Sup Forums, I think it's time that you finally red pill me on the JQ

/pol, it's time for me to ask for the ultimate red pill. If you feel like it, I'm looking for
serious, logical/scientific answers for the following questions:

1. Are Jews conspiring to undermine white countries? If so, is this true for a large fraction of Jews or just for a handful in power? Could it be that most Jews are just normally biased towards their own group, like everyone else?

2. If a large fraction of Jews is indeed conspiring, is it on purpose, or is it just instinct or some other difference in psychology?

3. If Jews are conspiring in large numbers, how come we don't know about specific plans? If we do, what do we know? A conspiracy with so many players should have been leaked. Just some questionable quote in the abstract is not sufficient. Quotes from Ford , Hitler, other bs like that are useless. I'm looking for a leak of conspiracy that would survive a court challenge. If there isn't, how come?

4. Jews are not racially different from a mix of Europeans and Middle Easterners. Is that false? If it is true, if one is to believe that they're so different psychologically as to be psychopathic or parasitic, how did that nature come about?

I'm seriously looking for answers here.

Other urls found in this thread:

self bump

Well, I don't know everything but here's my opinion from what I know:

1. Yes. No, not all, but they aren't fond of non-jews. Many jews are in powerful positions, and as such, promote other jews to similarly high positions. #notalljews

Their motivation is simply because everyone else isn't Jewish. That, and they also don't really believe in an afterlife.

2. I don't think it's psychology. I think it's the religion. But simply, YES, it's on purpose.

3. Most are disguised in a way that such conspiracies' true intentions are plausible. It doesn't look like a world takeover if it's "just a business" or "just a bank." They're very crafty.

4. They ~are~ racially different from Europeans/Middle Easterners. They have bred within their own kind for long enough that they are distinct from other races. You don't have to be a jew to believe in Judaism, but you can't just believe in Judaism to be a jew.

As I said before, the motivation largely comes from the religious motives. Greed, avarice, and usury aren't punished by their God. Jews face no reprimand in an afterlife.

Thanks for the reply user. Regarding your questions, what part of the religion forces them to be like you mentioned? From a normal reading of their religious texts, they are not unlike the Bible or the Koran. In fact, the Old Testament is almost the same. So why would they be any different from Europeans and Muslims because of religion?

I also know that you can convert to Judaism if you want, it's just that it is a longer process. Lots of Jews marry outside their religion to this day. The European Jews are very different from the other Jews because of intermarriage, so the racial distinction argument makes even less sense. What gives?

These are all serious questions for me.


You need to read culture of critique

Women are by nature hypergamous? check.
Hypergamy is marrying up in dominance hierarchies, always gravitating towards the accumulation of status and power? check
Judaism self-selects along strictly matrilineal ancestry? check.
So it would naturally follow that a female-line religious cult, driven by the engine of hypergamy, peeling off male genes from the top of the dominance hierarchy wherever they go, is going to, over time, accrue wealth, power, and status.

Only thing in its way is The Patriarchy (Essentially, the European Male and Western Civilization). This is why they tend to be predisposed to attack the Patriarchy. It's also why subversion, social punishment, and mind games designed to infuriate - forms of Relational Aggression we see employed naturally by schoolgirls on the playground - are so often chosen as the mode of attack: shaming, ostracization, public disgrace, mockery, and especially: trying to get the opponent to hate themselves.

This is an evo-bio explanation perhaps too foundational for many to accept. Up to you whether you see it as a red or a black pill. But it IS nature expressing itself.


Jew here, we are all part of it David. We're watching you through your webcam right now as you sit with your left hand on your chin.

Our main aim is to manipulate global currency markets to severely decrease the cost of everything bagels and lox. To this end, the elders of zion have purchased all major media organizations and funded both sides of every major war you care to name, all towards one goal: Free bagels, for Jews everywhere.

Thanks for the recommendation. I already heard about it and I have it. Would you mind explaining which of my questions it would answer?

