I don't get it. Shouldn't the left, especially the radical left be against forces such as Islam?

I don't get it. Shouldn't the left, especially the radical left be against forces such as Islam?

Why is Islam considered left wing?

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Islam is a beautiful religion and has nothing to do with the right.

because theyve taken the jew bait and strong white men dont like islam, so its still just an anti white thing

intersectionality politics to the EXTREEEEEEEEEME! is likely the reason

>Shouldn't the left be against forces such as Islam
No? Why should they?
>Why is Islam considered left wing?
Because Islam is made up of low skilled non-white people that will need to rely on welfare, which means they will need to rely on big government to take care of them, which means they will vote Democrat.
Anything leftist argue for is to help them gain power, not for what is good for the people like they pretend. Everything is just things that require more government regulation and higher taxes. Left wing is the ideology of stricter government control and is where most of the career politicians go.

Regressive's have hijacked the entire lefist movement, anyone who doesn't believe in identity politics is seen as intolerant.

Because for these morons, "the right" and "white men" are synonyms and everything that is the opposite of white men is considered "left".

it's contrarian logic. The right fought against terrorism since Bush, so the left defend terrorism.
It's that simple and retarded. None ofthose peole have spent a year in their life in a muslim infected area. all they do is watch muslims token in tv shows, or meet that one rich muslim that could afford to immigrate because his familly has been westernized since the 50's.

based hanson

>Why should they?
considering women objects, being against freedom of speech, art or food. reciting appeal to murder 7 time a day. praising genocide. Obey to self appointed authorities. Dunno, those don't strike me as populist left values.

As a socialist I would say that I am against Islam, it's reactionary and barbaric and needs to be reformed.

- males
- Christians
- white people
- heterosexuals

are all villains according to the narrative

There's only two possible explanations.
1) Racism- Islam is a "brown" religion thereby it must be oppression causing the problem. We, as rich white people must carry the burden of fixing them because white people are superior. (literally left-wing white supremacy).
2)Conspiracy- We want the West to fall so that we can install an alternative government. We aren't strong enough to do it alone so we must align ourselves with Islamofascism in the hopes that our combined forces will be enough to do the job.
There is no other justification for this position that I can see. If you see another one, please, do tell.

It's number 2, 1 is the justification for people not in the inner circle.

tell me more, what evidence is there thats what they really think?

Leftism is a mental disease.
Its everything that is wrong with society.
Its the collective of all the criminals, psyhopaths and parasites of humaniy.

Getting rid of that disease would be the most healthy leap forward for mankind.

It's got nothing to do with specifics of the ideology and everything to do with SJWs virtue signalling about a perceived "minority". The levels of cognitive dissonance that a person needs to promote a group of individuals who would beat you severely, tie you up and execute you by way of dropping you off the highest point they can find is beyond any rational mind.

The SJ movement is a disease that rots the brain.

This. Only red pilled brain can recognize those FACTS uncensored

They want the browns because they are always pro big government.
The liberal media pushes Islamic tolerance for this reason.
The average leftist just follows what the media says as fact. So they will lie about Islam and try to make it look good.
Anything contradicting the media is bs conspiracy shit to them.

most accurate thing ive read on here desu

If you really are that dumb and need someone to explain the obvious:

Normies don't think every Islamist/muslim is a right wing psychopath terrorist. They are against the ones that are terrorists though.

Hope that helps.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"

Western liberal democracy being their enemy.

Inductive reasoning most likely.
Low tier lefties don't have the information or the intellect to plan that far ahead. They certainly don't want to take their lands back from the Islamofascists once they succeed, since that will require killing large groups of oppressed minorities.
It stands to reason then that either all lefties are 1s or the 2s are the reason 1s exist in such large numbers.
The problem is then that if you have an Islamic majority you're going to lose your big government. Unless you only want more control so that you can take over and change the government into something else there's no benefit.

It's more like evaporative cooling of group beliefs. Most of the more rational leftists abandoned leftism, and now the only leftists left are the radicals.


They hate the west, Islam hates the west. Why wouldn't they be friends?

The problem isn't terrorism.
The problem is Islam calls for gays to be killed, women to be treated like cattle, and religion above all else.
It's the antithesis of the leftist belief system.

Didn't expect to see an LW reference on Sup Forums, but seems appropriate.

>if you have an Islamic majority you're going to lose your big government
No you wont, it will get as big as possible, it will turn into a dictatorship. No more having to run elections against right wing parties, dealing with uppity whitey crying for more freedom.

