What's the deal with this juggalo march in DC...

What's the deal with this juggalo march in DC? The internet seems to be marketing it as a battle between nazis and juggalos, but is that really the case? Is it just lefties pushing the narrative, or are juggalos really going to be playing the role of antifa?

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Anything planned will be infiltrated and exploited to make Trumo supporters look terrorists. We are Nazis by default. We are entering he final phrase of collapse anyways. Who cares? If people want to go get themselves milled, so be it.

Fucking rallies, how do they work?

Juggalos are white trash, most of them support Trump

>You will witness clown gangsters fight with neo-nazis in your lifetime


Hipsters like to ironically "like" Juggalo culture. This is basically the same social media push that the annual hype video for "The Gathering" receives when its released

Wrong. Juggalos are VERY anti-racist, anti-Confederacy and basically will kick the shit out of any Alt Right people who try to start shit. (If you don't try to start shit, they'll probably try to hug you and sit you down with the intoxicant of your choice and have a chat)

Also they carry hatchets and sledgehammers for personal defence.

Juggalos are still a thing?

bro, they are white trash.
white trash is very pro-confederacy and racist.

God, I love this Trump term.

You guys never fail to prove "you haven't seen nothin yet"


He's right. "Fuck Your Rebel Flag" is one of their songs, and juggalos live by it.

What the fuck is their end game?

My prediction:

Faygo and meth.

>mfw it turns out like this



a group of socially engineered low IQ mutant wiggers not fit for society

Cause TRUE Ninjas know it's not the color of yer skin that matters it's what's in your cup.

Steve Bannon, RAussia, Ashton Kutcher, the whole Alt-Right, yOU'RE the real clowns.

came here to post this

The Juggalos are marching to to protest the FBI classifying them as a violent gang. If they do anything violent the FBI will use it as evidence to back up their claim.

So of course there will be paid FBI provacateurs to force a riot.

I hear top FBI Agent Colt Cabana is on this case