G-guys? What did he mean by this?

G-guys? What did he mean by this?

You can't get off this ride now

he meant that boston's a shithole and you shouldnt go there unless you want to have a bad time and be disappointed

he's just being a bro

I expect a car of peace. And maybe a few shots.

Jesus Christ the violence is really escalating fast


he better not fucking do it
the fate of america is in the balance right now

He's joking right? It's just a LARP

Why would anyone ever willingly be present in a crowd, in liberal faggot city?

There was a thread with a potential journalist. It seemed hinky, like she was planning something. Then this stuff was mentioned. Somebody said it was the perfect setup, and he was right. I do not like this. Not one bit. No shit better go down. No violence.

My guess is he made a 4/10 joke that will nonetheless have g-men probing his g-spot.

some kind of grinch alien

Imagine a world of Florida Men

I sincerely hope no one is going to get killed tomorrow. The violence and polarization has gone too far in america

There's no way off this wild ride now.
Your souls belong to kek

A lot has been happening and I think Sup Forums is being heavily targeted at this point. Not with shills, but you can tell by the number of normies posting hatred. There is a lot of stuff coming this way. I wouldn't be surprised if battle plans have been decided on this place.

Eh, whatever, it keeps things interesting. I haven't even turned on my gaming console in over a week because all the crazy shit going on has me on the edge of my seat.

America will fall. God will not be mocked.
Secular liberals (progressives/Marxists) are merely acting in the same fashion their theological liberal ancestors (protestants) did; by defacing religious statues. This time, it is the destruction of civic religion.
We've been left to our own devices and have drunk our own poison.

Blood for the blood god

Widespread dead and suffering. Get in here lads

Possible active shter?

consecutively repeating 1nt3g3rs would suggest going to the rally is not safe for your health.



Exactly what we need right now is another short-sighted right-winger going on a rampage

James Fields is such a fucking moron

It never ends