Leftist, who are either communist, communist sympathizers, or have some communist beliefs, hold the view that it is the evil and imperialist west are oppressing the middle east, and that these terrorist are simply striking back. This is why they will always defend them and always try to trace the line back to the evil capitalist west.




theres also a very obvious layer of this being self hatred

>Why is Islam considered left wing?
It's not, the regressive left isn't either, they practice something called Intersectionality, a nightmare postmodern clusterfuck that once hid in shitty academic papers but seeped out into reality during the OWS protests. It's what killed OWS, in fact.

Intersectionality: the enemy of my enemy is always my friend (even if they would burn me alive if we ever achieved this revolution thing). Hence insanity like Queers For Palestine.

The thing to appraciate about Intersectionality is that they are not fighting to win, they are making a fuss to get free money. Throw a loud enough shitfit and daddy will pay off your credit cards again. Now apply that to government money. They need a traditional right wing society to leech off of, this bullshit ends the second they are successful, so they never push home to victory. You can replace all of their signs and slogans with "GIVE ME FREE MONEY, SOCIALIST MILLIONAIRE SUGAR DADDY" and they'd not only finally make sense, but be truthful.


Beautiful post, dead on.

Then I have the same reply for you. They believe not all islamos are retarded. Just like only some whites are homophobic and anti-women. They probably also wouldn't advocate the kill em all mentality for white homophobes either.


My old man who is liberal, when he saw Saudi Arabia, he was disgusted of how they treat women and I simply told him that is how all Sharia states function and this is what our enemy wants, complete Global hegemony. With women as property and non-believers subjugated.

I find it hard to understand neo-liberals, I'd say its because they're marxists but I don't understand why they follow marxism with such conviction.


Leftists are opposed to Islam. Just the generalisation and vilification of Islam takes priority over opposition to the religion.

It's funny how it works. The right and the left could completely change the law towards religion in society if the right wing could stop >hurr all muslims are evil

It will be a dictatorship but not the kind the left would want. It'd be a theocratic dictatorship which I suppose could work for those at the very top but I would think they'd want something closer to communism or feudalism for that.
They're not retarded. That is their belief system. They believe doing those things is moral and just and that we in the west are the "retards"

No, the left are narcissists. They despise weakness and capitulate to strength. Narcissists despise the weak (such as children) and the old, because of their infirmity.

a mix of globalist conspiracies and petty contrarianism

But I thought the Left loves converting children.

They would consider them retards. And a belief system can easily be retarded. See: christianity, mormons, etc.

Not hurting people's feelings should not be prioritized over avoiding genital mutilation and executions. The right wing has no obligation to be more accommodating to muslims.

I dislike the average leftist more than the average muslim because they are in a position to know better and should feel more responsible to protect our values

>It's funny how it works. The right and the left could completely change the law towards religion in society if the right wing could stop >hurr all muslims are evil



The left wants to destroy the West, and Muslims are good measures to reach this target.

Loves lording power over the weak you mean.

Narcissists put themselves in positions of power and authority so that they can subjugate weaker people with impunity.

That's why narcissist crave positions of power, that's why they promote ideology not conducive to acquiring power to its adherents. It's like playing football and only teaching your opponents how to play soccer.

A belief can never be retarded. It can be considered so, but that will always be a subjective analysis and thus meaningless.

also, listen to uncle ted


I don't know if this is exactly right but I live around leftists and feel like they are willing to entertain the conversation if approached correctly.

See the left tend to rather blame a bigger target than specific individuals in my opinion. I post on forums with a lot of leftists and they seem to blame Saudi and the gulf states for spreading what one might call extremist sunni islam (like wahhabist or whatever its called)

Remember Corbyn calling out Saudi during the British election ?

Obviously the stereotype of the blue haired harpy SJW will defend islam as they cut off the stupid bitches head but I think a decent chunk of the left can see that Islam is a problem. They are just uncomfortable about the only real solution. Which is kicking them all out of the west.

And in the end destroys the very system of power they use and they too wind up losing it all.

You should read something not Sup Forums sometime. I don't really know where to start. Maybe begin looking at the differences within culture towards genital mutilation. The kind of affects women (which I assume you were talking about) is only present in a minority of cultures mainly around North Africa.

I would disagree. I might believe that drinking mercury lets me see the future. Seems pretty retarded.

Ask them in a reasonable way and you'll get a reasonable answer.
>Do you think abrahamic religions are a positive or negative force on the world?
Something like that and 99% of leftists will say negative.

>You should read something not Sup Forums sometime.

Don't lecture me, I'm an oldfag, I'm too long into this game to not know what is going on.
You underaged fuck.