There religion tells them that they are God's chosen people. The term goy means non Jews are like cattle to them. They feel they are meant to rule over all of us.

Hypergamy, sure, but why the Jewish women and not the other European or Muslim women? If the tribe selects genes on their way to the top, why does it take just some genes? Or am I misunderstanding you?

In all seriousness, I am a jew and I did go to synagogue until 13 and got bar mitzvah'd and took all the money i got for my party and never went back. I still consider myself a cultural jew but i think general belief in deities that have your personal wellbeing in mind is kind of nucking futs

As to your questions, my wife is a gentile (non jew), and the vast majority of my friends are. I have maybe 3 really close Jewish friends, one of whom was a light machine gunner in the IDF and killed a few hamas members during his time in.

Jews are not conspiring to undermine squat, despite my lack of religion I am very well connected within the Jewish community here. I don't know if there is some higher conspiracy but your everyday kike is just someone who frequently gets confused for a white guy and thats about it.

I very much doubt there is a conspiracy. I think what's more likely is Jews naturally end up in the pantheons of power because our families place a ludicrous emphasis on education and networking. That may be the conspiracy. Jews are all obssesed with sending their kids to college and grad school and making them connect.

Genetically we're all preeetty similar, and I don't know how a human being could be parasitic.

So you're saying that their religion makes them subversive. But if a Jew is not religious, it must be OK according to this way of thinking. So all the Jews one hears about in relation to Communism are alright?

> left hand on your chin

Fuck, you got me for one second there really good...

Maybe ultra orthodox jews. Keep in mind there are reform, conservative, orthodox, and ultra orthadox jews

Most reform and conservative jews are pretty not-big fans of Israel, or at least skeptical, the true adherents are orthodox and ultra orthodox.

I attended an ultra-orthodox sabbath once, and it was very ritualistic, the women just stood there until I sat down. No one told me to sit, no one asked me to, they just calmly stood until i was comfortable, then waited expectantly for me to serve myself and started in on their prayers and stuff. At one point my friend chugged an entire glass of wine for their blessing of the wine.


European and Muslim societies are not matrilineal. In fact, it's the European custom of giving children the last name of the Father that explains the "hiding" conspiracies. There's no conspiracy!
The genes absorbed are the ones that prove fittest for accumulating status. This is also why there aren't many athletes: athletes are generally cannon fodder, from an era gone by when honour was still valued.
Ashkenazi Jews are famously intelligent at least in part due to absorbing European genes. German Jews have been some of the smartest people in history (and still are).

XD sorry m8 jus avin a giggle

Thanks for the answer. How would you explain to yourself the memes about CNN and NBC being essentially 90%+ Jewish. How about the question of Jews in the media? I've never personally verified it, but if true, it would be almost impossible to ascribe it to statistical accident. The difference in IQ would also not be sufficient I bet.

>That may be the conspiracy.
Bingo. Your people are simply looking out for your people, which is a healthy and normal thing to do. The reason why everyone hates you is because in your process of looking out for your own you step on the backs of your host nations, acquire all the wealth and power you can, promote divisiveness and sin among those below you, enrage the population, get booted out, wash, rinse, repeat.

In some respects you guys can be forgiven for what you do because you are only trying to do what is best for Jews. But since I'm looking out for my own, Shoah it is.

GLR once said that you guys use people like other people use land.

I do like that factually german jews have been the smartest in history, like without question.


I'm not sure we understand each other. I get the matrilinear part, but you are attempting to explain in terms of a genetic difference, by saying that hypergamy selects for the best genes from people to rise to the top. But these genes come from the patrilinear populations in which Jews live, right? So why aren't Jews like the best of Germans, or Syrians, etc? Why are they __different __? Aren't you explaining that part?

>t. kike
remember goyim, there is no such thing as a BASED jew

Jews do own most of the media. Vast majority of media conglomerates, etc.

