Why are leftists foaming at the mouth so much about these confederate statues...

why are leftists foaming at the mouth so much about these confederate statues? Does it hurt their little fee fees that they exist?

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A combination of a chance to show how morally superior and good they are while destroying the things they believe their opponents hold dear.

Why do you care they are coming down then if not for your fee fees?

People are fucking obsessed with who was racist and who is not. Its absolutely retarded. I dont give a flying fuck who owned slaves

Basically yeah. Anarchists love breaking other people's stuff, and this way they even get society to support their actions.

you give niggers and liberals an inch, they want a mile. They deserve nothing

The people that the statues are from are mostly Democrats. The Democrat party was/is the party of slavery and Jim Crow laws. Robert Byrd was a KKK member and a Democrat Senator.

iconoclasm is insanity

Leftists are foaming at the mouth because Charlottesville got violent and happened at the exact perfect time. The media was hungry because the current issues were getting boring (they are completely unchanged, healthcare and russia and North Korea and the middle east are all as relevant as they were before) and making America seem on the brink of race war really fucking sells. The media plays it from every angle, everyone has an emotional stake, it's a manufactured frenzy.

>Does it hurt their little fee fees that they exist?
>a chance to show how morally superior and good they are while destroying the things

the same shit is going down in halifax. i left town before seeing the exciting conclusion but some bunch of abbos were trying to pull down a statue of some old colonialist BY HAND (lmao) because, despite being responsible for the town's very existence and protection duing his tenure, a few natives got hurt so all the lefties there are mad about him having ever existed

Why are rightist foaming at the mouth so much about these confederate statues being destroyed?

Does it hurt their little fee fees?

antifa are not anarchists, they're fascists who do fashy shit in fashy colors to bring about fashism. They worship the state and are currently fighting for CONTROL of the police. Nothing about them is remotely related to "anarchy"; breaking shit and claiming to be against stuff is NOT anarchy. Duh.

Just because they use the name doesn't make it real, moron.

That said, I am a REAL anarchist and I am happy to have less landmarks paid for by tax dollars. The less garbage like this the state-worshipers have lounging about sucking up "maintenance" fees the better.

Why don't we go to Europe and take down their statues?

oh wait "refugees" are doing that already

Hey faggot see: Last time I will reply to some smart ass little scumbag faggot like this. You either get it or shut the fuck up

So statues being destroyed does hurt your little fee fees then.

Suck it up. The world is changing. Get used to it.

How is your boyfriend muhammed treating you brit? Get used to sharia yet?

Your millionth reminder that the Democrats you're thinking of (aka the Dixiecrats) switched to the Republican party after 1964

They're after our local statue. We live in literally middle of nowhere, pic related it's the monument 5 min ago


Awww the little faggot is triggered so he resorts to name calling. How adorable.

Keep crying about >muh heritage >muh race >muh feels, it won't do you any good. You can't prevent the inevitable.

Annoying faggots. "The world is changing" is not a fucking excuse either. The world is the god damn same its been. Just because some piece of shit jew on CNN or some niggers riot make a big deal doesn't mean shit. What an outrage.

Btw you a follow floridian like me?

Big points for anarchism. Instead of destroying windows and cars, they destroying things that cannot be replaced and no one is stopping them.

It's just another step to anarchy. Anyone who thinks this is for any moral reason is dumb, this is just anarchy. There is no moral reason for this, they want to destroy everything.

Off yourself nigger. One less piece of vermin in the world would be nice..

>muh heritage
you have none obviously

>muh race
yea keep bitching about this nigger. No one cares anymore if you live or die faggot

>muh feels
You're replying to my thread aren't you? You seem to care whether these niggers get their way or not..

so your fee fees must be getting pretty hurt. You must be pretty triggered by the fact that these statues won't even come down anyways


The statue replacement is a great example of Goading.

They were pushing for it under Obama but they needed an act of violence to galvanize the takeover.

That is their tactic Goad violence.

That is why they never show leftist violence because human psychology would then justify punishment.

Only white men can be bad.

And they have organizations which can quickly act to take advantage.

White people have been absolutely subverted.

Are you retarded?

Lets start taking down black history monuments and such. Maybe some spic monuments..

Might as well play their own game

>current issues getting boring
There is literally an overwhelming overlap of major current issues being reported that it's almost difficult for news outlets and audiences to keep up, with a substantial amount of it coming from yet another White House controversy

The little faggot is still replying to me. He's still mad that his fee fees have been hurt. You're not gonna cry are you faggot?

Nobody gives a shit about your faggot statues. I'm glad they tore them down. More will surely follow. Stay mad.

I am brother, about an hour north of tampa bay, brooksville monument if your interested

What is happening is called manufactured outrage. Before the media started complaining about these statues nobody cared. I'm sure hundreds of liberals and blacks walked by these statues everyday and didn't care that they existed. Not the media is acting like these statues are causing white supremacy and mass killings. They did the same think with the confederate flag.