Ah you're a cultural relativist, tells me everything I need to know about you

Islam isn't left wing. It's the literal opposite. But then again the left wing has been completely taken over by psyops. There is no true left anymore. There's only literal libtards.

That's science though.
Hypothesis to experimentation to results.
We're talking about "oh it's better to kill the gays" where better is totally subjective. Is it better to have a bunch of fags in your streets or is it better to systematically kill them? No way to test that since the result is subjective.

That's exactly my point. I know a lot of guys who grew up with solely Sup Forums and Sup Forums and spout Sup Forums political beliefs without being aware of just how stupid they sound. I've been on Sup Forums too for over a decade for what it's worth.

Nothing else you can think of to argue with I guess then.

Guess what the left is just as againts as islam as many on the right. Even more so i would say. If they actually cared for the real muslims, what they believe in, what they practiced, actually read islamic philosophy/theology and so forth. They would be disgusted with all the "bigotry, sexism, intolerance" because their small minds cannot comprehend how anyone can hold different views from 21st post modernist thought and if they do then they must be destroyed.

When they talk about how they love muslims it all comes down to their retarded intersectionality theory, the belief that there's a group of oppressors and the opressed. The oppresors here are white males and the oppresed is all the other groups.. Blacks, muslims, LGBT, women, disabled or whatever the group they manage to mash in for their retarded cause. And so the mainstream media really pushes this narrative.

The reality of course is that these groups are all different, diverse and want different things. This is why the left will ultimately fail - it will pull itself apart because intersectionality theory is bullshit.

The reason the streets of Barcelona were filled with communist defending the terrorist is because the left, which is again, communist, holds the idea that the west is an evil capitalist oppressor. This view combined with their own self hatred and need for "punishment" has made them view terrorist and islamist as nothing more than poor victims striking back at their western bullies.

You need to stop thinking of them as "leftists" and start thinking of them as anti-whites or pro-minorities. Then it makes perfect sense. Anything that decreases the proportion or power of white people in western countries is good.

No, that's retarded. Listen to what they say, that's who they are. If someone says X and you say they're Y, that just means you don't know how to argue against X.

>You need to stop thinking of them as "leftists" and start thinking of them as anti-whites or pro-minorities.

while this is true, this is retarded terminology.

It's about the revolution vs the oppressor which as we all know are the western imperialist nations. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all.

They are anti white though user, thats why you arent getting. Leftism (communism) is self hatred, self loathing, and masochism. Youre a dirty little boy who needs to be punished to absolve your sins, so go stand in traffic for black people, or go antagonist riot police until they smash you into the ground for muslims. This makes you a good boy

An interesting aside in Australia our election system is instant run off. So you order your ballot in order of preferences and as a party gets eliminated their vote goes to the next preference until its down to two candidates.

During the 2016 election Labor (the mainstream leftwing party) actually won two seats on the back of One Nation (the lady in the OPs post party) preferences. One nation preferences split about 50/50 with the mainstream right and left party.

When Pauline is most famous for asians out (or muslims out now days) it shows that there is some dissatisfaction on the left with immigration policy.

I might have believed that before science had weighed in. Just like I might believe that aliens are watching me, you can't disprove it, doesn't mean it's not retarded.

its not left wing but they want you to believe their bullshit
are you really this gullible or just pretending to be retarded?

Aliens are watching me is an objective statement.
Aliens are bad and we need to gas them is a subjective statement.
That's the key difference.

Muslims themselves are right wing as hell

>Listen to what they say

What they say everytime the reality of mass immigration and decreasing % of white people in western countries is pointed out? At best they dont care, at worst they welcome it in the name of multiculturalism and diversity.

>pro minorities
no you dumbass
they are anti-non-muslim
they love their white muslim saboteurs and agents
they aren't leftist
they are fucking right wing fascists
they literally send their soldiers to larp as rapefugees
no go zones and you've got an enemy base right inside your fucking borders

they only support minorities to insert their agenda
anti-white? they will pretend to be no such thing
we are all non-muslims and almost losing

Because that mentally ill whore down the street hates capitalism, I just raped her Kek

It believes in equality.
Ditto with Judaism.

Christianity does on paper, but was early adopted by Europeans who think thats fucking gay so its a half and half position

but they are brown and perceived to be from an oppressed group. This is why they will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS side with muslims on every issue to matter what. Intersectionality

The harder you fight against authoritarianism, the more your subconscious will desire it. The mind seeks balance.

Political ideologies are always eccentricities whirling outside the realm of objectivity.

Leftism is about identity politics, not issue politics. It does not matter what you believe, what matters is what group you belong to.

They should've left the sheet on.

>It believes in equality

Left wing has literally become anything that's anti western civilization at this point.

