Why is it that Sup Forums is the last bastion of free speech but also filled with the most racist...

why is it that Sup Forums is the last bastion of free speech but also filled with the most racist, hateful people around? is the only reason to be anonymous so you can be mean?

i feel like the right to free speech itself is coming into question these days and like jordan peterson says i listen to my enemies. maybe they're right? look how much hate we all generate

Free speech supports racism because anyone who isn't a fucking retard is a racist.

go be a jew somewhere else

Because free speech rights weren't created to protect polite speech

you would be surprised. yes there is darkness here, but there are some pretty wounded people here, and searching people. not a lot of people are searchers these days. ever been to the spiritual and intellectual desert of university? shit...

If free speech as a notion comes to an end, maybe we should erase all human capability of danger. Maybe we should remove passion, because it leads to envy and bitterness. maybe we should remove desire, because it leads to going above and beyond. maybe we should be observers, with no ability to interact with the unioverse. we can just watch forever.


are you saying we shouldn't try to cure disease? we shouldn't ease the suffering of those who cannot hear ill words spoken against them without pain?

this push against certain ways of thinking clearly isn't coming from the government. it's coming from corporations, comedians on twitter, and late night talk show hosts. it's coming from society as a whole

physical operations and operations on the character and soul of an individual are two wholly different things. You are suggesting to dispel with morals and ethics and just let the state enforce what we are to do. When the state becomes God, then a man made machine subject to change is absolute lord and God, but will become as evil as the evil in every human heart.

The only solution is to teach people to love one another, to have hope, to understand that each person is special and made in the image of God. There is no other solution. The only solution left would be the mechanization and dehumanization of mankind. You cannot legislate morality. No, you can legislate it, but then the people become drones of the power of the state. What if the state changes hands to an evil power, and he tells people to commit abominations? what higher authority is there to plead to? What do we do then?

Kys faggot

the state enforces morality all the time. we have speed limits, and i don't see anyone arguing how that is restricting our rights? who's to say that driving as fast as you want is less of a right than being able to say racist things


I see another child that isn't progressive enough to handle free speech.

>saying mean words

>driving too fast and hitting a car
>potential dead people

the two items aren't mutually exclusive

boy oh boy i can't wait for school to start again

because most people in the world are racist and hateful and since on Sup Forums you are anonymous people can voice their true opinions without fear of retribution

This is just my opinion, but the jephitic races were blessed, wonderfully blessed. They took it to pride, and have an accounting before God for their pride. Western thinkers cannot admit that their philosophies ultimately lead to the dehumanization of man. They never think of it, and never take it to the logical conclusions. The transhumanists do to an extent, but have the luxury to not be dissolved into the person destroying matrix of "AI" whatever the hell that is.

They are.

Only emotionally stunted people take words to equal hate.

I say nigger all the time and I don't hate Negros.

>comes to Sup Forumsitically correct and attempts to make it politically correct

>look how much hate we all generate
>taking anonymous posts on the Internet with anything but a grain of salt
All we do here is discuss ideas. There is no authority here. If discussion of ideas cause hate then the problem either lies with you or the idea not with the medium of speech.

They are words. They are as powerful as you make them. If you want to induce a heart attack to yourself over a word. By all means.

Life is tough. Civilization is tough. Humanity is tough. Over the millennia we have figured out different ways of letting some of that gas out the release valve. After several centuries of fucking it up, mostly by murdering each other, some of us have figured out that "If you just let people say whatever they fucking want, they can relax a bit". Also the whole notion of "do unto others...."

Long story short. Fuck your feelings. Fuck you whiny attitude, your pussy escapism. Welcome to life. The ride never ends until it does.

>Implying speed limits aren't fucking stupidly low

Also, this is contingent on the idea that nothing good comes out of Sup Forums. Actually being able to have a discussion without fear of any reprisal is fantastic. Try talking about whether immigration is a good thing or not on a university campus and watch how quickly you're labelled a nazi.

I fugged that up. Dishonor on my family.

it doesn't preclude the potential incidence of the word as a supplement to a hate crime


To hate something, you have to say it.

I HATE niggers, isn't the same as, "hi, niggers!".

do you think this is true? do you think that hispanic people secretly hate white people and black people secretly hate asians? i feel like there are a relatively small number of white nationalists just as i feel there are a relatively small number of people who actually do hate whites enough to try and cause that race general harm


Notice it only deals in negatives, though. That is the natural haven for the law in a free society. Once you start going into the territory where the law orders you against your liberty TO do something, then you are grtting into dangerous territory. Sometimes this IS necessary, but remember ultimately the decisions rest in the hands of a judge, a human arbiter who sets the human faculties of reason, intelligence, wisdom, justice, compassion, equity and temperance in with the law. Jesus said the heart of the law is mercy.

See And if a "hate crime" means you hate someone with acting on it, then you're an authoritarian asshole and pretty much everyone is guilty of it, they just don't tell you.