Again, it all I think comes down to the emphasis Jews place on college. My parents started saving for my grad school and undergrad when I was still in the womb (what jews). My entire family on my dads side have been ivy league, moms side was much poorer but also Jewish.

Most of the long-term stuff (like owning media companies) doesn't happen overnight or even in one or two generations. My grandfather taught law at harvard, which helped all his progeny get in or go to similar quality schools.

But I think a lot of the talk about jews is a false correlation. Yes his connections helped, but my dads side of the family are all ludicrously smart (and completely fucking nuts). They worked their asses off and had an entirely scholastic-focused upbringing, with tons of support from the community and merit being placed on learning and doing well with reading things, not with athletics.

If you would look at all people favoring immigration, would you see a different percentage? These memes always strike me as cheap. It's like putting a list of female scientist faces and claiming that they invented everything.


I mean, even if that's true (and I don't think it is, plenty of Jews have served in the military, I'm a jew and work in the nonprofit sector helping keep people from freezing to death, tons of great charities and stuff)

I think you're thinking of zionists. Basically the jewish version of white nationalists, and yeah those guys are nuts. They're the ones pushing bibi to the right on things like settlements and whatnot.

I think it really depends on the Jew. One thing worth keeping in mind is that the millenial generation of Jews is the first to have a majority that are like me, cultural jews but religiously not so much.

"Booting Bannon Is Cheap Thrill That Won’t Change Trump’s Perilous Presidency"

"Leading U.S. Jewish Groups, Politicians Hail Steve Bannon's Ouster, but Urge Trump to Do More"

"Twitter Really Hated Huffington Post's 'Goy, Bye' Bannon Headline"

"Steve Bannon, Who Helped Put Trump in the White House, Is Ousted"

I don't even dislike Echoes. All the ones I've known in my life have been fine. But I don't know how you look at who controls everything and what the ADL does and not realize something is wrong.

Archive or screenshot please

>haaretz com/us-news/.premium-1.807754
>haaretz com/us-news/1.807761
>haaretz com/us-news/1.807725

its really not that hard to understand

OK, but hear me out. If it's smarts, or just plain smarts + education, then gentiles should own most of the media companies. Even with an IQ of 115, which is claimed for Ashkenazi Jews, say we take an IQ of 140+ to make it as an owner/big-shot of a major media company. The fraction of Jews with that IQ are 4.78%. The fraction of regular whites (IQ = 100 for whites) are 0.38%. That is 12 times less, as a fraction. But there should be at least 30 gentiles for any Jew. So, by this argument, the vast majority of media types should be gentiles.

If one raises the IQ success threshold, it would skew things more in favor of the Jews, if the threshold is lowered, then vice versa. So that's not a sufficient explanation for me. There must be something more there.

you know what the saddest part of international jewry and their plan for white genocide? it's the all the good goys and shabbos goys that think they will be anointed and spared once their final solution is carried out.

Sorry, I'm pretty high and didn't finish my comment.

...even if that's true, you're benefitting preeeeety heavily from our efforts. Nuclear bombs (reason for american hedgemony), genetic engineering, nuclear reactors, jeans, the traffic light, color tv, capitalism, prozac, valium, chemotherapy, the defibrulator (or however the fuck it's spelled), the microchip, google, and 23% of all nobel prizes.

1. Yes. Look at the breakdown of Jewish voters between both major parties in the UK. In America about 75% of Jews vote Democrat. That's roughly the number who work against us, but within that 75% only 10-20% actively are trying, the rest are useful idiots like all the rest of the good goyim.

2. See #1.

3. We do know about their plans. It's the protocols of Zion. They say it's fake, but if you read it it's like having a newspaper from the future. There are plenty of other books where they bluntly lay out the plans but they're obscure such as Kalergi's book laying out the EU. As for holding up in court? How can you put a race on trial? Especially one that controls the justice system, banks, government, and media like here in the US?

