Let's clear a few things up:

1) White Americans Aren't going anywhere (77% of the US population)


And by 2050, it will only go down to ~71%, most likely due to whites marrying hispanics. Like with the Irish, Germans, Slavs and Italians of yesteryear

2) Mexico is almost majority white


So drop the ZomG White Genocide! shtick.

3) HOWEVER, with one key caveat: the main problem is a rejection of assimilation and promotion of multiculturalism (Although the big mistake was not assimilating Hispanics in the 60s after hart-cellar). That divides and fractures societies. With mexico's ongoing issues that does not make for a healthy USA.

> Le 77%


And had you properly assimilated them, we wouldn't be having this mess.

Look up the following in Google Images, it's disgusting:

- American inventors
- White couple
- White woman with children
- European history people
- European people art
- Happy american couple
- White man and white woman
- Happy white american man
- Happy white american woman
- Happy white american child
- Who created white people?

Google is extremely bias and they absolutely hate whites

Disprove with multiple sources, the usual meme is false.

Yeah go fuck yourself faggot you have no idea what things are like in this country. Tell me the la raza chicanos driving low riders and having 14 of their cousins packed into their shed are white.

You mean dirty disgusting Mexicans.
Other hispanics have assimilated well.
Mexicans haven't all they do is get drunk and yell about how great Mexico is.

What. The. Fuck.

I honestly thought this google bias thing is bullshit. Not so anymore.

Pic related, the average "White Hispanic" in its natural habitat

Both Mexico and the US count mestizos as white?

And this is why white women prefer to date hispanics over the likes of morbidly obese "white nationalists".

>most likely due to whites marrying hispanics.

This is true, white women can't even compete.

Hispanic is not a race

Those are mestizos


It's stupid to demonize the word hispanic since some whites are hispanic (CRIOLLOS) but defending mestizos is stupid

This is scary as fuck. Social responsability is a must for any big coorporation atm.

But they're a corporation they can do whatever they want.

Hispanics have higher rates of obesity, even in Mexico. .

>Mexico is almost majority white

And Spain is a nordic country ahahahahahahaha

Google thinks all black people look alike.

>mejico is white

>Mexico majority white
Yeah no. Its majority(mestizo) Tan or light brown if it was majority white it wouldn't be so disfunctional

according to various genetic studies, Mestizos are majority white.