
>"Oh you're an Anarchist?"
>"Yea i am an Ancap."

Ancaps are oxymoronic

No, YOU'RE a moron!

>"Oh you're an anchist
>Yeah but that big corporation won't give us our water supply because we won't pay him

anarchy and capitalism go hand in hand, you can't have a free society that tells you how to spend your money, that's oxy-moronic

Still better and more sane than anarcho-primitivism

>You're free from government except everyone around you controls your earnings and you have no choice but to work for them

I'm not an ancap but i don't get it.

You're saying people will steal or something?
"All the property belongs to the strongest dude"?
Something like that?

Property rights are are spook.

There's literally no difference between the "right" to own land, the "right" to own slaves, and the "right" to own private property.

Anarchists are retards

That's why I'm ComCap

Glad you realise... So best not violate my NAP or I'll enslave you

NAP is also a spook.

Well then go ahead and violate it and get vapourizes by my McNuke™ launched by my Facebook™ Launch systems

>TFW you try to launch your McNuke at your neighbor but forgot to say "I'm lovin it" when you launch it, so you violate the terms of service and it turns around mid flight and nukes you instead

Sorry you misspelled "MacNuke™" and as such have violated the NAP. 3 MacNukes™ are on their way to your house.

As is their right

Anarchist communists are even more of an ocymoron but I agree OP


>"I'm an anarchist"
>is on welfare


>Not buying the GoldMissleDefenceSystem™
Damn those commie plebs will be easy to mow down with my child soldiers

>Reads History books... Still AnCom

All that reading and you're still retarded

land isn't sentient

>x is a spooks
How to detect a retard 101

The flag wasn't enough to spot one :^)

Is this bullet I'd fire into your skull a spook?

I'm not against any of that. Your the fucking spook trying to impose your Morales on me. Luckily I've upgraded my spook buster subscription to platinum.

as long as there's no violation of consent, there's no reason to criminalize or discourage anything

that's commies for you. they seem to read a lot of books but they don't sound like they've read anything


The funny part of this ideology is that ancaps are no different from pure anarchists since no state enforced law exist on either.

True but, Communism can exist in an ancom "state" while, ancap couldn't exist in Communist "state".

Actually the very first lesson of economics is that the monopolist optimal point differs from the society's optimal point in the supply and demand graphic. The market left all by itself always fucks things up.

Its learned on the very first year and I only had a single course which I took out of curiosity (not even from my degree).

Communism can exist in a capitalist state*

WHY are you NOT using terror to further your Cause?

Not even by a long shot! Communism? Its the most totalitarian regime that ever existed under the promise of being some kind of "temporary sacrifice" to achieve some imaginary utopia.

Anarchists are the very opposite of it.

Of course an institution that depends on government grants is going to shill for government intervention of the market.

I understand that. If I wanted to run a Commue on my private property nothing can stop me.

Yeah, but once you try to sell or give the goods the state sends one thousand members of the peoples militia with the political commissariat behind them armed with machine guns and takes all your crap.

80% goes to the central committee and the politburo. The rest is divided by millions.

anarchism is the true capitalism. it's about being free from centralized power, from unjust monopoly, from unfair competition, from the government legislating its version of morality

laws shouldn't be enforced by the state. last time we use the state as metrics for ethics, they legalized slavery and holocaust.

I say as soon as we all take the terrorists as an example the sooner we can find out just who is the leader..after all Might Is Right.
Everyone should be treated Equally and be given the proper opportunity to commit terrorist acts regardless of their Race ,creed or Political views.

>Might Is Right
that's what we oppose in ancap. the market is the only power. take your sarcasm out and form proper argument like an adult. sarcasm is for teenage girls

I don't think you really comprehend what I'm saying. So? You won? I'm not shilling for communism as what you said is 100% accurate. I was saying if someone wanted to operate on their private property as a communist state they could under an ancap society. Even what we have now in the US your free to have a commune. While if commies controlled the US we could only have a black market economy until we got caught and, gulaged.

What I am saying is everyone should have the right to commit any act of terror they choose for whatever reason they choose...why are we not doing it if we want freedom w just have to act its simple.

ancraps are fucking gay retards

Frankly you are impeding peoples freedoms with your rules.

>No government
>You have the right to private property and to defend it
>You have the right to trade with whomever you want
This is pretty much the only valid form of anarchism.

anarchism is not a society without rules, it's a society without centralized and monopolized rules

The only reason I can see is the law and what people might say...If you are opposed to your local communist then just destroy them or their property its simple.

Ancaps are handicaps.

correct but take down your flag

And thats what I am saying people have their own rules and they can use any amount of terror they see fit to get the results they want.

If you have a complaint or feel persecuted the best way to deal with it is to blow something up...it works for the Muslims and I say we all need to have that privilege.

what terror ? there's laws you idiot. polycentric laws. violation of consent is the only thing the law should deal with. victimless crime is not a crime

>tfw people are too occupied with race

Those rule only apply to some...why have them at all? ... we are all free to plot and carry out any terrorist act we choose for whatever reason we choose.

>Ancaps are moronic

no it applies to everyone. you seem to be filled with sentiments. clear that up and try again one more time please

>"""anarchists""" are moronic

consent is a spook.

Fuck off

That's called a monopolistic corporatist you stupid anglo piece of 1 week old white crusted shit economics know-nothing

Oh no the mcburger is offended... Maybe he'll tear down a statue as protest to me