4. They are racially different from inbreeding. Rabbis we're encouraged to have many children and we're generally the smartest among the community, unlike in Christianity where the clergy were forbidden from having families. Over time that creates a large difference between groups living along side one another. The parasitic nature comes from the teachings of the Talmud. Living and ingraining these things into people generation after generation makes it almost become instinct. It's the same as any other animal. Does a lion know how to hunt when it's born? No. Does it have the instinct to chase? Yes. So in the end all it has to do is watch it's mother hunt and we're off to the races. That's what yeshivah school is.

No, I understand it clearly. What you're not providing is proof. Everybody can make up a story by connecting some random dots. You blame Jews for the Google thing. I also don't buy that it is random. But where's the proof a Jew did it, and where's the proof he was planning some kind of mass subversion?

How Hitler went from live and let live on the JQ, and being off-put by anti-semitic literature to seeing the Jew problem.

Well I'm not going to pretend to know what segment of the X chromosome or whatever, that's too reductionist anyway. Why are they different? A lot of it is culture. Belief systems. The pressure of history. coming from over 10,000 years of civilization density, as compared to a much shorter period of time for most of Europe... being told from birth that you are chosen, and that everyone else will hate you because they envy you, so you have to stick to your own kind. Noticing that the Old Testament was written by your people, and even though you don't follow the New, the goys who do are subscribing their power of prayer to one of yours...

...contrast this with the Western ethos of humility, openness, stuff like Jante Law in Scandinavia where no one is allowed to be too proud... not to mention original Sin, Catholic guilt, New Testament edicts of helping strangers and charity, being forbidden from usury, and of course - for the last couple generations - telling western children that they are evil and need to check their privilege and are not allowed to be proud of their people or its history - the worst details of which are shoved in their face repeatedly before they are even able to process them (this also traumatizes and shoulder-chips young Jewish kids, I can only imagine). White guilt is the new original sin for goyim, but Jewish people still have a fire under them to rise, because without assuming power, they have a legitimate fear of disappearing.

not Jews but Cultural Marxism (who was half jewish)

1. It is not a conspiracy by the legal definition where all the parties have knowledge of it. It is their "tradition" plus genetics.
2. Studies have shown that western europeans favor individualistic universal morality while jews favor moral particularism (ie what is good for the jews is morally good).
3. The jews have evolved over millenia both geneticaly and in their "tradition" to instinctively know how far they can take advantage of western european morality such as chariity and justice without provoking a collective response.
4. Without fail, they always become greedy and push the goyim too far and shit happens to them like pogrom, enslavement, diaspora, genocide. It is their history. Their tradition.
5. Christianity evolved at a time when the Roman Empire was seeing the futility of governing its far flung provinces full of unruly tribes, the jews being one of the worst.
6. The version of the bible that emerged after the Counil of Nicea 325 AD was never meant to be consumed by a popular audience. Indeed, the authors could not have conceived of the high levels of literacy or easy availability of books in today's world. The bible was meant to be read only by highly trained technicians. The reason the old testament is included is so that the cultural elite would know jewish history and therefore how to control the jews and all the other tribes.
7. It worked for 1500 years, until the jews finally caught on to it. The jews were behind the reformation, the enlightenment, universal literacy and ultimately, the deconstruction of western civilization and the corruption of christianity itself



stages of swallowing the redpill on jews:
>1. The Left hates whites
>2. The Left is marxism
>3. Marxism is jews
>4. Maybe Hitler wasn't crazy

I think you're looking for a silver bullet answer when the truth is much more complicated. There are so many different threads that lead to each person who owns whichever news media you want to name, and maybe those individuals are part of some bigger thing that everyday jews such as myself are utterly unaware of, but if so that's less a Jews issue and more an ultra wealthy/nwo issue I think.

