So how did Rome fall?

So how did Rome fall?

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Climate change. The northern Sahara was the breadbasket of Rome.


Massive influx of barbarian refugees fleeing from the Huns eventually being granted social and political power.

He didn't want to hear this, he wanted to hear this


Literally. Only a bunch of degenerates would create a religion so degenerate as christianity with all those branches.

It was a slave state that subsidized hedonism, success was not an option, and failure was the only choice

Huns, they refugee'd the Germanic tribes and caused severe damage to the western roman army preparing the way for Germanic rapefugee tribes to migrates and conquer roman provinces. The destruction of civilization is always due to steppe Turks.

This is not a popular thing to say here but the true reason is Christianity. When Rome began the Christianisation, so did the instability.

>degeneracy everywhere
>Caesar died
>civil war

Just a whole bunch of Marxist bullshit.

The failure to integrate minority cultures into wider roman society, which had previously been one of their major strengths.

Oh, and then taking those disenfranchised cultures and making them the military.

overall enhancement of state power over the people
state religion turning to christianity was also terrible
inflation of the roman dollar because they put less gold in the actual dollar and put more money into the economy unnaturally
the barbarians were only a problem because the government let them in make more taxpayers
they became unions of slaves under 1 head ruler to avoid tax in outer citys
read a book

Yes, because if western Rome remained pagan it would've been somehow different when the tribes started invading.

A lot of wealthy people fled to Rome, were big money was and the big opportunity in politics, this left a lot of provinces without investment of wealthy people, without investment, good politicians and the arrival of barbarians with a different culture, led Rome to a slow degradation, then the provinces had problems to send goods to Rome (rome only produced polítics, It needs the provinces to eat). Also, barbarians became the majority in the army, and they were mercs. Some of them were Rome enemies few years algo, they has 0 commitment with Rome.

Something doesn't add up Rabbi.
The greeks hated the jews af and nearly wiped them out.
Yet you won't find a single document written by Aristotle concerning them
Weird or what?
We're speaking about the original autist here

>fedora tipped
Shut you must be like twelve

Civilization cycle

>women voting
>slave labor destroying the middle and working classes
>having more people than they could sustain
>finno-mongol invaders
By their powers combined, I am the Fall of Rome.

That's what happens when you forcefeed ideologies to people. State religions are one of the stupidest ideas we ever had as humans.

Weren't Jews nearly synonymous with phoenicians or other Semitic tribes in Aristotle time?

So exactly like what's going on now.

It didn't. Last I looked it was still right there where it's always been.

>forcefeed ideologies to people
The edict of Constantine freed the slaves you stupid ass

crazy thing is it took the barbarians like 1000 years to figure out how the Romans built stuff.

its like living in the shadow of a modern city as some hut dwelling savage after the nuclear winter

They didn't nuke north Korea

Like that Brit 18th century author said the question should be more why did it survive so long rather than why did it fail.

Invoking multiculturalism is a half-truth. The empire had been multicultural since Augustus took power and that did not stop the zenith of power with the near century of good emperors from Trajan onward. What caused systemic failures and a breakdown is the destruction of the military as a means of producing Sup Forums's cuck-boogeyman favorite word, civic nationalism.

Prior to Adrianople the Roman military was a machine you fed savages and it spat out latin named, latin speaking, latin-proud and disciplined soldiers. This was the case since the conquest and use of Gaul and Spain for soldiery starting in the 1st century AD. This was the case when it was the Latinized Illyrian emperors and soldiery who held the empire together when by all rights it should have fell apart in the 3rd century crisis. This was the case for the last hurrahs of good emperors and rulers even through the late 4th century and 5th century fall of the empire and past it - Justinian being an example of a later era Illyrian/Pannonian latinized peasant. The last decent Romans to try and hold the empire together were largely Latinized Barbars or the sons of a Latinized barbar - Stilicho, Aetius and others. The blue-blooded Roman senatorial aristocracy were doing fuck all to help.

Adrianople destroyed the army as a solid institution in the West and required the wholesale recruitment and enlistment of barbarian forces (of whom many might be Roman renegades) led by their own barely romanized leaders.

Then there is obscene inflation during the 3rd century crisis, the fleeing of taxation, the plantation development of the latifundums, what Spain said here.

>freed the slaves
You mean christians? Which obviously most of them were but a sect of jews to begin with? Sure thing mongoloid.

You might be right. And from what I read he refereed to them as "war-like"
When even Aristotle says so.

>unions of slaves under 1 head ruler to avoid tax
Smart idea, we should do this again.

its the only reason the west had ethics and wasnt a degenerate country for 2000 years.

>wall getting higher

>my not an argument post
Have a (You)

Also interestingly on Spain's note about money in politics, it reversed itself severely with the Germanic successor states. Becoming a civil servant or magistrate was so financially taxing Romans would flee it at any opportunity and the Visigoths in Spain had to legislate hereditary obligations of magistrate service so they didn't lose their bureaucracies.