History in general triggers leftists because it's problematic.


This isn't anything new. When the commies took over in Russia, the first thing to go was the Tzar's palace and all of the historical relics contained within. 1500 years of Russian history destroyed in the blink of an eye because bolsheviks wanted to show Lenin that they were more dedicated to the cause than anyone else.

This is just modern day bolsheviks trying to show that they're more dedicated to social justice than anyone else.

Someone find these and deface them because "reasons"

This. Leftists respect nothing and desire above all else to be fashionable.

Nice man, I figured you were near Tampa. Some bullshit brewing down here with some of these monuments. I've been to Brooksville, lot of history. What a shame.

Wow not one argument in these incoherent posts you make. Just a bunch of nigger whines.

Because they can safely attack statues without being at risk of actually infringing on a human beings' rights. Statues can't fight back. They're an easy target that allows leftists to smugly declare a massive victory.

It's like that one image of some faggot declaring that owning a fucking cat somehow magically makes a colossal anti-male statement and he's some sort of cultural trailblazer. Seriously just the act of owning a fucking cat. It's the lowest possible goal to set but they blow such fruits up to act like abig deal.

Just because you keep repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Liberals/alt-left love Planned Parenthood but one just has to google the founder Margaret Sanger and see what kind of racists you are.

Fuck off nigger

Dumb move. They don't actually care about those things, and all that will do is justify their previous actions in the eyes of the public.

The best move now is acceleration. Go to ANTIFA rallies undercover (aka wearing black) and agitate / smash. They have been labeled ("Alt left") and now smearing their name is their greatest vulnerability. This is why the media is running such absurd defense for them, they can't lose public sympathy otherwise they ARE terrorists.



No one gives a flying fuck who or what is racist. Shut the fuck up and die already.

I have some rope that I'm not using for anything.

It's not just statues and monuments. They're even working on legislation to change names of bases.



Very true. You're right user. Going to do this at the next Antifag rally. What a bunch of goons..

My crackers! I wonder how long it'll take them to notice this beauty.

Argument? I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with Sup Forumstards. I'm just here to laugh at you, faggot.

Yeah man. Figured they already were going to try to take that down which would be a travesty

Didn't Tampa get "funding" from some unknown place to take these down? Something is odd

>who or what is racist.
The Alt-left/democrats/liberals/progressives are racists. Maxine Watters won't even live in her district because she's an Uncle Tom.

Is that the one in Durant or wherever?

Let me build a monument to John Podesta, put it on public property, fund it with tax dollars, and tell me how you feel.

This is probably in the tens of thousands range. But I really need this

Then fuck off back to re.ddi.t you dumb fucking brit piece of shit with shitty teeth. Go eat some shepards pie then fuck your wifes boyfriend. you fucking waste of fucking sperm. I will find you and strangle you to death. I am at the end of my rope with you fucking faggot liberals.

Go ahead and laugh. When I piss on your dead nigger body, I'll laugh more than you ever even thought of "laughing" in your pathetic life.

but muh fee fees

It's a sliver of privately owned land apparently. Passed it about 2 weeks ago and saw they had the blood stained banner hanging instead, same size though.

Because they can use it as a way to draw people out and then take a moral high ground to destroy them. Anyone that is against this is clearly a racist, alt-right bigot Nazi that no one should listen to. The Alt-Left want to moral grandstand and make out anyone who is opposed to them doing this as the bad guys.

TL;DR: Alt-Left want to destroy statues as an ideological purity test that they can use to destroy, deplatform, and dehumanize anyone against the idea.

They love feeling morally superior and now thanks to faggot larpers they can pretend they are combating a real enemy instead of calling old people nazis and punching random citizens

Please tell me this isn't real

Holy shit Stormweenie, how triggered are you?

Thanks for providing entertainment as usual. That's all you faggots are good for. I can't wait until your little movement actually takes up arms and you get fucking slaughtered by the authorities.

The thought of dead nazis is making me rock hard.

Wow so noble. Your life must be really pathetic thinking about fat guys with nazi shirts. Really sad you liberals/niggers do nothing but think about this all day.

>The thought of dead nazis is making me rock hard.

and WE are triggered? Holy shit this is the most pathetic post ive seen in awhile..

You know if you get hard at something, that means your fee fees would be hurt if Nazis killed your family wouldn't it?

>comparing John Podesta to Confederate war heros
>implying the left would ever care about how something "makes us feel"

LOL!! That faggot is completely worthless and would never get anything in his "honor". God I think liberal shills are getting dumber and dumber. you think you're fooling people? Jesus you need a bullet in the head.

Why are you trying to erase history?

