.
>But those are not fighting the hidden hand. Those guys don't even know the hidden hand exists. They fight the ((west)) and their oppression without knowing that it's precisely the hidden hand that sells them weapons.
>Normal people living in these countries also hate the west because of what has happened.
I haven't even mentioned Islam as a tool of control yet. I could.