It's not Christianity because the East was more Christianized and more fervently so than the West but they survived. The East had similarly divisive multiculturalism/multi-sectarianism which WAS a major factor in why the Eastern Romans lost the middle east to the Muslims (Punitive measures against Eastern churches and a racial/ethnic divide outside of Latin/Greekized aristocrats meant they saw Muslims as just a new tax-lord who wouldn't interfere in their religious matters). The Western Empire did have religious sectarianism but the most severe challenge was the Maghrebi Donatists and the Maghreb fell unrelated to that.

Phoenicians/Carthaginians in the Classical Greek and Republican Roman period had the reputations of miserly mercantile thrifty 'would sell their daughter into slavery for a buck' that we attribute to Jews. While one Roman writer remarks about hating how Jews are everywhere I don't recall anything big about the moneylending mercantile stuff. They much more assumed a role like Muslims do today in being religious extremists who won't tolerate anything foreign.

Welfare + giving people who hated Rome citizenship for the purpose of taxes + massive amounts of inflation. Sound familiar?

Visigoths besieged the city for two years

A jew (Jesus)

Fun fact: In Tacitus' "Germania", Germanics are described as less debauched and more moral than the Romans.

>‘There were no laughs about vice and seduction and tolerance of corruption does not rank as timely with them... Only virgins entered into marriage, which is consummated only once, with the hope and pledge of the wife. Thus they receive only one man, as one body and one life, so that no thoughts reached beyond; the sensual desire portends no further, so that they love in him, the husband, as well as the marriage.’
>‘They hold it a crime to limit the number of children or to kill any one of the new-born, and here good morals attain more than elsewhere good laws. Only late do young men learn of love; undiminished therefore is their masculine power... also they do not hurry to marry off their young girls. They possess the same fresh youthfulness and a similar tall stature. Equal in strength, they wed their young men and the children reflect the healthy and strong nature of their parents.
>‘Very rare for such a numerous people is adultery, which is immediately punished by the husband... The solemn wedding ceremony reminds the wife from the beginning that she does not stand outside the male circle of interest and the changeable fortunes of war, that she becomes the companion of the husband in distress and danger and that she must share his fate in peace and war. This is the meaning of the team of oxen, the saddled horse and the offered weapons. In this spirit shall the wife live and die: what she received she must pass onto her children as undefiled and undamaged property, worthy to be received by a daughter-in-law and worthy to be passed on again to her children.’

No wonder some kike Harvard historian called it the most dangerous book of all time.

harrow sheety walk

wha you want?

so towards the end of a civilization we regress back to low C tendencies?

>post unreadable shit and thinks he's gonna get an argument
Some people are trying to have a good thread for once Manuel, why don't you go mow a lawn or knock up a fourteen year old or something

Plato was ethnically Jewish.

Well, I could definitely be wrong, but the "Jews" of Jesus tribe were violent rebels (bar kokbha, barrabas, in forgetting at least one) and that's why the Jews love their revolutionary
I guess somewhere along the line all the stereotypes/genes/ideologies get mushed together

Homer's Achilles is David.

This is what Kubrick tells us in 2001 a Space Odyssey.

Bad civilization. That's all you need to know.

Truly history loves to repeat itself.

By and large mass degeneracy and hedonism coupled with a military industrial complex economy that hinged on regular conquest to add new lands, bring in new slaves, and refill the coffers. Military overextension was the real straw that broke the camel's back.


Nietzche tells us

Christianity is Platoism for the masses.

Meaning the resurrection story, is the story of entering "Plato's Cave" and

Becoming Death (Ego is Greek for Death)

Socrates > Plato > Aristotle > Alexander The Great, who displays heterochromia iridium (different colored eyes)

He is a relative of Cleopatra ( reddish hair) she has a son to Caesar called Caesarion.

Cleopatra has B- Blood, like Ramasses.
Who is spoken of in the alien Covenant film...

Caesarion is also known as
Chosen of Ptah (God of Architects)
The Hebrew word Tekton has been mistranslated as Carpenter, it means Master Builder or Architect.

The same way the west is falling now:

The Heterochromia Iridium displayed by Alexander The Great has the same congenital origin as the coloboma marking described in Norse legend, as well as being currently shared with the likes of Jacob Rothschild, an Aryan Jew.

Yes and indeed during the Oscar ceremony this year, someone who played the role of someone with a coloboma (Henry Kissinger's favourite film) was ousted in favor of someone with a Mongolion spot, would you believe.

It was probably all the lead wine they drank.

Jacques De Molay, relative of Jesus, known as Isa in Islam...

Is found to have AB- blood.

Whereas we sip of ambrosia

The Nuclear Code is


Jack Parsons told me

Mass uncontrolled immigration, huge wealth disparity between rich and poor, bad luck with some emperors. Most important of all degradation of cultural values they went from a nation of citizen soldiers to one of professional soldiers to a bunch of bureaucrats, merchants, politicians and a mass of slaves. Compare the reaction to Canne, mass mobilization, military reorganization, seemingly unrealistic fanatical calls for vengeance to defeats in the later empire, nothing, even when Rome gets sacked everyone sort of just shrugs it off. Rome never fell, when it's land were conquered the Romans had already faded away

Expanded too far, got lazy, got corrupt and weak. Like every other empire.

I watched this a while back, good video.
Moly haters incoming in 3...2...

Never let the ideal drift from the minds of your men.