Be liberal against all Gmo's But pro Trans

>Be liberal against all Gmo's But pro Trans
This cracks me up so I meme.

No they're just freaks

If genetic sex changes become possible, then yes they would in fact be considered a genetically modified organism.

Ingesting female horomones isn't modifying your genetics

Im going to start to use this argument, it makes just enough sense where they will see the relation but not enough sense for them to be able to make a counter argument.

>Won't Eat GMO Because that's fucking with Nature
>Cuts penis off and calls open wound vagina

really makes you think

You know, this always confused me. Why is the left so against GMO and vaccines, but the right defends it? Isn't the left supposed to be pro-science, and the right against science?

one has a direct negative impact on the environment

the other has a direct negative impact on your transparent social insecurity

care to try again?

I was about to post this.

no one on either side who has done even an afternoon's worth of research sees GMOs as anything but a positive.
the only people who care about them are the sort of literal retards who buy gluten-free food because they heard it was "healthy" or something.

No left is against science. They spew non-sense around about genders and shit when all you have to do is look at the chromosomes. XX and XY. The left cant seem to understand that science determines gender. The only reason the right is so called "Ant-science" is because of the whole global warming shit.

>Concerned that a single grain of GMO corn might spread and taint entire populations
>Not concerned that mental disorder will spread through indoctrination and taint entire populations

More people have died from Homosexuality than ever will from GMOs

mental disorders are socially contagious? u funny guy

We gotta label everything nowadays how about corgi's
Gmo's can be cute

that's retarded

they're not genetically modified

when we start doing that, trannies will actually genetically be women

so what then? will it still be gay?

I'd like to submit for the record pic related.


Objection, suicide cults are a well documented form of mental disease spread through indoctrination.

provide that documentation and i might just kowtow to that theory hombre


where'd ya go
i miss u so