Keep pushing the #GoyBye tag on Twitter
Stay clever, keep it hot and fresh
This is great for us


they're not even hiding anymore. funnily enough this is resulting in millions getting redpilled daily and joining our meme race war

this also. hypergamy is an important part, although women of many cultures do this, with jews it is pathological

It's hard to argue with several of your points, but I do think number 4 is where you lose me a bit. I can't speak for the true motivations of jews of the past, but jews of the present are mostly just concerned about self-preservation / advancement. The jewish tradition places the most amount of merit/gives the highest praise to those who achieve the most. It's a deeply ingrained subconcious thing. Jews are motivated to change the world because it's taught that they could and should from a young age.

It does sound a bit like you're describing a jewish master race that you're rebelling against, is that how you see the world?

Can you link to any of the studies you mention in your second point?

there is a jew currently in this thread trying to talk to you all but only one of you has responded to me so far, is it a "we don't believe you because you admit you're a jew" thing? Because that seems a bit...i dunno...not the best way to learn about someone you think of as an enemy.

>All the ones I've known in my life have been fine
Same here, I am inclined to fall on the side of my personal experience - which would make me, I suppose, a goyim Judeophile, because i almost invariably like them. But as I look more at history, and ESPECIALLY as I look at the apparatus behind the brain-splintering identity politics that sure as heck looks like it's aimed at me, and has the upshot of concentrating wealth and power in a way I do not see as honourable - I struggle with some serious cognitive dissonance.


no. jews are a very vicious and annoying tribe, which have been further emboldened by the use of their history as an object lesson by the western elite. but in theory they are just like every other tribe.

the present is just a high point for them on the waveform of their history. they have pushed too far, been too successful and too greedy, now they will face a collective backlash from the goyim as has always been the case throughout history

except so did Slavs

So honest dialogue no hostility here, if you see us the way you say you do, what are your thoughts on all of the pieces of your world that are a result of jews?

Kevin Macdonald can anwser alot of questions for you.

thank you, conversation is the only good way forward

it's not about being a jew, but a zionist kike.

same how not all black people are niggers.

working class jews are pretty conservative, and so is the state of Israel. Marxists are outjewing you

yes they are very well sourced in the preface to Culture of Critique by Kevin Mcdonald

What I want to know is, what's the evidence for thinking the Holocaust didn't happen?

i agree 100%

I like how they admit we are "Goy" and I like how they put it literally right in people's faces "Goy bye" and people still go "Why do you think Jews secretly run the world?"

This is something I wanted to ask actually. Israelis are crazy pro Trump.

That IDF soldier that is a good friend of mind that I mentioned earlier in the thread is a diehard conservative. He owns a maga hat and several guns, all that. But he's also a diehard conservative in terms of pro-israel (which is actually why he is a conservative, he sees the conservative party as the best hope of Israel)

what do you think of those people?

this clip exposes the jews stand on mass immigration in white nations. yes it's an alt-light eceleb facilitating the discussion but it does not take away from the point being made:


OP is conflating 2 things here:
World Jewry and strong Jewish in group preference.

The first was a commonly talked about topic around a 100 years ago and since they have already succeeded by creating the European union, there is no need for them to directly conspire anymore.

The second is what groups like the alt right like to point out. The clear over representation in all fields of power like media(news, entertainments, porn), legislature and politics.

To understand the latter you need to understand the origins of it all and for that end I'd suggest reading about things like usury and Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Dude some Jews are nuts. No doubt about it.

But I had nothing to do with that, and neither did the vast vast majority of jews. Do I get to blame you for the dude who ran over that fat chick?

the jews have contributed just like everyone else, but the jews have contributed less to the general welfare than to selfishly seizing power for themselves. It is completely obvious that it is impossible for any prominent figure to have a rational discussion about race in this country (even the president) without being shouted down by a hysterical mob. this is the work of the jews in academia and the media

Jew here, do you think the latter is a conspiracy or just Jewish-Privilege?

NWO as in new world order? Do you think there's a globalist bias among rich-guys?

Can I name a few things Jews have contributed that you may not be aware of? If you are already, do you use these things/what are your thoughts on it?

