Does the left not even care that they contradict themselves?

Does the left not even care that they contradict themselves?

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Right contradicts itself too. Believing jews are inferiour yet somehow manage to fool the right and all the West into turmoil of degeneracy as true masterminds. And Asians have higher IQ too, while you joke about mongoloid mongrels as something bad.

I dont care if they are inferior or not
just dont want them in my country

Strawmaning this hard

Right and anti jewish are different things.

The philosophical principle of :"It's only intolerance (or any other "bad thing") when the other side does it.

>The important thing is that both sides do as they're told.

>(((Karl Popper)))

>as paradoxical as it may seem
you mean hypocritical
ah of course

>Now, this may seem paradoxical
>But I assure you I'm right
>No it's not contradictory because I said it isn't
>Just trust me you dumb fucks
This is some top fucking tier philosophy

Does paradox include the far left and black nationalism? Those ideologies are also intolerant.

If the far left could get away with it, they would launch a full-scale "Cultural Revolution" in this country and destroy anything that goes against their ideology, i.e. Mao and Stalin.

Black nationalists are not only racist against whites, but other non-blacks too. They want revenge against whites at all costs, no matter what, such as destroying institutions like science, liberty, democracy, etc. A good example of black nationalism without restraints is Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe.

I would hope this rule applies to those groups, albeit I doubt that it does.

A convoluted description of a simple idea: Every system has to eradicate every other system that poses a danger to it. That's all there is to it.

That's the weakest counter to the argument. You're right, but it's not the strongest way to argue.

The real issue is that someone, at some point, must decide what is and what isn't "tolerant". These people are just as likely to suffer the cognitive biases that lead to intolerance as anyone else is.

Sometimes beliefs may seem clear cut as intolerant, like Nazism and communism, but McCarthyism showed that witch hunts for people holding "illegal beliefs" are bloody, ineffective and tyrannical.

Therefore, the only moral and logical way to police speech is to limit such policing to direct and explicit threats of violence.

No one in this gay country cares if they contradick theirselves, rightists are just as obnoxiously wrong as sjws.

>One reasonable post per day.

Quota fullfilled go back to shitposting.

Except this isn't how Hitler came to power. Hitler came to power because communists and fascists were fighting on the streets and suddenly communists amped up the violence. The public sided with the fascists because they were viewed as the victims.

The idea that people simply tolerated Hitler into power is just wrong.



Fair enough, I see what you mean.

I'm just frustrated with the liberal notion that somehow Antifa and BLM are the "lesser evils" who pose no threat to society.

That's funny. No one wants you shitstains in our country

I love it! Saved!

>ben g
this faggot works so hard

This. They never apply this logic to Muslims Jews or any other "protected class"

In practice their ideology is just being anti white men.

You know that only a very small subsection of the right is antisemitic right? I mean neocons are the most pro-Israel pro-Jewish political faction in America. Nor is antisemitism exclusive to the right. I mean for fuck sake a bunch of leftists just kicked out some Jews from a gay pride parade for flying the flag of Israel in pride rainbow colors.

>leftists just kicked out some Jews from a gay pride parade for flying the flag of Israel in pride rainbow colors.

Do we have pictures of that?

If real tolerance leads to intolerance, it is its natural evolution
Using intolerance to combat it means being against tolerance

When are you going to accept that you will never be able to convince the left of anything at all? They want mob rule and more government by force. The media both actively supports, and conceals their wanton violence.
Just fucking stop, you're not convincing any one of them of anything - we are at war, total war, start acting like it.

Tolerance it's a flawed term, we should use acceptance, as in you accept this person with all their BS, not tolerance cause you can tolerate without accepting, cause you are a working bee that has no say in the matter.


That's super effective.