When nobody remembers slavery, there will be no morale issue with bringing it back.

novel take: statues with purely conmemorative value are fuking gay and who gives a shit if they're torn down

wtf are you talking about you fucking cretin

Are you retarded?

>confederate statues?
today bash statues
tomorrow bash republicans.

>be brit
>get country taken by muslims
>hide inside to avoid prayer times
>scared to get rid of muslims
>go on pol and call everyone nazi

Ok well take yours down in ur country and make you pay for it

How bout no faggot. Kys



It pains me to know there's only one way this will ever end: blacks in chains, women stripped of all but the most basic human rights.

I want to believe that there's some way to compromise with psychopaths. I wish there were some way to come to a sane compromise, but the fringe left will never be satiated. The fringe right will empower the violent and hateful idiots anywhere in between to destroy both the good and the bad.

I want change, real change, but I don't want complete destruction. I know it's something that's never going to be perfect, but hitting the restart button isn't going to help anyone.

These idiots are not affecting change. They aren't empowering the underprivileged. They aren't reshaping society or even challenging authority. They're just provoking a sleeping monster. It sickens me to think what's going to happen once it's awakened. I'm just grateful I'm not on the wrong end of its wrath.


Because they are attempting to rewrite history. First they remove the statues. Then they change the school curriculum so the civil war is no longer about the south's right to secede from the union and instead it becomes about slavery. Shit we don't even learn the Vietnam war in school anymore, and over there we were fighting communism.

Because they represent rebellion, and the spirit of freedom. Subconsciously, they know that only a strong Federal government will get them what they want; domination over all states. They tear down these statues because they know in their hearts that they defy their totalitarian ideology. As the South rebelled against an overreaching government, so too have we rebelled, and the left knows we draw inspiration from this defiance. Leftists want to demoralize our strong rebellion, yet we must carry on as our past suffers from the greedy fires of the intentionally deceitful.

"Get used to sharia yet?' btfo'ed Brit

Petition to remove Lenin.
Don't need to use real info. Just pump it with 'signatures' to get the ball rolling.
>privet property
>privet land
People are told to remove items from their land all the time. Be it for aesthetic reasons, safety, religious, or political.
There is no barrier to having this statue removed, from what is a highly prominent position.


With how fast things are moving, it's best to have this petition precooked. So that in event of catastrophe, it's there for us to use.
Remember to keep this in house for now..


Look back at Mao's (((international financier))) backed Cultural Revolution. Same principles, and money.




Sup Forumstards celebrate when commie statues are torn down, I don't see the issue here other than the fact you're hypocrites

Commies are scum and are against American values. Huge difference here you dumb spic

Go for it. I'm sure that'll turn out really well.

Nazis are also scum you dipshit

Confederates are not Nazis you fucking braindead retard...

So are Nazis and Confederate scum, you're just a bunch of monkeys slinging shit at each other

>inb4 le centrist 'but you have to pick between shit or diarrhea, otherwise you have no strong convictions' meme

all communists should be killed

No one mentioned Nazis here you fucking faggot. Cut it with the fucking strawman

Confederates were American. Commies aren't. Read some before you open your fucking dirty spic mouth for fucks sake.

Everyone is a fucking nazi shitlord where have you been for the past few months.


They are mad Trump won, and isn't getting impeached.
So they are lashing out in the one way they know how. Throwing a temper tantrum, and breaking things.
They are trying to get a rise out of us, and it's working.

>leftists = democrat = confederate = racist slavers

rewriting history


They are foaming in jail.
Takiya Fatima Thompson, 22, was charged Tuesday with two felonies -- participation in a riot with property damage in excess of $1,500 and inciting others to riot -- and two misdemeanors -- disorderly conduct by injury to a statue and damage to property, the Durham County Sheriff's Office said. She was held on $10,000 bond.
On Wednesday, Dante Emmanuel Strobino, 35, Ngoc Loan Tran, 24, and Peter Gull Gilbert, 39, were arrested on the same charges, the sheriff's office said.
Three more alleged participants -- Aaron Alexander Caldwell, Raul Mauro Arce Jimenez and Elena Everett -- were arrested Thursday. They were each charged with one felony -- inciting a riot -- and three misdemeanors -- injury to personal property less than $200, injury to real property and defacing a public monument.

That's not very NAP-ish of you

>no one mentioned nazis
Of course, you wouldn't want to classify them as scum along with the commies, would you?
>Confederates were american
And half the country went over war against them, the fact that they were American doesn't negate they were scum.

Your standards get thrown out of the window the moment we're not talking about commies, I've seen poltards cheer when commie statues get demolished in Russia and other Slavic countries.

forgot pic

Or maybe the statues are symbols of a time when human beings were oppressed in this country in every way, and used as slaves. Did Germany put up Hitler and nazi general statues everywhere after the nazis lost?

Remember when Vice wasn't a jewish anti-white mouthpiece?