Nuclear bombs (reason for american hedgemony), genetic engineering, nuclear reactors, jeans, the traffic light, color tv, capitalism, prozac, valium, chemotherapy, the defibrulator (or however the fuck it's spelled), the microchip, google, i'm high and this is getting boring but you get the idea, not just parasites.

Literally all of them. It pretty well hits on the first 2 in the first chapter. Currently reading it right now

I was thinking more along the lines of nepotism, as a cultural value. Sort of: we have an in to this kind of business, so I'm going to help everyone I know form my community to get here. Could explain the bias.

heres some more things jews contributed to modern civilization:

All of them.

1) Jews undermine the dominant culture of the country they reside in. It doesn't matter what that culture is, but they are having tremendous success in white countries because white countries tend(ed?) to be more individualistic and to not see race as distinctly as, say, Latino or Arab societies (which have kicked out Jews with no remorse).

A very important distinction that McDonald makes is that, no, NOT all Jews are doing this. BUT, the vast majority of people undermining Western society....are Jews.

2) It is a combination of both. Jews, as a tight knit ethnic group, are very race conscious and also very perceptive to group hostility directed at them, also know as "anti-Semitism." (Anti-semitism is a complete misnomer, but we'll stick with it for ease.) Jews self-identify with Judaism the more they perceive anti-Semitism. In turn, they counterattack not physically, but intellectually by mercilessly C R I T I C I Z I N G the dominant culture that is propagating the anti-semitism. Their critiquing and disdain for Christian culture, for example, comes from an instinctual defense mechanism. But, they are consciously aware of their efforts to undermine Christianity, because they view it as completely beneath them.

3) I don't think there is a "plan." Like I said, their main counterattack to a hostile dominant culture is to criticize, deride, challenge and stretch the boundaries of the dominant culture. There doesn't have to be a "plan" for two Jews in two sociology proffessorships in two different universities to write books critiquing Christianity and Amerca's "racist" immigration policies. There isn't a set "plan" to always hire more Jews to reach X% of the finance partnerships. They simply hire each other until (insert industry) is dominated by Jews.


Of course, globalism has resulted in making specific people more wealthy than ever before in history without being kings or conquerers.

Mark Zuckerberg has more wealth (and certainly more ability to do stuff and change the world) then genghis khan ever did, or any rothschilde.

Same for Soros, Murdoch, all of emm. I name Jewish rich people because of the conversation but obviously there are also the Warren Buffets or Jeff Besoz's all of whom all benefit from globalism.

Globalism benefits all of the moneyed elites, but I personally think it benefits us too.

>never went back... I still consider myself a cultural jew
>my wife is a gentile (non jew), and the vast majority of my friends are... I am very well connected within the Jewish community here

Even a jew who pretends to distance themselves from their jewness still acts like the jewiest jew that ever jewed.

They can't help it; it's in their blood. Jews are parasites.

Gentile scientists had far more to do with nuclear science. Heisenberg etc. had far more to do with the science that allowed creation of the bomb. But again even your argument is self serving (reason fro American hegemony (your welcome)). do you see how you are. all the jewish inventiveness and genius is focused on their survival and their power. I am not saying this is an unnatural thing. It is perfectly natural, it simply makes you a very unruly tribe to govern

You guys are dumb. You do realize HuffPo did this precisely because they knew you retards would make a stink out of it? I hope this plays right into your anti-semetic delusions and you do something stupid that puts you where you belong.

Are you not connected within your own communities?!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg
should be able to find The Culture of Critique in individual books.
This also has a large variety of Sup Forums related books, and has rather endless reading material.

We love our Goy, We love our Goy

>why did Jews ruin Serbia
The answer lies in pic related. Kill it while it's still not a threat. They also had luck that we really like war, and had some of the greatest propaganda war songs of all time

>it was all 3D chess goy! You're playing right into our hand!
we know all the cards you hold, kike. it's just a matter of waking up the normies, and you've just given us a free shot at your narrative. you thought you gained ground with your new "TRUMP IS A NAHTZEE!" narrative and your massive SHUT.IT.DOWN. campaign de-platforming all the bad goyim.