From a Marxist perspective, Islam in the modern world can only be viewed as a regression to the stage of feudalism, therefore it is worse than secular capitalism if one wants to progress towards the dictatorship of the proletariat.
That is why Marxists of previous decades encouraged secular arab nationalistic movements that aimed at modernizing arab countries.
For a time some European Marxists flirted with the idea of using immigrants as a new proletarian class, but soon they discovered that muslim immigrants did not co-operate.
Modern leftists have long abandoned Marxism and, being the lazy ignoramuses that they are, can only parrot slogans and buzzwords that originate from Gramscians and some post modernists. Of course it should be noted that modern leftists have no grasp of either Gramsci or post modernism, because that would demand serious studying and modern leftists are just to lazy and too mentally unstable for that sort of thing.

Anything for power.

The left is a bunch of ugly people that can't get laid with hot people that's why they want to destroy the West which is the culture of beauty and taking care of one's self. That's why they want to destroy art, strong families with beautiful children, etc. It's the old "If I can't have it no one will".
The most problematic part is that hot people are not necessarily smart in most cases that's why they drag some hotties to their cause too.

Since Islam is the epithome of all that's ugly they embrace it.

I am too cool for seatbelts and therefore shouldn't wear them.

I am incredibly good looking and therefore I can't rape anyone.

I think the sewer smells like a crisp, fresh spring morning.

I believe that eating dirt contributes to islamism.

I believe that god is testing me when adolf gives me an erection.

I believe that if I throw a chicken in the water, the direction it swims is the direction I need to go.

I believe that gays are causing white genocide.

I believe Justin Bieber is the most talented classical musician.

My 2 year old child is smarter than your average Sup Forums user.

God told me to stick a pinecone in my butt if I want to live long and prosper.

Gently caressing my buttcheeks staves off STDs when I bounce on my boys dick. It only works for me though, sorry guys.

This. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. They dont care that muslims are against leftism, all they see is that muslims are against traditional western civ, which is good enough for support.

Watch Yuri and it will all make sense.

It doesn't matter. Democrats don't care as long as they get votes

if i was a western kekold, i'd:
>spread propaganda that allah forbids voting (TOOOOP KEK, major leftist voting block B T F O )
>radicalize the radical kebabs, increase leftist casualties (not like normal people hang out with mudslimes, right?)
>steer diversity straight into ivory towers, leftist policy maker gated communities, starbuckses, art schools
>make niggers, spics, muslims go after each other instead of whites
>finance mosques that preach women are worthless cattle in feminist neighborhoods
>overwhelm the police hard enough that they basically do not even prosecute whites for self defense anymore, because they have to deal with diversity every single day they are sick of it

>>>jew my way into licence to kill, once the normal people have had enough of feral shitskins and radical kebabs and elected legislature that basically allows whites to kill, lax self defense laws, turning the blind eye to anyone removing the diversity, etc

and of course document all the diversity for the future generations, show them bloodied leftists agony instead of holohoax so the kiddie grow up knowing that diversity is not a strength

Also, people can still subjectively believe things that are objectively wrong. Which suggests to me, that subjectivity can be retarded.


1. Islam is an anti border religion who wants to rule the world, just as communists
2. its the religion of the people that mass immigrate into Europa wich destroys the thing that socialists and communists never have been able to destroy before, the tradition and culture of the West.

actually the marxist thought class warfare was too hard, racewar is the way to get the communist revolution going. much easier to mobilise the fifth column when they are not even the same culture, race or creed.

How fucking new are you?
>Why is Islam considered left wing?
It is not considered left wing. As non-european ideology that doesn't even try to emulate european politics, it's neither left or right.
>Shouldn't the left, especially the radical left be against forces such as Islam?
No. They are allies because they have the same goal, that is to destroy western civilization

>imagine those wrinkled redhead hands giving you a handie.

The another side of the question is: why the right is against islam if they agree in 95% of the stuff?

PROTIP: You're all being played.

It was me Austin...

>Le islam and right wing are the same because they both dislike faggots meme
Must be the most retarded thing leftists and radical centrists say.
Even if it was true that we agree in 95%, which it's not, this argument would be still bullshit.
Islam wants to expand and destroy our culture, we want to preserve it.
Saying that we should just get along is like saying that 3rd Reich and USSr should get along because they shared some similiarities such as being militaristic, totalitarian and they both used tanks.
Now see why you're a moron?

because muh diversity

stop being gay


>Islam wants to expand and destroy our culture, we want to preserve it.

What exactly is this "culture" that islam wants to destroy?


These are the things that make the west weak and need to be destroyed.