Who here is not blackpilled? I'm still enthusiastically Alt-Right, and want to hear from others who are too. LOTS of shills this last week have made this board almost intolerable. Charlottesville has made me even more powerful. Yeah, what were we expecting? The media to cover us as angels? Liberals to be tolerant about our views?

I want your fucking best most High Energy memes, Nigger hate, Jew hate, Sexy white girls, ANYTHING to let me know your spirits are still high. Keep in mind Germany was a WRECK before Hitler took power after being in FUCKING JAIL. I love you all.


Other urls found in this thread:

Hi cia

Ur a faggot larping bitch who doesn't have conviction in your views, some liberals get mad at you and call you Nazi and your out of the fucking movement? WEAK

How much are you paid for this? Is it per post? Do you have an extra for larp?

NSDAP polled at 3% in 1928.

Fug outta hur.

Gay as AIDS

Beer Hall Putsch was a failure and most members were imprisoned... Charlottesville wasn't even a major set back, young nerds in the movement need to grow some balls.

>hurrr durrr Nazis are the good guys

Whatever helps you feel better about your job digging ditches, eh , Cletus?


Ever noticed how all of the great fascist leaders were born out of war? War creates character and a leader. Most of Sup Forums is sheltered white middle class. Unless the system completely collapses and these people experiences dystopia or a complete world war nothing will change.

Gaahh!!! fuck you Shill, CIA, Shareblue, Controlled Op. Reminds me most of you used to be pot smoking paranoid libertarians. The time now is to not be timid and to stick by your beliefs.


The blackpill is something that happen when a bunch of fat-faggy human failures nihilist left-turds think they can ellaborate a psyop but they don't realize that the more they stay here on Sup Forums the more they slowly swallow the redpills.
Don't fall for that shit, it's a mix of conformism and nihilism leaning to the center-left side in other valors.
Everything changes, the world, yourselves. Just meditate about it, everything from the mostly simple organism and particles, they all change because of some force, they're all moving forcing others to adapt, develop, shift their density, etc.
The left is conformism and nihilism, they're static, always trying to find something problematic to blame for their failures and lazyness.
Wake the fuck up don't fall for that silly psyop.

If having society hate them is enough for them to throw in the towel, I think they are just lost and playing some sort of edgy game. Trust me, it's not a game to Angela Merkel. It's not a game to the Jews. This is war and they want your head on a stick.


>I'm still enthusiastically Alt-Right

Fuck off CIA.

You played your hand.


this is what you don't understand. Most hate AntiFa and are begining to see how the mega corrporations are shilling in their favor, it's waking them up. They are getting freaked out that BLM wants to tear down fucking GEORGE WASHINGTON'S STATUE!!! this is GREAT for us.

Alt-Right is an Umbrella term meant to unite all peoples of the dissident right. If you think Nazism is going to produce a movement powerful enough to take on the US gov. more power to you pal.

Im with you user. Fuck niggers and fuck jews. Kill them all

The outrage machine is gonna outrage for a while. Then there will be the next thing and another huge shitstorm, although not as big as this one. And so on and so on, until the outrage dies

Charlottesville was big because the media thinks that the right is big enough for them to lose their shit over it. Only a man who believes in the devil is afraid of the devil

But keep nigger-jews am I right? I just love that Drake, he's so talented.

The "Alt-right" aren't Nazis
The "Alt-right" doesn't even exist.

Whoa, nice flag.

>using star wars as an example
Wtf I am a leftist now.


Almost all AR are nazis, but not all nazis are AR

That's what the Jews want you to believe so Whites won't have a safe opportunity to form lines in the sand.

>Star Wars
>Harry Potter
How to spot a shill.

Ur a faggot larping bitch who doesn't have conviction in your views, some liberals get mad at us because of you and call us Nazi and we want you out of are fucking movement. SHILL

these are not our beliefs, nazis are not even 1% of the so-called alt-right. this is a fucking narrative and a set up to discredit us. nazism is not a movement the vast majority of us want any part of.

WAAAAAAH. "Unite the Right" had many factions of the right and not just us. I'm not a Nazi, not cuz I don't like the ideology but I know America could only accept civic nationalism right now. Further down the line when the pendulum swings more our way and we get in control of the media then we can talk about a real Nazi movement.

after we do everything you can swoop in and fuck it all up on the establishments command. yeah i get it. just fuck off.

Trad Workers Party is National Socialism dick weed. It's just that we don't need plants wearing skinhead shit from the 90's painting us as evil villains for retarded normies to get their panties in a bunch.

>Sexy white girls

Nazi larper George Rockwell has shit coloured eyes and hair.
Every single time.

>not evil villians
>larping for racewar
pick one

and don't give me that shit about kicking out all non-whites without violence, that is pure fantasy

you exist to trigger a civil war if need be to prevent a populist takeover and replace is with fascism. it's an old game that's been played many times. not this time


the Alt-right's goal is to either make two pre existing states in the union ethnostates for whites and blacks (which would force people to move from their home) or instating a law that keeps the country a certain % white. I chose the later, japan already has a law like that on the book and it's worked well for them. I mean it's common sense, this is not EVIL, it needs to be fucking enacted ASAP.

The movement failed

Its full of feds and traitors. Charlottesville was clear evidence of it

>Shit colored eyes and hair

your point, user?

A lot of reddit spacing in this thread...
No, the movement has not failed. You are failing the movement. Sure, there will always be infiltration in every movement that threatens power. Should we just give up and not 14/88?

Nazis not meeting their own standards of who is white or not.

>the Alt-right's goal...
>proceeds to spout a bunch of shit 99% of the so-called alt right doesn't believe in at all
immigration reform is neccesary though, but we can do that without getting all racist about it, trumps already made some changes. we need popular support for these changes to stick, and that won't happen with nazis fucking everything up by design.

with fewer third world immigrants, the existing minority populations will decline in birth rate with each generation, having fewer fresh first gen and second gen immigrants to replenish their birth rate, it will all balance out.

nobody needs to be kicked out, nobody needs to die. and it's the only way to do it in a way the vast majority of people can accept.

we can only 14 without the 88
nobody wants the 88, it's not going to sell, nobodies buying that ideology, it's stale, it's gross, it's saturated with a history dripping in blood.

Europeans need to stay in europe right now to defend it. What we need is to keep a certain % white people.

I agree. 14/76.

the population replacement migration plans of the un need to be stopped asap it's true