Look idiot/jew, if it was 2011 and Obama said we were going to war with China or Iran over some banker's beef and we'd end up killing a billion fucking people and you'd think it was all a-okay and wholesome because it was officially sanctioned by the media and politicians.

Yet saying you want to deport Jews back to Israel because they are mouth-frothing saboteurs that want you dead and open your borders because they can't kill you using military force is worse in your mind, because you saw a Hollywood movie that gives you a 'don't hate' werther's originals vibe. Fuck you, you utter vermin.

hey, just sharing an opinion. that's what you want with free speech, right? i think maybe we should limit the propagation of free speech in some cases. that seems to be a growing precedent.

BASED /pol Yoda

It's a good topic.
Free speech and /pol

it's unhealthy and paranoid to live under the presupposition that everyone's out to get you

one love, friend

is this supposed to be ironic?

There is no we. I don't like you because you say dumb things. I can't see the melanin content of your skin.
Shills make a majority of threads here. People will post screen shots on faceberg and twitter about the horrible things they read here.
It's likely them that made those 'horrible' posts to justify their own opinions.

I'm not mean. I have a low tolerance for bull shit, and this place is swimming in it recently.

driving people to insight violence is easily more dangerous than a car. if you cut out all islamic fundamentalist propaganda off the internet deaths from terrorism would go down. if you cut out white nationalist propaganda off the internet deaths from terrorism would go down.

cutting down on the flow of information can literally save lives.

I'll answer this question for you as a well traveled user who also is an immigrant.
The "minorities" who happen to actually be the world majority in population over whites, fucking hate each other 10x over any white supremacists ability to hate. Asians despise the shit out of Blacks, other Asians, ME. ME hate literally anyone who also isn't ME and isn't in particularity, from their shithole, bumfuck tribe. Latino's wouldn't mind seeing blacks back in chains.

And black people? Sweet Jesus, Lordy Lordy, they have such an absolute, repugnant hatred against EVERYONE on the pettiest level you can imagine.

White people are the most tolerant race on this planet. They put up with shit 24/7 that has led all these other people's to commit genocide for less.

If you happen to be a white user, just understand that the destruction of your own race that you so vehemently support, includes you. You are not on their side, they don't see you as that. You are a useful pawn in their culture war and will be given a traitors treacherous murder by them when it's over.

You don't have to hate someone in civilized society, but be very fucking aware that the game of tribalism doesn't stop making it's rounds just because humanity has hit a pleasant phase.

Sup Forums is a giant cia honey pot so they can censor the entire internet retards


>why is Sup Forums filled with racist and hateful people?

Because Soros and Israel's government pay them to post here.

Just because you are paranoid does not mean that everybody is not out to get you.

oh ok

The only way to actually solve problems between people, between races, between whatever, is to allow all grievances no matter how much they disgust you out into the open and to ACTUALLY work through them rather than to demonize and try to prevent the other side from talking.
This is what you faggots will never understand, when you try to control speech and thought you only make people hate you.

Freedom of speech means freedom of death, mother fucker.

Hate is one of the truest, purest expresions of man. With out it your just a lemming and killing someone with no hatred in there heart's is a small mercy as they are all but dead where it counts. Passion is life and hate is one of the strongest passions there is.

>in b4 pal what an edgy faggot.

I'm nearly 26. Im socially normal and well adjusted like most young adults that are rightly minded. it's just what I've said above been my mantra in life and it's served well so far.

Hillary lost.

Banning alcohol can literally save lives
Banning cigarettes can literally save lives
Banning cars can literally save lives

Freedom is paramount, and that extends to freedom of speech. Humans are inherently valuable as individuals, not a means.

Yah ok. Sup Forums has been full of gore, CP, traps, and cancer for well over a decade.

But there is open racist hate everywhere. This is the only place whites can be racist. POC are racist all the fucking time and in public. You have to be a blue pilled retard to not see that. Your relativism is pathetic.

Fo pontiff, despite the meme flag faggotry

Hey why don't you just kill all Muslims and White Nationalists? That would LITERALLY save lives right? Can't spread "evil" information if they're dead can they you fucking tyrannical piece of shit.

Because we're literally becoming just a small group of anons vs a shillnet botnet of State Govt proportions.

Free speech includes all speech and includes listening to things you don't like and you can say something about it

That is exactly how it works duh

as long as some speech is banned or suppressed free speech havens will be populated by those holding those views. nek minit you have online hivemind echo chambers multiplying the ideas you were trying to suppress.

Fuck you faggot

Well, you can't be a racist anywhere else.

Sup Forums is a board of peace
it really is

>is the only reason to be anonymous so you can be mean?

yes lmao

why would I need to be user if I was just going to be nice and not upset anyone?

i think the point is that if the government is intended to ease all bad feelings, there would be very little left to the individual but the nuisance of living.

>why is it that Sup Forums is the last bastion of free speech but also filled with the most racist, hateful people around?
False premise. Elsewhere on the internet is loaded up with racist, hateful people. The difference is they are racist and hateful in accordance with the allowed discussion, namely to be racist and hateful toward Europeans.

