His name is Jake Stratton Seattle WA

Give coffee boy hell lads.

Other urls found in this thread:


he's got a face for radio, alex jones should give him a job

why though? maybe we should reach out to help him out. he's been turned into a literal goblin, the poor man. somebody help him.

just crush up a few tiny redpills up with some sugar to get him started

I never hear anything good about that place, this just confirms it

*Throws coffee in your face*

Can you imagine your genes failing this badly?


What did Seattle PD mean by this?

>Whatchu say boi?



Shaving Professor Jake Stratton's Sideburns

Professor you say!

well that was unprofessional


same girls from the video.

>tfw you discover Jones paid this guy to be a plant

I mean his coffee wasn't even hot.

We should get him a new mug that actually holds heat.


>so self important, leftists have scribble all over their bodies in permanent marker

It means the SPD is controlled by the shadow Marxist cabal.

it looks like he brushes his teeth with velveeta

alex should invite him on the show
a wrestling and supplement tag team duo.

This. I actually felt it was that way. Any self respecting man would have beat the fuck out of some faggot who hit them with hot coffee. I call huge bullshit on this.

What a fucking knob. As a Washingtonian, he is not my people. He's just like that bitch in Charlie and the chocolate factory cunt that turned into a bigger turd than a blueberry

i like alex but this does seem fishy

>being this cynical

I think his point is to show how anyone without a brain how easy it is for someone to pull somebody out of their ass to false flag themselves "randomly".

this. these fags in seattle are mostly CA transplants that shuffled in over the decades
leave king county and there's way more decent people out there
hell, pierce county was 20,000 votes away from going red

By more supplements to help Alex get some new clothes.

Stop it!

A doxx for a doxx leaves the whole world doxxed!


I've seen worse

Buy yourself some hooked on phonics tapes. Please

Every pro wrestler needs a good heel once in a while. Ever notice Jones' fucking wrestler voice when he's pumped up? It all makes sense. This fucking goblin is even connected to wrestling.

It would be funny if they turn street violence into some funny pantomime. It will take the edge off a lot. The guy can dress up as antifa and sneak around like the hamburger while Alex Jones is giving some public speech.

I'll be living in the mountains soon. When they ask for help, I'll whisper "no" even though they probably can't find me. Fuck Seattle

He went to Lillith Fair in the 90's for the music. Didn't talk to one broad.

its (((Seattle)))

How can people just easily be found? I suppose everyone has an online trail these days. I myself do not.

Post a pic of yourself

It isn't

>Halitosis Harry
Halitosis Harry

>Halitosis Harry
Halitosis Harry

>Halitosis Harry
Halitosis Harry

>Halitosis Harry
Halitosis Harry

I'll play your game.

Who the hell is this and why should I care?


Aren't they low key letting him off the hook? He could do anything and they would just say it could be an actor.

Indian film actor

As someone who used to live across the Sound from Seattle, and got in more street scuffles (can't really call them fights) than I care to admit with SJW types who seem to not understand that physically touching or assaulting someone in an aggressive manner means they attacked is a victim who gets to physically defend themselves, and attack back, with force... Yeah, this happens a fucking lot. Just go down around Pioneer Square and the ferry docks to Bremerton. Dip shits like Jake Stratton all the time step to people, and poke them in the chest or face with a finger or some other shit that in a sensible law abiding city would result in the police arresting them even if the other party beat them into the coma they deserve. Sadly, Seattle cops are political tools, and will ignore material witnesses and other evidence to write it up as 'ebil white wingers' committing some sort of hate crime every time.

Justice under equality and rule of law is dead in Seattle. All that you can hope for there now is street reality, which in this guy's case will one day be a cold piece of steel finding its way into his neck, or between his ribes, one day as he continues on walking down the street after he fucks with the wrong person. Civilized people though, because he is a useful idiot to the current political memes of the day will have to endure this shit.

“Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.” - Robert E. Howard


mandatory Jones iver post

What an ugly mug

Is there anything more pathetic than a fat ugly fucker who thinks he's cool?

>Hm, I'm ugly as fuck and I'm fat.
>This sucks, I really need to up my game a bit.
>I could work out, but that's hard. And nothing can save my face.
>I got it!
>I'll just dress really retarded and cultivate the illusion of personality! Nobody will know any better.
>If I pretend I'm just a wacky guy, people might even think I don't care about my hideous appearance.
>Fake it til you make it Jake, you can do this!

I wondered how a literal midget could develop the brass to act like that without any fears of retaliation. That laugh he does alone is like an invitation to get beat up.


It was obviously a false flag. Note Alex Jones glancing at the mug before the coffee was thrown. This guy is a fake wrestling announcer. Alex Jones is the WWE of right wing politics.


just epic bantz, i like jones but he is a silly guy sometimes. easy to joke about

Alex must name ((()))