Only a world socialist republic can save us from our own self-destruction

Only a world socialist republic can save us from our own self-destruction.

Yeah instead of destroying ourselves, we'll all just starve to death

you know an ideology is relevant when it's symbols are 19th century tools

Yes!!! Please go to North Korea it is defently a Utopian country

> the only way to save ourselves from self-destructing is self-destructing voluntarily
What a genius.

not a world socialist republic

What does it change, communism on local area vs communism world wide, still going do be a shit hole.

But I want food

How to be a communist. Spurdo explains in 3 easy steps (pic related)


Cough cough corruption. i will dismantle it from the inside i will be worse then starlin you wont have a chance hahaha

What, by starving us all to death?
>Saving isn't necessary if everyone's dead


Death is the solution to all problems, no people no problems. (Stalin)

No. Materialism must be purged from the face of the earth.

communism has always failed

I will make sure of that

Fuck off and don't come back, or I'll kill you.

What is scarcity?
What are resources?
Realize that socialism will NEVER work on a planet where resources aren't infinite.

A world full of fascist ethnostates will lead to your destruction, faggot. Not can. Will. Saged.

corruption only exist through the vehicle of private property.

RThen i will make a new form of corruption

Resources aren't the problem. Human motivation is.
In USSR times, it was common saying that "Shared propery is nobody's property" with assumption that its okay to steal it. I doubt there's even single person who never stole anything from his job, and it wasn't even shameful.
Our neightbour worked at food processing plant, so we often asked him to share some of food he got there for free, in exchange for money or repairing his electronics or bottle of vodka (ironically, it was easy as fuck to buy vodka, it was always available in shops, and was used as alternative currency).
You'd rarely find someone actually caring about his job and not trying to cut corners. It was almost impossible to fire someone, so whenever I had to visit plants which produced stuff we designed or parts for stuff we designed, I could witness groups of workers drinking alcohol right there at plants during work day. Reports about meeting the plan were faked, parts they delivered were defective and not matching numbers requested, but nobody cared. You wouldn't believe how much resources went to waste in USSR. I know guys who had fences at dacha made of pure metals worth more than million dollars per kg at modern market.

Then bring on the destruction. As long as we can keep out opportunistic invaders (La Raza from the south, Muzzies from the east) we'll have a clean slate to rebuild.

So that guy sold his solid gold or whatever fence once there was "restructuring" and became an "oligarch"?

Nah, died from alcohol poisoning like most of other people I knew. Military industrial complex was completely devastated when USSR fell, most of people working there were thrown to streets with no skills or knowledge that could earn them money in new free market economy.