On the other hand, people who are racist and hateful toward non-whites are banned or silenced everywhere which doesn't allow free speech. If there is only one place for people racist and hateful toward a non-white group to go, it should come as no surprise when a large portion of the people there are racist and hateful toward non-whites.

This is also why many Asians, Hispanics, and blacks come to Sup Forums. They share racist and hateful opinions not strictly directed at white people and can only express them here.

On anonymity, you can register on whichever website you want without giving a real identity, meaning you can be anonymous anywhere, but it doesn't matter if moderators ban you. The reason racist and hateful people come here isn't for anonymity.

You can't hide using other flags. lol
The blackpill is something that happen when a bunch of fat-faggy human failures nihilist left-turds think they can ellaborate a psyop but they don't realize that the more they stay here on Sup Forums the more they slowly swallow the redpills.
Don't fall for that shit, it's a mix of conformism and nihilism leaning to the center-left side in other valors.
Everything changes, the world, yourselves. Just meditate about it, everything from the mostly simple organism and particles, they all change because of some force, they're all moving forcing others to adapt, develop, shift their density, etc.
The left is conformism and nihilism, they're static, always trying to find something problematic to blame for their failures and lazyness.
Wake the fuck up don't fall for that silly psyop.

the right gained the presidency, but at what cost? they lost societal legitimacy. this is going to set the republicans back 20 years

Being anonymous is perfect for people who hate everything and themselves and they're infact fucking loosers.

Hillary is going to jail on Monday and is going to put us ahead for the next 60 years.

free speech isn't ever pretty. Human beings are not perfect and you can't expect everyone to sing koombaya and just be happy with the state of the world, but that is absolutely no reason to abandon free speech. Trust me it's not the nature of speech that has changed it is our sensitivity to it. We don't need freedom of speech for non controversial ideas we need it for the most shocking and repugnant ideas and people have to decide for themselves what to believe. That is what living in a free society means

please elaborate

Bitch i am racist her and irl because i had to deal with subhuman shitskins doing subhuman things for years.Its as simple as that,i come on this board to laugh at dumb westerners when they get splatered on the pavement and dont do shit about it.
Its comedic gold really.

we restrict all of those things in numerous ways.

1) you can't buy alcohol until you are 21. you can't drive drunk. you can't drink on the sidewalk in most cities

2) you can't smoke in bars. you can't smoke near schools. you are required to have "SMOKING KILLS" imprinted on every box of cigarettes you purchase. you are forced to pay huge taxes on cigarettes.

3) You are forced to pay registration fees on every car put into active use. You are forced to take a test to prove competency on public roads. You are not allowed to drive while intoxicated. You can only use the car within designated zones.

Is freedom paramount? Why exactly? Why not safety and security and the elimination of suffering?

>False premise. Elsewhere on the internet is loaded up with racist, hateful people

This is a valid point to some extent.

shut up faggot

free speech == freedom of thought.

I'm not personally racist, but I believe other races are better at certain things and have genetic dispositions to certain superior traits.

If I was to list these, I'm sorry, but it's pretty obvious white people across the board have way more positive than negative traits, some of this is genetics, some of this is financial or situational.

White people are superior, but that doesn't mean I'm racist. I tend to like just about anyone. Pointing out the fact white MEN pretty much built and sustain and manage your entire life, and have done for centuries, because they have been on the top and innovators for centuries shouldn't be "racist"

It's simple statement of fact, however, I also believe most people (us, we) are not nearly close to the "peak" of humanity, therefore we are all pretty much equal.

Stopping leftist speech would have stopped all those protesters from wanting to stand in the middle of the street and get run over. It cuts both ways, and some day you may find your opinions deemed haram.

What? Faith in the media has dropped to the lowest in history. The left has no more social legitimacy than the right.

>Sup Forums
>last bastion of free speech
Lol no

because you are a spiteful nigger faggot and a cuck who loves watching his wife fucked by a dozen of sand niggers

>safety, security, and the elimination of suffering.
These are things no government can realistically provide. Any attempt to becomes an authoritarian hellhole. Look at stalin's russia. Look at Mao's china. Look at NK. Hell, look at the ramifications of the patriot act and the NSA. Freedom is the highest ideal of government, because it is the ideal that causes least harm to the populace.

>if you cut out white nationalist propaganda off the internet deaths from terrorism would go down.
>deaths from white nationalism since 1995 - 60
>deaths from Muslim extremism since 2001 - 4k

>deaths from Muslim extremism between 711ad and 1500ad - 200+ million

It's almost like you don't know what your talking about.

Sup Forums has no identity connected to ideas. There is no social persecution that can occur here. This is a free market for ideas.

If an idea exists here, unchallenged by the masses that come here day after day, then it makes sense that it's logically sound.

Racism is backed by the statistical analysis of society. Everything points to It, and science, before social persecution was such a pressure, had also shown that racial differences existed. Even science today still reveals these disparities.