Why is the fag population so high in the USA? Is USA the gayest country in the world?

Why is the fag population so high in the USA? Is USA the gayest country in the world?

still less gay than the roman empire

(It actually isn't that high)
Remember when everyone claimed to be bisexual?

Always knew West Coasters were all a bunch of literal faggots.

You only think we're super-gay because our lack of laws against homosexuality let homos be more open. But m sure there's plenty of faggos in Saudi Arabia and Norkorea; you just don't hear about them because they have to do their thing on the down-low

>Indiana gayer than Illinois


>unfiltered water
you don't want to become a gay frog do you?

our water treatment practices.

They put something in the water, and the food, and the plastic

>Is USA the gayest country in the world?
according to statistics yes. Our country is gay as fuck but our gay population is 0.3 - 1%.

Usa gay population is 3% with teens being polled, it's 50% among young people.

That's gay as fuck.

5% and thats being generous. We have upheaved our culture to appease 5% of the population.

Think about that.

Remember california put gay marriage to the vote and it lost (only to over rule the will of the people in court directly after)

Attacking the 5% is attacking 100% of the Jewish community.


it's not just more gays coming out of the closet, it's more gays period. exponentially more gays with each generation. same with autism.

frankly it's amazing the human race is even alive with all the massive punishment we've absorbed. all the soft kill biochem weapons and brainwashing. haha, we're still going. hold in there

meth and mdma turn people gay, all those west coast states are getting super fucked up by the i-5 drug corrider

China has 300 million queers. There's no girls. They started fucking each other due to one child policy. China is gay as fuck.

But not as home as New Guinea. At age 7 EVERY boy in that retarded country starts sucking lots of nigger dicks, every single day. It's notorious for boys sucking men off as part of growing up. Sucking daily every man that wants it, till they are grown.
That's niggers for you.

Thanks Denver, thanks Boulder, thanks faggot mostly Californian weed transplant fucks

We aren't throwing enough of them off roofs.

Google autocorrects homo as home but...lol...it autocompletes need Nigger...with a capital N...ohh that's hilarious.

Societal pressure.

Population density, resource availability, sexual selection pressure, poor parenting/broken families, and more often than not bad self image.

It appears the coastal people are the gayest, is it the sea water causing it

>so much cute boipussy

As a gay guy with good money in his mid 20s, I literally cant handle it.

There are so many great gay guys now that it's almost cheating compared to the insane game straight cucks deal with.