I'm sorry if that upset you, I'm not trying to be upsetting. It's probably the opposite, i'm trying to have civil conversation in the lions den here.

Everyone speaks (or types) in ways to advance their own argument. Your last line is such obvious bait it doesn't even have a period, I suppose because I'm supposed to end the sentence with "well maybe we should share the governing" and then you go off and talk about how it's perfectly natural to protect your own tribe's superiority and blah blah.

Or maybe not, but you do understand my point.

it never even happened

you could say 0 jews died in wwii and be closer to the truth than if you said 6 mil

So, basically, the theory is that Jews, being intellectually dominant, nepotistic and defensive, are weakening the societies they reside in by weakening the culture.


I'm not upset at all, nor was I trying to bait you. Personally I find jews very reasonable and easy to have an intellectual conversation with, because you culture has always valued its rabbis
Even jewish people disliked that headline, claiming it was offensive.

That said, there are overarching goals Jews as a people aspire to: Diaspora Jews want a complete dilution of the dominant culture's values to the extent that it can never pose a threat to the Jewish community, a la 1933. Israel itself seeks territorial expansion as well as the rebuilding of the Temple.

4) There are three "types" (sub groups) of Jews:
-Ashkenazim, the most accomplished/infamous, being the Central European Jews,
-the Sephardim: Spanish Jews, but were expelled from Spain in 1492 and largely resettled in the Ottoman Empire, and
-the Mizrahim, Jews who settled in the Middle East, amongst Arabs and Persians.

The Sephardim for a long time were the purest of the Jews, until they moved to the Ottoman Empire. Then, as with the Mizrahim, there may have been some genetic mixing with the Turks/Arabs/Persians, but not to a great extent, as Jews maintain very strong in-group marriage preferences.

However, the most noteworthy group you probably meant to ask about are the Ashkenazim. Put simply, there are the most ethnically admixed. Following their Exodus, this group of Jews went to Eastern Europe/Western Asia, to the North Caucasus region. There, they mixed with a Turkic tribe called the Khazars. The Khazars mixed with the Ashkenazim and adopted their religion. This is why Ashkenazim have Asiatic as well as Middle Eastern features, and this, coupled with two millennia of intense rabbinical studies, explains the high IQ of the Ashkenazim, who's intelligence is superior to the other two groups.

Unfortunately, Jews came to be very paranoid/neurotic/psychopathic/parasitic because of how our ancestors treated them. We created them by pushing them into ghettos, forcing them into banking and killing them routinely. Thus, they accrued vast sums of financial wealth and, starting in the 1800s, used their intelligence and wealth to obtain vengeance on the culture they believe had been screwing them over all these years.

We are talking about people that don't mind if other Jews die as long as the end goal is attained.
Like when Jews created Islam as a proxy army to kill Christians. Here a Jew explains how that happened and says the Jews who were killed served a greater purpose

I don't think it's either and it wouldn't even be such a problem if we just looked at it without any context.

The problem is with how they were even able to get to where they are now and with their distorted perception of reality(having both a superiority and persecution complex) which results in them trying to desperately control the zeitgeist.

>1. Are Jews conspiring to undermine white countries? If so, is this true for a large fraction of Jews or just for a handful in power? Could it be that most Jews are just normally biased towards their own group, like everyone else?
No they're also starting to jew Homogenous Asian countries and no I dont mean China



Thank you.

On the point of Jews and arguing, one thing I haven't talked about is that many Jewish families treat debating and arguing almost as if it were sparring. It's a 100% true stereotype, and it benefits us greatly, because when you think about it you're literally making your brains fight each other, the benefits of doing so throughout childhood being obvious.

>85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.